My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1315: From a desperate situation

But this company didn't mean to do it on its own. Instead, it wanted to start cooperation with Company H.

To be honest, with their technical strength, as long as they make the carbon nanotube chip public.

In that minute, Samsung and Apple will come to the door, not to mention those domestic manufacturers.

People who come to them to talk about cooperation can crush their threshold.

However, this Spark Technology did not do that. Instead, it contacted H company in a low-key manner and wanted to cooperate with H company.

Then why did they want to do this? Fang always couldn't help being curious.

Even Mr. Yu, who was next to him, was curiosity aroused at this time, and Mr. Fang could understand what he meant.

This company can challenge Apple and Qualcomm every minute, but why do they choose to hide behind the scenes?

At this time, Chandler, CEO of Spark Technology, who had been silent on the other side, smiled.

"Two of you, you must know the significance of the emergence of carbon nanotube chips for the modern electronic chip market."

"Eh! Please let me take the liberty to ask, what is the current manufacturing process of our carbon nanotube chips?"

President Fang suddenly interrupted Chandler and asked.

Chandler’s words are correct. The emergence of carbon nanotubes will indeed have a serious impact on the current silicon wafer market, but that is also a degree.

After all, the current silicon chip market has also developed to the 5nm level. If the efficiency and power consumption of carbon nanotube chips do not reach the level of 5nm silicon-based chips, then this chip is still far from commercialization. There is a distance.

"Well, you saw that the process of that chip is 45nm..."

At this time, Mr. Hu started to explain. As soon as he said this, Mr. Yu, who was opposite, immediately became cold.

Only 45nm? We must know that although the mainstream chips on the market are 7nm, the special pole has already claimed that they have overcome 5nm technology. It is said that their 5nm chips will be sold in a large area next year.

In addition, they have already begun to tackle the 3nm technology, and it is expected that within the next three to five years, they will be able to overcome the 3nm process.

And now this carbon nanotube chip can only achieve 45nm, which sounds a bit far behind the top silicon-based chips.

However, after Fang Zong listened at this time, he did not make a statement.

On the contrary, at this time, she had already set off a huge wave in her heart again, this Spark Technology is too awesome.

They can already do this? 45nm process?

This data alone sounds scary!

You know that the carbon nanotube chip developed by mit last year only integrated 14,000 carbon nanotubes in hexadecimal format.

Just say that the American carbon nanotube chip, compared with the chip of Spark Technology, that one is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles away.

It's just a light-year away!

And don't look at this chip is only a 45nm process, but according to the characteristics of carbon nano transistor chips, its operating efficiency is at least ten times higher than that of silicon-based chips of the same level.

The general performance is between ten to twenty times that of silicon-based chips of the same level.

In other words, the operating efficiency of this 45nm process carbon nanotube chip is at least equivalent to the level of the 5nm process silicon chip that will be launched on a large scale next year, and even more efficient than the 5nm silicon chip. high.

And the power consumption is at least 30% lower than this 5nm silicon wafer!

So Mr. Yu, who doesn't know much about hardware, is depressed at this time, but Mr. Fang, who knows about hardware, is excited at this time.

"At present, we are also developing next-generation products, and it is expected that it will take some time before we can enter the era of the 23nm process."

Mr. Hu said seriously, and at this moment, Mr. Fang on the other side was already laughing.

"Enough, 45nm is enough."

After that, she turned her head and looked at Mr. Yu, who was still a little confused by her side, and said with a smile.

"President Yu, we can be saved now..."

Then she explained the physical characteristics of the carbon nano transistor chip to Mr. Yu.

When Mr. Yu learned that the 45nm process of the carbon nanotube chip is more efficient than the 5nm process silicon chip, and the power consumption is still low, he can't sit still anymore.

He couldn't help confirming with Fang Zong again and again, and then turned his head to look at Mr. Hu.

Mr. Hu also nodded with a smile: "After our tests, the efficiency of our 45nm process carbon nanotube chips is basically about 1.5 times that of TSMC's 5nm silicon chips..."

As soon as he said this, Mr. Yu, who was opposite, underneath his ass, bounced off the sofa as if he had pressed a spring.

Excited, he came directly to Mr. Hu, grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously.

"Thank you so much, thank you so much..."

At the end, Lao Yu's voice was a little choked.

God knows how he spent the past two years?

It can be said that he brought the cell phone department of H company to the point where it is today. This can be said to be his child.

But since foreign countries announced that they would restrict H company, he could only watch that the guys' restrictions on H company increased step by step.

But they still have no way to break the game. No way anyone has control over all hardware channels?

A few days ago, Milliken’s company Nvidia had announced that it would acquire ARM in the UK, so that they would not even be able to use the ARM architecture in the future.

During those few days, Mr. Yu once felt desperate.

From that perspective, the mobile phone department of Company H is unable to move on.

Whether it is software or hardware, software they must have ARM's rights, but now ARM has been acquired by the U.S. company.

Naturally, not to mention the hardware. From the screen, to the memory, and to the most critical chip, there are almost none that are not controlled by the world's number one company.

They seem to have made a big net, and they are like a trapped beast trapped in the net, and they can only be driven to ruin step by step.

And now, suddenly someone gave him a knife so that he could cut through the net, a feeling of desperate life suddenly came to life.

The most important thing is that with this knife, they can not only cut through the net, but also launch a powerful counterattack against the Americans.

With this brand new carbon nano transistor chip, they can rely on this hardware system to build a brand new ecosystem.

Build a brand-new network, brand-new computer language, and all drive systems, etc.

When this ecosystem is completed, one can imagine the traditional strong companies in the United States across the ocean.

For example, Intel, such as Microsoft, such as Google, such as Apple, will collapse.

The high-tech field, one of the three pillars of U.S. ruling the world, will crash into a corner.

Even this may directly shake the hegemony of the dollar.

Many people think that the reason why the U.S. dollar can be sold all over the world depends on the privilege of bundling oil.

In fact, in the 21st century, petrodollars are no longer just because the dollar is tied to oil.

It is because of the backing of the U.S. dollar that it has the strongest national strength in the world, and it has the credibility.

This is the same as the yen can become the reserve currency of many countries in the world. The yen is not tied to the dollar. But why are other countries willing to reserve yen?

Because people have strong scientific research capabilities to endorse, no matter how the yen depreciates, people can still use the yen to buy high-tech products made in Japan.

Such as automobiles, various electrical appliances, engineering machinery, or various upstream raw materials.

The U.S. dollar is even more powerful. Not only can you buy oil, you can also buy various advanced weapons produced in the United States, as well as various state-of-the-art medical equipment, medicines, and their high-tech products.

Therefore, the backing of the US dollar is the United States’ world’s largest national strength. In a detailed interpretation, it is the US’s military strength and scientific and technological strength.

And their scientific and technological strength is mainly reflected in two aspects, one is the world's number one pharmaceutical research and development, and the other is reflected in the electronics field.

If you study carefully, you will find that the electronic products you used first, whether it is a computer or a mobile phone, all originated in the United States.

The control systems running on these electronic devices are also compiled in a computer language compiled by the Americans, and the architecture is also designed by others.

And now the carbon nanotube chip launched by Spark Technology, it can definitely be said that the Americans are completely aside, and a new stove has been set up.

The most important thing is that the things produced by this stove are not inferior in quality compared to those made by Americans.

Once this news is announced, it is absolutely subversive. It is no longer just as simple as digging a corner of the American people.

This is simply going to plan people's ancestral graves!

After trying to understand this, Yu Zong and Fang Zong suddenly understood why Xinghuo Technology was looking for them.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Yu, after you understand the level of our carbon nanotube chips, you must understand why we want to cooperate with you instead of looking for other manufacturers, right?"

"Moreover If we build a factory separately and announce it, we might not be able to do it in China. After all, we are just a start-up company and don't have as much influence as yours..."

Chandler said with a smile at the right time, and of course Yu Zong and Fang always got to the point Chandler said.

Although their current location is in China, if Spark Technology publishes its own scientific research results, it will not only attract countless people to talk about cooperation.

I am afraid that it will attract countless people, wanting to put them to death.

After all, not everyone here hopes that they can develop better and better.

This can be seen from the public knowledge, as well as XXX and what they did.

And this is not an exaggeration at all. Without a certain foundation, a company really may not be able to resist the attacks of those people...


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