My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1214: the image is only a reference?

And almost every northern city has so few, localized time-honored cooked food companies.

Every year during the holidays, there will be long queues at the door of these cooked food shops, and the profits are even more full.

Therefore, if Young Master Wan plans to aggressively enter this industry, Xiao Feng can understand it.

After all, he is guarding such a farm, and it is normal to do a little side business.

And what if someone gets bigger!

Think about Yurun and Shuanghui, which is not a well-known brand-name company.

So the future of this industry is actually great!

But what Xiao Feng didn't expect was that after listening to his question, Lord Wan laughed and shook his head.

"This factory, I have no plans to make cooked food!"

"Now the competition in the cooked food industry is too fierce. Each city in the north has its own brand-name companies. I am rushing in. In order to gain a reputation in the early stage, I must have invested heavily in advertising. This is not cost-effective. "

"Moreover, in the southern market, it seems that cooked food is not particularly easy to make. So this market has limited potential, so I do not intend to enter the cooked food industry.

Lord Wan gave his own explanation, but he did not expect that he was also very clear about this industry investigation.

I know that although this industry is highly profitable, it is not friendly to novices.

It is true that the cooked food industry is highly profitable, but the competition is also extremely fierce.

In the vast northern cities, the market has basically been divided up by the established companies.

If a novice wants to play, it is bound to increase investment in advertising, but also to carry out concessionary discount promotions.

The tactic is the same as that of Internet companies. At the beginning, they advertised their signs and issued subsidies for the same reason.

And no one can say whether it will succeed in the end.

In the south, the cooked food industry is actually not easy to do because of the hot weather.

Generally, local customers prefer lo-mei products that suit local tastes, and other cooked foods, if they can’t be sold on the same day, they will definitely be broken.

Therefore, it can only be made into products such as ham sausage.

And there are also local brands in the local area, so the cost of entering this market is not low.

Young Master Wan didn't plan to enter this business, so Xiao Feng became more interested in the business he planned to enter.

Just by looking at his factory, you can see that the scale is not small, it is definitely a real enterprise.

So what is he going to do?

"Hey, it was actually some time ago that I went to Japan several times."

"Brother, you know the domestic convenience foods. For example, instant noodles. The pictures on it are very beautifully printed. The size of the beef is so big and big, it looks very appetizing and very attractive."

"But when you open the box, you will be disappointed. There is no beef in it, not even special diced meat."

"Finally, you will find a small line in the most inconspicuous corner of their packaging box, that is, the picture is for reference only! Grass!"

"Life is already very hard, but they still molested our consumers like this! Made!"

Lord Wan said this and couldn't help cursing.

And Xiao Feng was immediately evoked by Lord Wan's words from that unbearable past.

Indeed, what Wan Gongzi said was really an irritating thing.

When he used to work part-time in Beijing, he often ate instant noodles.

Think about him when he was young, when he ate instant noodles for the first time, he was full of expectations for this kind of convenient video.

I was deceived by the red-looking and hot-looking commercial on TV. I thought that the instant noodles would have big chunks of beef like on TV.

But I didn't expect to find it after I bought it and ate it, not to mention the meat, not even the special meat.

So when he grows up, he has no expectations of instant noodles, and thinks that instant noodles are just like this. The pictures are for reference only.

What he didn't expect was that his friend once came back after a trip to Wanwan and brought him a few packets of instant noodles from Wanwan.

After eating the instant noodles in Wanwan, he became annoyed.

Extraordinary, there is meat in the instant noodles in Wanwan, and the size of the meat is exactly the same as the photo of the outer packaging.

The instant noodle manufacturer is just the same as the famous instant noodle company in mainland China.

Throw your mother! Ram the shovel!

Earn money from our mainlanders, and then go back to subsidize your frogs?

The instant noodles for us are the pictures for reference only, the instant noodles sold to Frogs are really genuine!

What a **** bastard!

Since then, Xiao Feng has never bought that instant noodle again.

Moreover, he discovered that this Wanwan enterprise had damaged many mainland enterprises.

Many people have learned the set of pictures for reference only with them, so when they advertise on TV, they can be as plump as they are.

But when it comes to reality, when people go to sell their products, they are the backbones.

As a result, people will inevitably feel deceived and disappointed with these domestic brands.

After such a long time, it is inevitable that people in China will not want to believe that domestic brands will happen.

Don't say that people like foreign products, they just worship foreigners and foreigners. Whoever has been deceived by such **** companies every day for a long time is unwilling to believe that they can make good products!

"And I have been to Japan many times, and I found out in Japan that there is absolutely no such thing as pictures for reference only."

"No matter the rice **** sold in other supermarkets or instant noodles, what's spent on the picture anyway, what's inside."

"Moreover, the ratio of specifications is one to one. For example, if there are pieces of meat in instant noodles, the size of the pieces of meat in the painting will be as big as the pieces of meat inside."

"So after I came back, I wondered, should we also make such products in China?"

"Later, I also specially conducted market research and found that this market is really promising."

"In recent years, with the prevalence of takeaway software, my country's convenience food sales have experienced a sharp decline."

Indeed, in recent years, with the emergence of various take-out software, coupled with the continuous request of the platform to subsidize consumers.

Therefore, more and more people choose to order takeaway instead of convenience food.

This led to a sharp decline in performance of a certain frog company that bought instant noodles in the past few years.

But last year, as the domestic economy entered a period of probation due to the sweater war.

This facilitates the sales of videos to get better.

Not only is instant noodles easy to buy, but also easy to buy with mustard.

In the past few years, the consumption upgrade was noisy every day, and was immediately beaten back to the prototype.

Most people can't afford takeaways and choose to eat instant noodles again.

However, even in the instant noodle market, they are divided into different categories.

Everyone knows that instant noodles are unhealthy, but there are still many people who are willing to choose non-fried, relatively healthy instant noodles.

"...What does this show? This shows that the convenience food market is not sufficiently segmented."

"So I plan to make such a convenience food with the same picture as the real product."

"In fact, it's just adding meatloaf to instant noodles!"

"This idea, in fact, some companies have done it in the past, they used sausages or braised eggs for instant noodles."

"But in fact, many people know the virtues of our country's sausages. It is not so much a sausage, but rather a starchy sausage."

"So, I plan to add real meat to them this time."

"I have set up a food research and development department, and plan to make a few meat patties and put them in instant noodles."

"Look, I have so many chickens and ducks here, especially ducks. This stuff is not specially prepared to buy in the north."

Lord Wan smiled and winked at Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng understood what he meant.

The ducks raised in the farm are not actually for eating meat, but mainly for the duck down.

This gadget is sold to down jacket companies every year and can make a lot of money.

And the ducks that have been on the market in thirty days, this is more tasteless.

The physique is small, and the meat yield rate is not much. More importantly, the duck has a fishy smell that is difficult to remove.

So naturally it is not as popular as chickens.

Fortunately in the south, there has been a habit of eating braised roast duck since ancient times.

However, in the northern region, the famous Beijing roast duck accident happened. In other cities, there are not many customers who like to eat duck.

Fortunately, in recent years, companies like a certain black duck have increased.

The ducks can also be sold to them.

But that is only popular in the central region. To be honest, in the vast northern regions, the popularity of this kind of duck products is very average.

After all, everyone prefers to eat meat and drink in a big bowl. Although this duck neck, duck head, and duck wings have a strong taste, they are attractive.

But the meat is really too little, so the market prospects can only be said to be average.

Fortunately, there is another industry, that is, meat processing companies that like to buy this duck.

Then the duck meat is shaved, made into synthetic meat, mixed with mutton fat, and bought in hot pot restaurants to pretend to be mutton.

If you talk about the price at which you only buy duck meat, no one can say anything.

But you use a few dollars of duck meat to pretend to be dozens of dollars of mutton, which is a bit too much.

Therefore, Wan Gongzi would naturally not cooperate with such enterprises.

So he planned to become such a convenience food company.

If you want to enter this market, you have to differentiate.

A certain master is the representative of the picture for reference only. As for other companies, they just serve instant noodles with sausage and marinated eggs.

And Mr. Wan doesn't want to make the same products as them. He plans to add meatloaf, duck leg, chicken leg, braised egg to his instant noodles...

Anyway, what he wants to make is high-end instant noodles!

Don't really think that no one buys such instant noodles. In fact, there is a huge market demand here.

Many middle-class white-collar workers do not necessarily like to eat takeaways every day, because to be honest, a lot of takeaways are really not much healthier than convenience foods.

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