My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1307: Open a plug-in for them

It has been more than two years since Warwick announced the development of the Hongmeng system.

At first, the US government officially announced that Warwick was banned from using the Android system. At the time, Google was still tugging.

While expressing the desire to stand on the side of consumers, while secretly cooperating with the US government to exert pressure on Warwick.

As a result, Warwick is hard-hearted and directly announced the use of alternatives and will develop its own operating system.

However, when Warwick announced the news, it caused an uproar in the international circle.

You must know that in the software ecosystem, the Americans have always been the only one.

For example, in terms of computer operating systems, almost all computers in the world use Microsoft's windows operating system.

In the current smart phone industry, the operating system is divided into two categories, one is Apple's dedicated IOS, and the other is the Android system developed by Google.

Once Nokia also developed a Symbian system in conjunction with Microsoft, but it was a pity that it was eliminated early.

In addition, Russia currently has a set of sailfish operating system, but it can only be used in Russia, and it does not occupy the mainstream in the international market.

Therefore, in the field of operating systems, the advantages of the Americans are absolutely extremely powerful.

There are so many software and hardware manufacturers in the world, it can be said that none of them have thought about developing an operating system independent of the US company, except of course Russia.

So when Warwick said that it would develop its own operating system, it could be said that it caused an uproar in the industry.

Many people in China are naturally cheering, and of course there are countless cynics.

After all, shortly before they announced that they would develop their own operating system, a domestic company just broke out that they copied Google's browser kernel, and then the shell declared that it was a fake browser.

So this seriously affected people's confidence in the operating system developed by Warwick at that time.

Knowing the operating system is not as simple as writing a small program.

Even this is much more difficult than developing a browser. The Americans also spent decades, spent countless engineers, invested countless funds, and gradually perfected this ecosystem.

So when H company said that it would develop its own system, let alone international, many programmers in China were cynics about Warwick, thinking that they would not succeed.

But Warwick resisted this pressure and did so.

Last year, they released version 1.0 of the Hongmeng operating system, but the results were not satisfactory.

It caused a wave of cynicism on the Internet, not to mention internationally, that is, there are many programmers in China who say that their operating system is a fake.

There is no practical innovation at all.

Not long ago, Mr. Yu revealed the 2.0 version of Hongmeng OS at a press conference.

And it has been publicly announced that the version of this system that faces personal mobile phone users will be launched in December.

This news has been sent, and immediately caused a second uproar.

Because this time, everyone found out that Warwick was actually playing it.

It was vague and vague from the last time, and I didn't see anything different from the actual press conference.

This time Mr. Yu talked a lot about Hongmeng 2.0, such as this will be the world's first general-purpose system.

This news alone made many domestic programmers extremely excited.

This is a system independently developed by our Chinese people. What's even better is that it is universal in all scenarios.

What is this concept?

Prior to this, computers or smart devices were used to make systems, which were divided into three types: industrial, commercial and office, personal, and private terminals.

Industrial grade, as the name suggests, is an industrial operating system used in various machine tools and assembly lines.

This kind of system is basically written for the help of industrial software development companies in accordance with the different needs of each factory.

The best done here is the German Sapp, which most people have never heard of!

Speaking of the modern software industry, many domestic brain-hypoxic people may be proud to say, are there any great software companies in Europe?

They don't have any. Now the world's Internet giants, the only ones who really break the world are China and the United States.

Whenever he heard such remarks, Xiao Feng wanted to slap these **** twice.

Do these shameful pens really treat Germans as cabbage?

As the world's top industrial power, how can Germany not have a great software company?

It's just that people didn't spend their energy on those shopping platforms, and they didn't even bother to engage in those social networks.

People put all their thoughts on industry.

For example, this Sapp company is dedicated to designing operating systems for various companies.

It's not as good as your beverage factory introduces a production line, then how to make this production line run automatically, people will help you design an operating system.

If yours is a cannery, they can also help you design a set of operating procedures according to your needs.

In addition, Japan’s Omron and NEC are doing this now.

And on the surface, their reputation is not that there are any penguins. Ari is a big one, but when it comes to real profitability, they can definitely throw you ten streets.

As for commercial and personal use levels, it is natural that Microsoft's windows dominate.

There is no doubt about this. Now the computers in the world may be produced by Apple, and all others are using Microsoft's Windows operating system, except for Russia, of course.

And when it comes to personal smart terminals, it is the smart phone, that is, Android and Apple's IOS are divided into the world.

So for the moment, in terms of operating systems used by smart devices around the world, it can be said that there is no interoperability.

Industry is industrial grade, business and personal computers are Microsoft's world, and smart phones are the market for Android and IOS.

Several aspects are not connected, so when some problems need to be solved, they can only use their own tools and equipment, which is very cumbersome and troublesome.

But now Warwick announced that the Hongmeng system they developed is actually a version of the interoperability of the three realms, which naturally arouses everyone's interest.

Not to mention intercommunication with industrial systems, just a mobile phone and a computer intercommunication, which is currently the closed-loop Apple family can do it.

No one else can do it. Now Warwick suddenly says that they have developed such a system.

This naturally attracted the attention of many people, and by December, Warwick's Hongmeng 2.0 system will be open for public testing.

So now countless people are gearing up and waiting!

But if the Hongmeng system really wants to be so good at what Yu said, only Yu himself knows.

Now Mr. Yu obviously wants to add insurance, so that Spark Technology can take over the technology and give Warwick to add their graphics recognition and voice recognition technology to the Hongmeng operating system.

Obviously, Spark Technology will not agree to this point.

"Technology authorization, I don't think it is necessary..."

Sure enough, Chandler, CEO of Xinghuo Technology, refused Yu Zong's invitation in one gulp.

While Yu was disappointed in his heart, he also raised a wave of expectations. He wanted to see what kind of cooperation opinions Xinghuo Technology would put forward.

After all, people always show sincerity to be able to sit in this conference room.

"But we have prepared this thing. If Yu always intends to cooperate, we might as well add a plug-in to your product..."

Mr. Hu, CTO of Spark Technology, laughed for the first time.

And while joking, he took out a small box from his pocket and pushed it to Mr. Yu.

Mr. Yu picked up the small box and saw that it was a packaged chip.

Seeing this chip, Mr. Yu sighed. It seems that they have already prepared for it.

He can guess what it is even with his toes.

It is nothing more than an AI chip. Spark Technology provides them with a new plug-in!

In fact, they have started to attach chips to mobile phones since the generation of Warwick Mate10.

Because the chip used in that generation of Warwick mobile phone was their top-level Kirin 970 at that time.

To be honest, the computing power of that chip is still not enough to compare with the top chips of Qualcomm and Apple at the time.

In order to liberate computing power, they added an AI chip provided by HWJ to the mobile phone.

The main function of that chip is to help identify graphics, reduce the computational burden of the main chip, and reduce the power consumption and heat dissipation of the whole machine.

Because Kirin's chip has always been a shortcoming in graphics recognition before, it is not as powerful as the Qualcomm chip that Nvidia helps to add.

Therefore, when using Huawei mobile phones to play games, it is prone to screen freezes, dropped frames, and the phone overheats.

But after adding this AI chip, the Kirin 970's working conditions are really much better.

That is, starting from that generation of Mate products, Huawei has the confidence to compete with Apple and mobile phones using Qualcomm's flagship chip.

And after that they have been using this tactic.

It's just that in recent years, because they parted ways with HWJ, they have used self-developed AI chips on their mobile phones.

The main function of this chip is to help solve graphics recognition and reduce the power consumption burden of the main chip.

And the cooperation plan given by Spark Technology now coincides with their previous method of solving the difficulty of pattern recognition.

This made Mr. Yu feel a little relieved, but also a little disappointed.

It is gratifying because Spark Technology has not blocked the road to cooperation.

Disappointingly, in his view, the prospects of this road do not seem optimistic.

After all, their new generation of flagship mobile phones are already ready to go, and the AI ​​graphics recognition chip originally installed has been debugged and installed.

It is impossible for them to make hardware engineers redesign matching and debugging for this chip of Spark Technology.

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