My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1241: Big but not strong

"So, the city is actually smart! It seems that they allow the club to build their own stadium, but you think about it, can a stadium be built in two or three years?"

"So for the first two or three years, don't you still have to rent a stadium in the city?"

"Furthermore, the construction of the stadium, the consumption of various consumables, and the various engineering teams used cannot finally be settled locally. So anyway, it is the income from the city.

"In addition, even if the club builds a stadium in the future and matures the surrounding plots, then the city will sell the surrounding reserve plots at that time, no matter how you look at it."

"So it seems that they have opened up a privilege, but in fact their calculations are very far-reaching. The most important person is Yangmou."

When Young Master Wan talked about the investment promotion plan in the city this time, he was amazed, saying that there were high-level talents.

Use clubs and stadiums to create gimmicks.

After all, there is only one Lujia Super League club in China, and only one Yunan Jianye has its own stadium.

And this is the court that Jianye won by coincidence.

It is precisely because of such a stadium that Yunan Jianye has not invested much every year, and the team's performance is also very average, but it has always been able to remain in the Super League circle.

This has to do with their own operations, because there is no need to rent a stadium, which leaves a lot of expenses.

In addition, the ticket income and other receivables in the arena are all owned by themselves, which brings a large amount of revenue to the club.

For this reason, although the club is still inevitably operating in debt, at least the financial situation is much better than other clubs that can only burn money.

This has also become the secret of Henan Jianye's ability to stay in the Super League circle for a long time.

In fact, other domestic clubs do not want to own their own stadium.

But it's not that the gold master behind them has no strength, but that the above simply doesn't allow it!

If he acquires Bincheng Tianhai this time, and if he negotiates with the city according to Wan's plan, his team will also become the second domestic club with its own stadium.

The current news from Wan Gongzi can confirm that there is little resistance to the opening of the stadium construction.

After all, the real intention in the city is not in the stadium, but in this entire plot.

"Isn't there any other domestic employers who want to take action? After all, the conditions offered by the city this time are not bad!"

Xiao Feng is also very curious. It is said that the club is allowed to build its own stadium, which is an unprecedented condition.

Is there no one else in the country willing to take over? What's more, can you win such a large piece of land?

"Hey! Those who are engaged in real estate are not interested in taking over the football team, let alone Tianhai is still carrying more than 2 billion foreign debts?"

"As soon as you get started, you will be in debt. No matter how good your plot is, people won't want it."

"And for those who are engaged in football investment, it would be good if Tianhai owed the 2 billion yuan. Who has the strength to engage in such a large-scale real estate development?"

Young Master Wan replied with a smile, Xiao Feng nodded when he heard it, it was indeed the case.

However, it now appears that these problems that plague other people are not a problem for their celebrity chefs.

Isn't it money?

Speaking of money, the last thing their celebrity chef group lacks is money.

Let’s not talk about Sunshine Hospital, which is a daily visit to Doujin, but the famous chef makes this fast food.

There are more than 10,000 branches around the world, and their daily net profit is about 100 million US dollars.

This is really not an exaggeration at all, they earn very little in China.

Abroad, celebrity chefs make fast food is simply a huge profit, especially in developed countries in Europe and America.

Because the cost of many materials is very cheap, especially after he established a central kitchen on the Karapag Islands, that is, the cooking bag processing center.

It is possible to obtain lower costs from the South American continent. After processing, it is transported to the South and North American continents. In addition, people in that place have the consumption habits of timely enjoyment.

Therefore, the basic net profit of celebrity chefs manufactured in North and South America is about two to three times that of a single store in China.

Despite the impact of the pandemic, the profitability of celebrity chefs in recent months has also been severely affected.

But in the long run, it is not at all what celebrity chefs can make.

Because unlike other listed companies, celebrity chefs never need to make public statements, so there is no need to bear pressure from the stock market.

And they don’t need to pay dividends to shareholders, and all net profits go to the head office.

This money, to put it bluntly, belongs to Xiao Feng, he spends whatever he likes.

The second is that Xiao Feng is a traditional businessman, he is different from other impetuous businessman in H country.

There are many businessmen in the H country now. After making a lot of money with the power of the country, they are confused.

So much money lying in the bank makes them at a loss.

Then these people will participate in various MBAs, or successful learning groups, and listen to those who have never run a business.

Then I was afraid that the money would depreciate when lying in the bank. I tried my best to invest in various projects and turn the money into assets.

As everyone knows, a company actually needs a lot of cash reserves.

In the end, I made a trip for 13 times, wondering if the risk was diversified this time, right?

The result was extraordinary. Finally, at the end of the year, nine of the ten projects were invested and nine were lost, and one of them could barely protect their capital.

In the end, all the money transferred by luck was lost by strength.

This is the epitome of many H country businessmen, who jumped up through the wind, thinking that they were their true skills, but in the end they lost all their money by their skills.

Putting this aside in the old saying, one word can describe them, that is: Virtue does not match!

To put it bluntly is silly, and deserve to be fooled.

At the same time, are you looking at how other Japanese companies do it?

Toyota, Honda, don't they have a lot of cash reserves in the bank?

For example, the famous Kyocera, the boss said, even if the company is not profitable for seven years, they can survive.

Why? It's because they have enough deposits in the bank.

When Japanese companies make money, they like to invest in their traditionally familiar fields, earnestly and deeply cultivate, deepen their research on their products, and update and iterate. This has created their leading technology today.

It also created the age of craftsmen.

As for our company, if we have some money, we just don’t know what to do.

Decentralized operation, investment, financial management, or the boss's splurge.

After all, there were two normal ones, but they didn't even bother to work deeply in the field where they made a fortune.

On the contrary, he tried to find the next vent, and wanted to be the pig standing on the vent.

This is the main reason why our company is called big but not strong.

And Xiao Feng is different from those stupid X bosses, he doesn't like to spend money.

Therefore, the profits made by celebrity chefs in the early stage are in addition to some daily expenses, maintenance of the company's operations, and some other expenses.

Almost 90% of them were saved by him.

Now in Citibank’s account, there are more than 10 billion US dollars in advance money made by celebrity chefs alone!

This is also the result of his transfer of 20 billion U.S. dollars to Southern Cross Bank.

And this tens of billions of dollars, if you get it in the country, it will definitely be enough to play a club.

Even if the land is taken over and developed, as Wan Gongzi said, that is enough!

Therefore, he did not reject Wan Gongzi's suggestion.

Take over the team, and then negotiate with the city, and take the land near the new sports city.

The plane landed in Bincheng, Xiao Feng and Mr. Wan said goodbye, and then went directly back to the celebrity chef group.

At this time, the sky was bright, and although he had been busy all night, Xiao Feng didn't feel tired.

Because he had a new goal, he was a little excited.

The first thing I did when I arrived at the company was to call in the chief leaders of several celebrity chef groups, including Zhou Jing, Xiaolin, and Xia Hongtao.

Then he talked to several executives about taking over the Bincheng Tianhai team.

The celebrity chef group has never been a joint-stock company. Even if a few senior executives have the right to share dividends for some stocks, they are only the managers of the real operation of the company must be Xiao Feng In a word.

Now Xiao Feng decides to accept the Tianhai team and enter the real estate industry.

Although Zhou Jing didn't know much about it, they didn't object.

Since the establishment of the company, almost every decision Xiao Feng has made has been right.

It can be said that 95% of the company's success is due to Xiao Feng.

And they are just the executors of Xiao Feng's framework.

Now that the boss says he wants to buy the Tianhai team and take the area of ​​the new sports city, several people not only have no objection, but are also enthusiastically discussing the company's future development.

Xia Hongtao is very optimistic about the advertising effect brought to the company after winning the football team.

Xiaolin is very interested in the development of the new sports city.

After all, he used to be a real estate agent, and he knew real estate in the first place, but he didn't expect to be Party A one day!

Soon Xiao Feng set up Xia Hongtao and Xiaolin to be responsible for discussing with the city about winning the team this time.

In addition, the main thing is to win the plot.

In fact, Xiao Feng also has his own ideas when he is engaged in commercial real estate development.

Domestic real estate development seems to have come to an end, but in fact it is only for traditional real estate.

And now the 30th era of the real estate industry is about to come.

To put it bluntly, it is a new era of real estate development. Our country is still blank in this regard.

In fact, our standards were too low before...

What age is it, any cat or dog can come to engage in real estate, and this industry should also be shuffled.

As long as we change the gameplay and make profits transparent, this industry is actually very promising.

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