My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1319: People sit at home, bread comes from heaven

The reason why Xinghuo Technology does not want to be exposed so early is not only because it does not want to be exposed to capital and the world's first gun.

Another main reason is that the current Spark Technology is too weak.

In fact, hardware development is not just as simple as you can make chips.

You have to develop the corresponding instruction set according to the characteristics of your hardware.

For example, the X86 first developed by the Americans, and later almost all computer systems were developed under this architecture.

For example, Microsoft's Windows system and even Apple's desktop system are all developed under this architecture.

And when the mobile smart terminal is developed, there will be ARM.

Two popular systems on the market, such as Apple's IOS and Google's Android, are all developed under the ARM architecture.

Even the EUNI of H company, etc. are all authorized by ARM.

Even their Kirin chips are designed according to the characteristics of ARM's instructions.

So software and hardware can be said to be complementary.

The chip is equivalent to giving a set of system bones, and the software is giving this set of system muscles.

When the two are combined, this ecosystem can truly stand up.

The problem with Spark Technology is that their hardware system can basically complete independent research and development and construction.

But the key is the software system, which requires a lot of people to do research and development.

The basic structure of their carbon nanochips has actually been completed by Spark Technology.

Because they have developed very high-end artificial intelligence under this structure.

But the problem now is that they need more people to understand the architecture and the benefits of carbon nanochips.

Then come to develop around the carbon nanotube chip.

For example, now surrounding silicon-based chips, many people know that they want to develop software based on this set of hardware.

Then you have to understand the C language. When you are engaged in programming, you have to use programming tools such as C++ and JAVA developed by the Americans.

But now that Spark Technology has produced the carbon nanotube chip, they have developed an architecture based on the characteristics of this hardware.

And also developed a set of C+++ and a new generation of JDAD computer programming language based on the advantages of this set of hardware.

What they have to do now is to make this architecture and computer language faster and more widely publicized.

So this is the main reason why Spark Technology is willing to set up a laboratory under the name of Bencheng University of Technology.

Because the school is the best place to spread knowledge, not to mention the Ben Thanh Polytechnic University is not originally a weak school.

There are a lot of excellent straight men in science and engineering in this university. As long as these high-quality resources are collected, they can only be instilled in them.

Then it is easy to cultivate a large number of developers around the carbon nanotube chip.

And these developers will become the first batch of people who eat crabs. They will develop various software and systems based on the architecture leaked from this laboratory by Spark Technology.

And H company will become the first large company to enter, and they can do a lot of things based on this system.

For example, after adapting to the hardware, they can let their programmers turn around and start software development that adapts to carbon nanotube chips.

The most important thing is that they have direct sales channels to the masses.

And they have a huge influence in the industry, once H Company tastes the sweetness on Spark Technology.

Then other mobile phone companies will definitely follow up quickly.

Xinghuo Technology will naturally not refuse to do business with these companies, but the key is that there will be a large shortage of talents who know how to do software development around carbon nanotube chip technology.

Therefore, cooperation with Ben Thanh Polytechnic University is just right at this time.

And after H Company figured out the ideas of Spark Technology, they also greatly appreciated their advanced thinking.

Even President Ren personally announced that he would sponsor a special fund of 100 million yuan for this laboratory.

In addition, he will also dispatch operating staff from within the company to learn how to use C+++ and JDAD, a new computer language.

In order to deal with the next, the new software to be launched, and even the development of the system.

And the happiest person here is the president of Ben Thanh Polytechnic University. Who would have thought that there would be such a surprise today?

To him, this is like sitting at home and bread coming from the sky!

In the beginning, it was just cooperation, but after the two sides discussed it, the pie actually grew bigger and bigger.

And he understands now that this carbon nanotube chip is definitely the general trend of the future.

Especially in the case of silicon-based chips, which have basically developed to the extreme.

5nm, and then 3nm and 1nm are left to conquer.

When it progresses to the 1nm process, the physical properties of the basic silicon-based chips have been developed to the extreme.

In the future, it cannot be said that it cannot be done, but the cost may be very high.

The ratio of input to output is already very uneconomical, and carbon nanotube chips are a very good alternative.

Chips with only 45nm process are already comparable to the speed and efficiency of silicon-based chips with 5nm process, or even higher.

As for the power consumption, it is about 30% lower.

The future prospects of this carbon nanotube chip are still very impressive.

And as long as the carbon nanotube chips are distributed in a large area, the current situation of our country being caught in the chip field by Europe and the United States will be resolved.

And isn't this the corner overtaking that has been advertised above?

Once this step is implemented, how many jobs will it create?

This is a big industry, with an annual output value that can definitely exceed one trillion.

Without the shackles of the chip, how can the world No. 1 catch our necks?

In addition, we have this kind of chip in hand, so we have one more nuclear weapon!

How many countries in the world who dare to be angry but dare not speak, dare to speak out at this time?

Even some grumpy old men may become...

Anyway, there is a substitute for China, even if someone announces sanctions, there is no need to be afraid.

What's more, the quality of substitute products in country H is even better than those used before?

And this is also very conducive to establishing the image of our products in the world.

He Xiaojun just made an introduction. As a result, the three parties became happier as they talked, and in the end the talk was the result of three parties' funding.

That is this laboratory. The spokesperson of Spark Technology uses "technology" to buy shares, accounting for 51% of the shares.

And H company invested 300 million yuan, accounting for 30%, and Ben Thanh Polytechnic University invested in land, accounting for 19% of the shares.

This laboratory attached to the Ben Thanh Polytechnic University was launched in secret.

The president of Ben Thanh Polytechnic University did not rush to announce the news.

All he has to do is to wait and it is enough, as long as the results of this laboratory appear on the market quietly and are accepted by the majority of consumers.

At that time, it will be enough to come out for publicity.

This is far more reliable than the fact that all kinds of propaganda and bragging manuscripts are flying all over the sky before the results are released.

And the advantage of doing so is that it will leave a better impression on it.

Don't say anything, just do things steadily. Isn't this my favorite above?

The three parties signed a non-disclosure agreement, and then began secret execution.

However, company H took away some samples first, and first studied how to install this chip into their new mobile phone.

After all, their flagship machine with 9000 chips is too thin to be honest.

In order to be able to resist until next year, their 1010 real top chips will not be released until next year.

This makes their mobile phones greatly reduce their competitiveness in this year's market.

And now with this chip provided by Spark Technology, Mr. Yu said that as long as the combination is good, he can guarantee that their mobile phones this year can crush Apple.

Even slaughtered the list of various mobile phone evaluation lists!

With the blessing of this chip, their flagship H company of this generation can truly be called a smart phone.

Especially in speech and picture recognition.

And what they want most is this set of AI-only auxiliary office functions, and Mr. Yu also hopes that Spark Technology can be open to them in this field.

However, the answer given by Spark Technology is that it is okay to be open.

But this requires H company to provide their system code, because even if they provide the system code to H company, H company will not adapt it...

Mr. Yu was speechless, but when I think about it, the operating system of their H company is now developed using Java or C++, which is the computer language of the old silicon-based chips.

And people already use C+++, and the new computer language of JDAD.

So even if people open the source code to you, you can't understand it.

If you think about it, you may enter the era of carbon nanotube chips on a large scale in the future, and then their little system secrets will be useless.

After thinking about it, they may have to send someone over to learn C+++ and new computer languages ​​like JDAD. Then their previous technical advantages will be useless.

So I decisively agreed to the need for open system source code like Spark Technology ~ After all, in terms of software matching, it really depends on others.

In particular, I want to coordinate the carbon nanotube chip hardware, software, and their systems and software.

This really depends on other people's training...

And after returning this time, Mr. Yu decided to send someone over to study immediately.

After all, in the era of carbon nanotube chips in the future, their H company must be at the forefront.

In terms of hardware, Spark technology will certainly not be popularized. This is their unique skill.

But they are Chinese enterprises, and they will not fear the extreme pressure of Americans like Wanwan and Sansang, so their trouble of chip supply is solved.

Therefore, their H company must ensure the advantages in software and provide customers with the best experience.

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