My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1305: The hidden worries of industrial chain migration

He Xiaojun never expected that he would chat with Mr. Yu so much, and the more he talked, the better he would understand the current status of the domestic electronics industry.

Speaking of it, it can only be described in four words, which is shocking!

Speaking of the electronics and microelectronics industries, there were indeed many factories in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta that were dedicated to supporting foreign companies.

Mainly to undertake orders from Samsung and Japanese companies.

The move-in of Samsung and Japanese companies in the past has indeed greatly improved the level of the domestic electronics industry.

Because Japanese and Korean companies have strict production standards and quality inspection standards for each factory.

It can even be said that these two companies have taught our companies how to get started in modern electronic companies.

For example, production standards, factory standards, and quality inspection standards are all commissioned by them to focus on the improvement of small companies and strictly implement them.

Otherwise, with the attitude of those small companies, everyone should know what kind of products can be produced.

It is precisely because of orders from Japanese and Korean companies that this has supported a large number of electronics and microelectronics companies over there.

But the problem now is that even though more than 20 years have passed, those companies have always been doing the lowest-end processing jobs.

To put it bluntly, Japanese and Korean companies produce materials, technical standards, and manufacturing processes, and then we help with processing.

It took 20 years to work with supplied materials, but they didn't learn half of their true skills.

This aspect is due to the personal vision of those bosses, because many of them have never really wanted to strive for the upper hand in the industry chain.

To be honest, those Japanese and South Korean companies have made a lot of money backed by the large market of China in those years, and these accessory factories in their downstream have actually made a lot of money.

It's a pity that after these bosses made money, they didn't think about how to deepen their fields and specialize in technology.

Those bosses either lost themselves or their fighting spirit because of personal vision problems, and began to spend time and money.

Or just go to a door thinking to make quick money, become a pig standing in the air, go to play stocks, and engage in real estate.

I just believed in the evil of some successful masters and took the money to diversify the investment. Today, seeing that this industry is very profitable, I will invest in this industry.

Tomorrow I will look at that industry to make money, and I want to go to that industry to make some quick money.

Anyway, not many people are willing to work steadily and steadfastly in their own majors.

In this regard, our business owners are indeed somewhat different from those of Japan and South Korea.

As a result, it is extremely difficult to upgrade our current electronics and microelectronics fields.

In the past two years, companies from the Southern Dynasties have gradually withdrawn from China due to cost and other reasons, and switched to South Vietnam to invest.

Many people see this situation, and they are still saying that Sansang has no market in China because their mobile phones are expensive and difficult to use.

They simply cannot compete with our Chinese enterprises!

In addition, there are a bunch of short video broadcasters who don't know what to think. They always say in the short video that there is no advantage in comparison with our products in China.

The quality of our Huaguo brand's current products is no worse than them.

But in fact, those who really know how to do it, after listening to them, will only treat their words as a fart.

They didn't even realize how much damage the Southern Dynasties were doing to China.

There are always some blindly optimistic people who say every day that our country is the largest market in the world, and we will definitely not be able to play if this group of foreign companies leave.

But in fact? The king of glass has already come out to clarify that we do have a population of 1.4 billion, but we simply don't have a market of 1.4 billion.

Otherwise, we would have surpassed the United States a long time ago, and we must know that the United States has only 300 million people.

In the final analysis, there is only a consumption market of 200 million yuan. As for other people, the consumption power is actually very limited.

And do you think that after Samsung left our market, did it really fail?

They are still the world’s largest mobile phone market, and they have backhandedly increased the price of memory and flash memory, and still earn a lot of wealth from our market.

They not only increase the price of memory, but also increase the price of mobile phone screens.

Although everyone is very shameless of their behavior, they can only stare in anger. There is no way to let us have no substitutes?

In addition, in recent years, the domestic sales of cars that seem to be in the Southern Dynasties have fallen sharply.

But in reality, they can rely on other overseas markets and remain the world's fifth car manufacturer.

Sometimes when Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun chatted, they would talk about this. I really don’t know how much value those so-called car critics have been charged. They dare to say that the quality of Huaguo cars is not inferior to that of Southern Dynasties.

But what about the actual situation?

The cars in the Southern Dynasties, like their Samsung, are in control of the entire industrial chain of independent property rights.

For example, the engine and transmission. How many domestic auto companies dare to say that they can build it on their own?

It is Chery, which is known to be 100% independent. In fact, the engine research and development is also relying on the help of Austria's AVL.

As for CA, it is not to mention that it relies on the engine developed and designed by British companies.

As for the transmission, not to mention it.

Most of the transmissions of self-owned brand car companies are actually all purchased from foreign transmission companies and then assembled.

One of the main partners is BorgWarner.

At present, only BYD is the only one that can truly be fully autonomous.

The Hyundai and Kia of the Southern Dynasties have already been able to complete their own design in the engine field.

In the field of variables, they even have their own Pivot, which can provide almost all automatic transmissions on the market.

As for the rust-proof galvanized sheet used in automobiles, BG was still the technology imported from Pohang Steel in the Southern Dynasties...

And now the Southern Dynasties have basically moved away all the various industrial chain supporting facilities originally in our territory.

This is bound to have a very serious impact on many domestic industrial chains. Unfortunately, many people have not yet seen the consequences.

There are even many people who are complacent, this kind of attitude is not good!

Don't really think that we can't live without people.

But in fact?

Those companies are still alive and well. Samsung is still the company with the world's largest market share of mobile phones. Even when Company H was at its best, it could not shake its position as the number one in the world market.

In addition, the few auto factories that people have joint ventures with you in China have not increased their investment or updated their technology.

Anyway, relying on so many old technologies, people can still sell hundreds of thousands of units every year.

Regardless of how people who don't know the truth scolded, there are still consumers in China who are willing to pay for their products.

The reason is simple, cost-effective!

No matter how much you criticize, the quality of other people's products is there, and the price is not expensive.

In addition, they do not increase investment, and companies are also preparing to withdraw from the market at any time if changes occur in the future.

This is not a good phenomenon, and if they take the lead, others will quietly keep up, such as Japan.

It's just that they have been doing it quietly, and they didn't shout out like the Americans.

Moreover, it seems that they are still very successful. Most of their investments have left the largest market, but their companies are still alive and well.

This may disappoint many people.

However, the Southern Dynasties did so and set a very bad example for other countries.

That is, originally other countries are really worried about this kind of problem, that is, if they really leave the market.

Will it really affect the company's sales performance as those people say, and ultimately the company will not be able to continue to operate.

But after looking at the companies in the Southern Dynasties, after the current performance, companies in other countries have also had a bottom line.

For example, in Japan recently, there were only dozens of companies that had received funding from the Japanese government to move the industrial chain away from the ‘largest market’.

But now more than 1,700 companies have applied for financial assistance from the Japanese government, intending to leave the ‘biggest market’.

With the agitation of the United States behind the scenes, there will be more companies in the future who will choose to leave the "biggest market" described by the hypoxic brain.

At that time, the big market can complete the N cycle.

This situation may be a good thing for ordinary consumer goods manufacturers, because such a market does not have high demand for technology.

Without foreign investment to grab jobs, domestic companies can fully meet the needs of domestic consumers.

But for electronics manufacturers like H Company, it's a headache.

Because once those foreign companies that produce electronics and microelectronics really leave the largest market.

Then the market environment in the next step will be even worse, because the first problem they have to face is the increase in cost.

The cost of relocation of other people's factories must eventually be apportioned to their products.

The products they produce are precisely indispensable to these domestic electronics manufacturers.

If you want to mix in this circle, you must purchase other people's electronic components.

So the final result is that the majority of consumers will pay for it...

"Fortunately, fortunately ~ now I have discovered such a Spark Technology. It is precisely because of their appearance that foreign companies can be more scrupulous..."

At the end of the conversation between Yu Zong and He Xiaojun, the topic turned back to Xinghuo Factory.

It is believed that the emergence of Xinghuo Factory can certainly make up for the gaps in the market after the departure of Japanese and Korean companies.

"At that time they will find that after they leave, they want to keep the market, ha ha, dream!"

"Mr. He, you can talk to Spark Technology. Although I am not a big boss, I have a place in the domestic electronics industry."

"After I go back this time, I will definitely speak up for them to let more domestic manufacturers know that we still have such a microelectronics company in China..."

Mr. Yu drew a pie for He Xiaojun, but he is not bragging. Mr. Yu is indeed influential in the circle of domestic electronics manufacturers.

And if he really made such a statement, it would be far better for raising the popularity of Spark Technology than advertising on TV.

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