My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1317: King of Support

Speaking of the domestic market environment, everyone actually knows it.

Especially in recent years, a series of capital has become stronger and stronger, and any domestic enterprise that has done a little better and lost it.

These capitals can't help but want to stretch their paws.

In fact, it is only natural for capital to pursue profit.

But what Xiao Feng wants to say is that if you are willing to pursue benefits, then you have to show your true ability.

These capitals should broaden their horizons. Don't focus on the one-third acre of land in the country. You should set sail to the sea. There is a vast world outside for you to explore.

If you really have the strength, you can invest in those venture capital in Silicon Valley. To be honest, there are many more reliable ones.

We must know that although the North American continent has declined slightly in recent years, the world’s number one is not for nothing. The world’s elites like to get together.

Especially in Silicon Valley, you can take a closer look, where are the start-ups like?

You can go to see other people's creativity, and the ability to realize the creativity, we really have a certain gap with them.

So what Xiao Feng wants to say is that if you want real growth in domestic capital, you should go to the U.S. and Silicon Valley to play venture capital, and to grab food with Wall Street.

If you have to learn more from the Abu Dhabi Consortium, or Temasek, don't they just blaze a trail in the European and American markets?

For Wall Street, people are not ashamed.

Or study Russian...

Because there is a risk of four hundred and four, some stories will not be unfolded for everyone.

And now Spark Technology obviously does not want to get involved in such disputes.

According to Xiao Feng's original idea, this is a purely technologically innovative company, and their existence is to steadfastly engage in innovation.

I don't have time to play games with those capitalists, and I don't want to show up.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to leave such a thing to H Company, and they are willing to stand behind H Company silently.

It's not bad money anyway, and they don't care about the reputation.

Another key issue is that once the carbon nanotube chip is released to the world, it will definitely arouse the attention of the military.

And the military will definitely find H company to start cooperation.

With such an advanced chip, the military will definitely use it to upgrade its own equipment.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that this carbon nano chip can raise the level of science and technology of our military to a whole level.

For example, in radar scanning, fire control tracking, satellite data processing.

It can definitely increase the combat effectiveness of our army by one level.

But such an action will definitely cause the world's first concern.

Once the world's No. 1 feels threatened, it must be furious.

The company behind it will definitely be investigated and even sanctioned.

And Spark Technology does not want to be exposed to the world's first sight, after all, the forces behind Spark Technology are not easy to hide.

Just on the South American continent, there is the back garden of the world's largest traditional power.

For example, in the copper country, the strength of the pro-American faction has always been strong.

Fortunately, the Ithaca area and the Karapag area do not have much performance that wants to make a difference in the copper country.

But even so, it has already aroused the coveting of many traditional forces in the copper country.

After all, the development of the current Ithaca area is really amazing, so it is impossible to say that no one is jealous.

Fortunately, the Ithaca area also has its own contacts in the copper country government, and in addition, they have a very strong penetration into the copper country's economy.

Moreover, Xiao Feng and the others are not eating alone, and each year they will take out a part of the profit and distribute it to those guys.

In addition, they have a strong hand to guarantee themselves behind their backs, so even if someone is coveting their territory, they dare not act rashly.

However, if the United States really intervenes and exerts extreme pressure on the copper government, then the situation is definitely another matter.

There must be countless guys hiding under the water, they will pop out, and they will be annoying at that time.

And even if Xiao Feng and the others can control the situation in Copper Country, what if the Americans tear their skin and go to the area of ​​Tongwaihai to cause shocks?

With their current maritime power, it is really hard to say whether they can withstand the pressure from the United States.

So now Xiao Feng's opinion on Spark Technology is low-key, don't expose it to outsiders prematurely.

It would be good to let H company be in the front. Anyway, H company has been regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the Americans.

And according to their current business model, it is impossible not to collide with American companies.

Now that they and the Americans have torn apart, let them harden the steel on the front.

And their Xinghuo Technology, as long as they quietly help Huawei brush up the auxiliary behind the scenes, and send 666 in time, it will be OK.

And Mr. Fang and Mr. Yu of Company H naturally understand the meaning of Xinghuo Technology.

It seems that people just want to be a behind-the-scenes crocodile honestly, and all the showy things are given to H company.

That's fine, anyway, now they have more lice and no worries about debts.

"Well, we want to communicate this first..."

Fang Zong and Yu Zong exchanged a few glances, then turned to Chandler and Hu Zong.

"Well, this conference room will be handed over to you first, and when you have discussed it, you will call us."

The two smiled at each other's sum and Yu Zong said.

They also know that although Fang Zongyu always tends to cooperate, after all, they still have to report like the headquarters first on such a big matter.

Moreover, in addition to their big boss, H Company has several other departments and their equal big bosses, who also have the right to know.

But for the fact that Spark Technology can provide such a great chip, the less people know about it, the better.

The discussion between the two was all morning, and many phone calls were made in the middle.

In the afternoon, the two simply went out, but in the evening, they gave the big guy a jump.

It turned out that they actually invited the biggest boss of H company. The 70-year-old man actually took a plane from East Guangdong to Bencheng for this incident. This shows that this big man has a lot to do with this incident. Pay attention.

Recently, because of the extreme pressure of the United States, this old man in his seventies has been busy.

Others should have retired long ago at this age, but he is running around so that H Company can continue to survive.

Some time ago, I was in Magic City and visited many universities and wanted to establish a joint R&D center with universities.

And it's easy to find graduates from these schools, and then work for H company after graduation.

After that, I went northward, and when I arrived in the capital, I first visited the Chinese Academy of Sciences to see if the Chinese Academy of Sciences could do anything to help them stand out.

Then they cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and then went to universities in the capital to visit the big bosses there and discuss cooperation issues with them.

It can be said that the father has been running around for the survival of H Company.

And now suddenly I heard two senior executives from the company say that a solution was found in Bincheng, so he naturally came to see it in person.

Because of the arrival of this big boss, the cooperation negotiations were suspended on the same day.

The next day, under the cover of the technical experts Fang Zong brought, the big guy witnessed the breaking point of the carbon nano chip.

Once again confirmed, Spark Technology has mass production, the strength of this 45nm chip.

Moreover, this 45nm process carbon nanotube chip is indeed more efficient and lower power consumption than the 5nm process Kirin 9000 to be used on their next-generation flagship machines.

After personally verifying the characteristics of these carbon nanotube chips, the old man personally participated in the negotiations with the two leaders of Spark Technology.

First of all, the two parties have clarified the issue of cooperation, and both parties are willing to cooperate.

However, this cooperation is limited to a few people who participated in this meeting knowing that the level of confidentiality is very high.

All the insiders below must issue a password, especially the engineers from H company.

Knowing that the other leaders in company H and Fang, and the leaders at the same level as CEO, do not need to know the true strength of Spark Technology.

They only need to know that Spark Technology is their electronic component supplier.

As for carbon nanotube chips, the source plan given by Xinghuo Technology is that they will set up a laboratory at Ben Thanh Polytechnic University.

And it is this laboratory that H company cooperates with, so even if the American people check it, it will not be able to find the head of Spark Technology.

As for the Ben Thanh Polytechnic University, it was handed over to Mr. He from the Ninth Laboratory to clear it.

This is not a difficult task at all. Now there are many students from Ben Thanh Polytechnic University in the ninth laboratory.

In the early years, this university was also a key 985 university in China, especially in the fields of chemistry and physics. It has made great achievements.

But in recent years, due to some reasons, the school has gradually declined.

And in the last two years, looking at the original two ordinary colleges, Bincheng Medical University, relying on the ninth laboratory, it has been upgraded to a star school in 211 in just two years.

It is even possible to complete the triple jump this and directly upgrade Chen Wei's 985 key colleges and universities.

You must know that there are only over 30 colleges and universities running 985 in the country. It is quite difficult for ordinary universities to break into this circle.

But now that the Bincheng Medical College has done it, that's not a big deal. Looking at the trend of others, it is obvious that it is only going straight to the first place in the domestic medical professional category.

Thanks to the assistance of the Ninth Laboratory, the burns and scalds, medical aesthetics, organ transplantation, and artificial organs of Bencheng Medical University are now rapidly improving in medical enterprises, pharmacology and other majors.

Moreover, it is said that according to the meaning of the province, there is actually a merger of the Northern Pharmaceutical University in the provincial capital with the Bincheng Medical University to become a medical and medicine double trump university.

Looking at this posture, it is clear that people's ambitions are no longer domestic, and they are obviously going internationally.

The most important thing is that this university seems to be recognized internationally. There are countless foreign students who are willing to pay to study in this university out of their own pockets...

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