Latest website: But now the celebrity chef group is getting bigger and bigger.

At present, there are 6,500 branches in China, among which 5,500 are franchised stores and 1,000 are directly-operated stores. The profits that can be brought to the company every day are quite amazing.

In terms of franchise stores, an average single store can bring more than 10,000 profits to the company every day, while direct-sale stores have even more, with an average net profit of 20,000 per store.

However, in the first half of this year, the company's catering operations received a strong impact from the pandemic, and its turnover experienced a significant drop.

The sales volume of foreign franchise stores is almost the same.

Even in some developed countries and regions, daily turnover and profits are more than two to three times higher than those in China.

However, this year, they have also received the impact of the pandemic, and their turnover has dropped significantly.

But even so, in other catering companies, almost into a full loss.

The days of their celebrity chefs were not as sad as they thought.

Under the impact of this pandemic, many catering companies have closed down one after another. Even those big-name companies with strong capital are spending the winter frugally.

But the life of celebrity chefs is much easier than that of them.

Although it is not possible to eat in, takeout has ushered in an outbreak.

In particular, they now have their own take-out delivery system, which avoids being snarled by those take-out platforms.

Moreover, the successive launch of various discount activities can give consumers a lot of benefits, but they not only make money, but also earn enough attention and reputation.

Especially on several other food delivery platforms, during this pandemic period, not only did they not reduce the burden on merchants.

On the contrary, he tried desperately to bear the burden on the merchants, and at the same time, he drank enough of the blood and sweat of the delivery staff.

Celebrity chefs create their own takeaway delivery system, which reflects the full benefits. They deliver meals quickly and with guaranteed quality.

The most important thing is that the price is still cheap, there is no smoke, and in the end, all consumers will pay for the price increase.

This also makes them, like Golden Arches, one of the few catering companies that performed brightly during this pandemic.

Moreover, their central kitchen distribution business model has also withstood the test during this pandemic, and has even given many domestic catering companies a well-known development direction.

The unification and standardization of taste and hygiene have actually become a general direction for the development of domestic catering companies in the future.

So the celebrity chefs quickly got through the difficulty in making fast food. At the same time as the domestic ban was lifted, their business also ushered in a crazy rebound.

Even the business quota, in May and June, ushered in a period of huge explosion.

Even business capacity has more than tripled compared to the same period last year.

Xiao Feng is also very responsive to the popular sentiments and has adjusted the wages of many employees within the company.

But some time ago, some moths turned out.

For example, it is the troublesome guy who specializes in the rich list in China.

I don’t know why I am eyeing the celebrity chef group. In this year’s ranking, I put the celebrity chef group on the domestic rich list.

He even ranked Xiao Feng directly into the top 50 in China.

Although this action is not big, it is already very intriguing.

In fact, about this guy, many people in China have said that this guy is a disgusting porcelain snake.

Because our Chinese are different from Westerners.

Our traditional concept is to make a fortune in a muffled voice, not to reveal the wealth, and what we pay attention to is a low-key.

Westerners didn't understand this truth very well at the beginning, so their concept of wealth is the opposite of ours.

They are very high-profile, such as the Rothschilds of the last century, which were once very high-profile.

By virtue of being tied to the empire of the sun never set, they became the wealthiest family on earth that year.

But what happened?

After World War II, it was smashed.

And after that time, many wealthy people in Europe and the United States also understood the truth about the undisclosed wealth, so they began to live in seclusion behind the scenes.

For example, the Morgan family, Rockefeller family, Mellon family, DuPont family, etc. in the United States have all begun to retreat behind the scenes.

If you look at the annual Forbes rich list in the United States, you can't see the names of these rich families at all.

The top ones are all up-and-coming stars who started playing on the Internet, like Mr. Damen, and Google’s brothers, or Musk, Bezos and others.

Either it was Buffett who played finance, but before the Second World War in the last century, those old-fashioned families who were dominating the U.S. were all gone.

Is it really because they fell after the storm?

Obviously not!

For example, the Morgan family seems to be silent, but they are still the crown kings of Wall Street.

Their influence can be said to spread all over the United States, from east to west, and even many Silicon Valley companies now have their shares behind them.

The Rockefeller family is no different, seemingly silent, but they are still the most powerful and influential top-class family in the United States.

Mellon may be a bit worse than them. As for DuPont, it is not much better than the previous two.

So now even the rich families in the United States are paying attention to low-key, and the domestic rich are even more so.

Everyone originally wanted to make money quietly, but a foreign devil came out to touch porcelain everywhere.

I will give you a ranking every year, and when this list first appeared, it was even called the cut-off list.

Because all celebrities on the list have to be cautious, because they always live under the magnifying glass of others.

If you don't make a mistake, you may have a big somersault.

The facts are also true. In fact, many of the top ten leaders in the rich list a few years ago are now bankrupt, or people just went in.

Therefore, many people in the domestic financial circle hate this snake.

He even spends money to buy Ping An every year, so that this guy does not put himself and his company on the list.

And this time, this guy, who didn't know who ordered him, put the celebrity chef group on the list without saying hello.

There is even a serious analysis of the asset scale of the celebrity chef group.

We must know that one of the main reasons why Xiao Feng insists that the famous chef group is not listed is that there is no need to disclose the financial report, and there is no need to ask a third-party company to conduct an audit.

At the beginning of each year, we must audit the state, because this involves tax reporting reasons.

At other times, they do not need external personnel to come to the company to audit.

But the key is that a lot of information is still leaked out by those people, such as some data during the audit.

This allowed the guys behind the rich list to master some data, and after reading the profit indicators of the celebrity chef group, the guys were even more eye-catching.

Recently, various short videos, as well as from the media, have frequently used celebrity chef groups to talk about things.

Fortunately, the Sunshine Hospital has an independent financial system, and it has not been incorporated into the manufacturing side of famous chefs.

Because Xiao Feng is considering whether to separate Sunshine Hospital in the future.

So some of the data that has flowed out now are all about celebrity chefs making fast food.

Now, for their domestic part alone, their daily gross profit is as high as 70 million yuan, such data.

At the same time that countless people's eyes fell to the ground, they were almost bursting out.

The gross profit per day is more than 70 million. Even if the net profit is 30%, it is also more than 20 million.

Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, how much does it cost?

The domestic net profit alone would have to exceed seven billion!

This has not yet been calculated, what about the company's overseas profits?

Who has let overseas companies operate independently now, and their performance has not been consolidated!

But think about it, they have more than 1,000 directly-operated stores overseas, and almost all of them are opened in the most developed cities and the best locations in the world.

There are more than 15,000 franchise stores. Think about the lifestyle and consumption habits of those foreign devils.

Then their overseas net profit scale is at least two to three times that of domestic ones.

In other words, this celebrity chef group, just relying on fast food, can make a net profit of about 28 billion yuan in a year!

Nima, think about Ari's net profit in one year?

The annual shopping festival seems to be very lively, but is it actually?

The scale of marketing every year seems scary, but after deducting all kinds of expenses, the platform can earn a few billions.

So this celebrity chef group is amazing!

For some reason, such an unhealthy trend has been blowing up on various platforms recently.

Everywhere is talking about the data leaked by the celebrity chef group. To be honest, at first, Xiao Feng took this seriously every day.

But when this trend intensified, he realized that something was wrong.

This is obviously going to kill! Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth with hatred for the guy who touched the porcelain.

The company’s finances have always been controlled by Katya.

Moreover, after the introduction of the smart OA XiaoAI, the risk of financial data leakage has been eliminated.

Of course, it is not ruled out that before using someone leaked data.

However, counting now, the biggest leak may be the external financial company audited at the beginning of the year.

In fact, the celebrity chef group does not need to be audited every year, but it is because it is joining overseas.

In order to facilitate entry and exit abroad, Xiao Feng registered a company in Karapag and packaged the celebrity chef group under that company's name.

Now that it becomes a foreign company, it must be audited every year.

The audit originally found a similar company, and they can do it themselves. After all, they don’t need to be too serious. As long as they don’t evade taxes, they won’t say anything.

However, now that the company has achieved such a scale, and the people are watching it, the audit company is assigned by someone else.

In this way, it is not easy to deal with. In all likelihood, data is leaked from them, and you can't investigate this.

This gave Xiao Feng a headache.

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