My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1313: Catch a ride on Spark Technology

Soon Fang Zong and Yu Zong came out of the laboratory, leaving only the technical experts they brought, still frantically surrounding the laboratory.

Facing the chip given by others, I kept researching it over and over again.

And Mr. Fang even picked up the phone and called the big boss of the company, and the first sentence was: "It's saved..."

When Mr. Fang finished the call, his face flushed with excitement, and she and Mr. Yu went straight to the meeting room outside.

I just saw that Mr. Hu, the CTO of Spark Technology, had not left yet, and he was chatting with Mr. He from the Ninth Lab in the conference room.

So Mr. Fang asked straightaway.

"Can Mr. Hu tell us about the principle of making this carbon-based chip?"

As a researcher, she also doesn't like going around in circles.

And they have confirmed the hardware, and now she needs to understand the design principle of this chip, and prepare for everyone's cooperation in the future.

And for such a high-tech product, even if Mr. Hu gave her a general explanation, there was no need to be afraid of leaking the technology.

President Hu smiled slightly, but did not refuse.

"Well, it actually started when we solved the problem of using graphene to prepare carbon nanotubes..."

Mr. Fang, who was opposite, looked at the young man and couldn't help cursing the little fox inwardly.

This President Hu is really cunning enough, he tells everyone in one sentence, yes, their carbon nanotubes are made of graphene.

We must know that before this, how to prepare carbon nanotubes in large quantities has always been a major problem that plagued scientists all over the world.

For example, a British scientist has proposed that carbon nanotubes can be obtained as long as graphene is rolled up. This idea is very good.

But how to do it has not been resolved.

The carbon nanotubes on the carbon nanochips developed by the Americans at MIT last year were actually prepared by chemical dissolution and then purification.

Before Spark Technology's carbon nanotubes existed, this method was the most mainstream carbon nanotube preparation method in the world.

The efficiency is high and the yield rate is relatively high, but the biggest problem is that the pollution is also very high, and the cost is also very high.

Now, the only country in the world that can afford to use this method to produce carbon nanotubes in large quantities is the United States.

And now Spark Technology has clearly found another path.

It's just that they are obviously reluctant to disclose what method they are using.

Of course, this is understandable. After all, this is a unique skill of others, and no one would be willing to make this method public.

And the scientific researchers of Spark Technology are obviously not those of the university.

If it is a scientific researcher in a university who has achieved such results, the first thing that comes to mind is to publish a paper and then apply for a patent.

The last is to auction patents, or to cooperate with capital bosses all over the world, and make a lot of money.

As for Spark Technology, this technology should obviously be the result of the scientific research team behind them.

First of all, they are very low-key. They don't have the same pressure on academic achievements as the scientific researchers in those schools, and they don't care about reputation.

Secondly, people are not short of money, otherwise, you see, they have already made all the chips.

This is already a good indicator of their strength, and not only the hardware is made, but even the supporting software has been compiled, which is even more indicative of their strength.

So now President Hu is willing to explain to himself the principle of this kind of carbon nanotube chip, which is already very face-to-face.

Otherwise, people won't tell you at all, so what can you do?

After all, people have not published any papers, and there is no paper guidance. Even if other people know the carbon nanotube chip at this time, it is impossible to crack the reverse direction.

However, the team behind Spark Technology is really awesome. You must know that this carbon nanotube chip is definitely an honor that can win the Nobel Prize.

But people just abandoned it, didn't care at all, and didn't plan to publish a paper.

This Nima...

Thinking of this, Fang always felt that the Spark Technology became more and more unfathomable, and at the same time, she also made up her mind that this time she must take a ride on Spark Technology.

That's right, the famous H company is coming to catch the ride of Spark Technology!

"Everyone knows that after preparing nanotubes, the biggest headache for everyone is the problem of purification. Because the carbon nanotubes supported by graphene are different in thickness and length, this causes their different physical properties."

"What we need is carbon nanotubes with semiconductor properties, and the purity must reach four nines after the decimal point..."

President Hu continued to explain to everyone the preparation process of the carbon nanotube chip, and Mr. Fang on the other side listened very carefully.

When she heard this, she was even more curious, how exactly does Spark Technology purify it?

As far as she knows, when the Americans made carbon nanotube chips last year, they were also worried about purification.

In the end, I tried various methods and even mobilized the resources of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and finally came up with a set of solutions.

However, although the purification problem has been solved, the cost has remained high.

So she became more curious about Spark Technology's solutions.

"Our purification method is to first use a special organic solution and place all the prepared carbon nanotubes in it."

"Then we use a high-molecular polymer and put this high-molecular polymer in this organic solution. Because it reacts with the organic solution, this high-molecular polymer will have some conductive reactions, and then it will It produces electromagnetic effects, and finally all the semiconductor carbon nanotubes will be adsorbed on it."

"Finally, we will take out this high-molecular polymer. At this time, its surroundings will be covered with carbon nanotubes with various semiconductor properties, and the purity can reach the requirement of four or nine decimal places..."

Hearing this, Fang always had to applaud Xinghuo Technology's solution.

Their solution is much simpler than that of the Americans, although she does not know the specific purification plan of the Americans.

But when she attended a lecture held by Americans last year, she also heard Americans talk about their purification process.

And that process is obviously longer and more complicated than Spark Technology.

Therefore, the cost of preparing carbon nanotubes by Americans is obviously much higher than that of Spark Technology.

Otherwise, you see, the purification process of Spark Technology can be completed in only two steps. Although the process may be more complicated, it is much simpler than the purification steps of the Americans.

Of course, the organic solutions and high-molecular polymers that Mr. Hu talked about are certainly not cheap goods, they must be their unique secrets.

It’s normal to think about it. It’s pretty good if people can tell you about the preparation process. As for their housekeeping skills, they will definitely not tell you what it is.

But when he heard this, Mr. Fang already basically understood how the carbon nanotubes came from.

And hearing this, she became more and more confident in Xinghuo Technology, which is definitely not a scam company.

To be honest, this is also the main reason why she asked Mr. Hu to explain to her the preparation process of the carbon nanotube chip.

No way, there are too many scammers now, even H company has been fooled.

For example, recently, because they were restricted by foreign countries, the chip supply was cut off.

The company's senior executives held meetings many times to seek solutions.

But at this moment, their company also received a lot of calls, some claiming to be a certain laboratory, and some claiming to be a certain university.

They all say that they have mastered the production technology of XXnm chips, and even can manufacture lithography machines, and some even master the technology of replacing lithography machines.

Anyway, I hope that they will inspect and cooperate.

If it was normal, they would have hung up the phone calls of these scammers, but at this time people would inevitably have the idea of ​​rushing to the doctor.

So they really sent a few teams to investigate the truth of the so-called scientific research results of these people.

But I really met a few, pretending to be very real.

The laboratory is located in the university, and all kinds of equipment, and even scientific research principles are taught to you in a vivid way.

Anyway, my experiment is about to enter a critical moment, and another investment of several hundred million or tens of millions will yield results.

How about it, do you want to vote a little, as long as there is a result, then we will share.

Everyone, don't think this is a joke. In fact, there are many scientific research liars all over the world and they all pretend to be alike.

I can't say more about it. If I say too much, it will easily be four hundred and four.

I believe that if you have made financial investments, you will definitely have come into contact with such cases.

And Mr. Fang asked Mr. Hu to explain the principle of this carbon nanotube chip. In fact, it is just to guard against, don't be a clever liar.

But now that he heard this, Mr. Fang had already believed in these ideas, as well as some unheard of techniques and techniques, that Mr. Hu said.

The other party is not a liar!

"Then after purification is how can these carbon nanotubes ensure the packing density? How did you do it?"

As a scientific researcher, Mr. Fang is naturally more interested in technology.

So she asked unconsciously, but as soon as she said it, she regretted it.

Because this is obviously also the core secret of other people's technology, how could it be so easy to tell you?

To know this problem, it is equivalent to the current silicon-based chip, how to solve the problem of the accumulation of silicon transistors.

The biggest problem in making chips now is how to pile up the highest density transistors per unit volume.

The truth is that whoever accumulates more transistors per unit volume will have better performance.

Because the more transistors stacked in a unit volume, the more gates on the chip, the more problems that can be handled.

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