My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1391: The golden sign that resounds as tough

Latest website: "Ahem, Director Katya, it's really..."

Katya was so bold that Xiao Feng was caught off guard, looking at the other supervisors in the room.

Zhou Jing looked at her nose, her eyes caring, as if she didn't hear or see anything.

Xiao Lin looked up at the sky, with an expression that I knew nothing and saw nothing.

As for the honest man Shang Zhenye, he was holding the big tea mug at this time, covering his face and pouring it fiercely, as if he didn't know anything.

As for the other supervisors, they were either scratching their ears or scratching their cheeks. Anyway, everyone looked innocent.

But the more they pretended to be like this, the more it made Xiao Feng feel that these guys knew something.

As a result, he could only cough awkwardly. This Katya was really true.

Foreigners just go straight. If you want to subscribe so much, you don't know to tell me in private.

Everyone seems to think that I let you subscribe so heavily.

Xiao Feng was also a bit big at this time. Originally, he thought about the Quanye Fund. When it first started, everyone would inject capital together, and it was enough to invest three to five billion yuan.

The total scale is controlled at around one billion, and it is enough to try the water.

As for other gaps, he does not plan to go to the bank for financing. ,

These days, if companies want to raise money from banks, it is really too difficult. Unless you are a state-owned enterprise, it is difficult for ordinary private companies to borrow money from banks.

Of course, this is only for ordinary private companies. For the Ninth Laboratory or the celebrity chef group, such a situation does not exist.

As long as they speak, there must be countless banks, crying and crying to grab their loan quota.

That's right, come and grab it!

After all, these two companies have tens of billions of cash lying in the bank, so there is no bank, and they are worried that they will not be able to pay back the money.

As for the fact that a Quanye Fund that they have jointly developed is short of money, ha ha, it is not simple, as long as you two companies are either, you can give a guarantee.

Not to mention one billion, that is, ten billion, and banks can also lend to Quanye Fund.

Unfortunately, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun did not plan to borrow from the bank at all.

Relatively speaking, the bank's interest rate is still a bit high.

Even if because of the reputation of the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group, the bank's interest rate for Quanye Fund will be adjusted up or down based on the benchmark interest rate, but even if it is adjusted down again, it will be difficult to break through four points.

So they might as well issue corporate bonds. Issuing corporate bonds is another matter.

With the strength of the Ninth Laboratory and the celebrity chef group, they will have absolute bargaining power when negotiating with the issuing agency.

At that time, the interest rate can definitely be set low enough, and it is not impossible to be lower than four.

But then someone will ask, are you kidding me?

The rate of return on your corporate bonds is lower than that of the bank’s wealth management products. Who will buy them?

Hee hee, if you think so, you are so wrong.

Not all rich people who have spare money invest out to make money, and some people actually do it to preserve value.

As long as they don’t lose money, that’s okay.

Long periods and low interest rates do not matter, as long as they are stable and safe.

This is true in China. What financial institution’s wealth management products can do?

Even the financial products of banks sometimes have risks, and this is the corporate bond guaranteed by the famous chef group and the ninth laboratory!

This Nima is now the hardest and most gold-containing two-sided golden sign in the country!

When someone issues corporate bonds to you, this is obviously to give you money, although the interest rate is a bit lower.

But unlike other investment products, their company’s corporate bonds can be said to be an uncompensable business, and their security can even be said to be comparable to Treasury bills.

What do you want with such a hard financial product?

The most important thing is that as long as you can buy their corporate bonds, you can even take these bonds and go to the overseas market for secondary financing.

Be aware that there are a lot of low-cost funds overseas, such as sovereign funds and pension funds in certain foreign countries.

They require a rate of return, even as long as one point is fine, but their only requirement is safety.

Even Japanese banks have negative interest rates, which shows how cheap foreign money is.

But even so, it is even more difficult for many domestic companies to obtain low-cost funds overseas.

Because although their money is cheap, they will not lend it to you for no reason. They ask you to provide a reverse guarantee.

The conditions for reverse guarantees recognized abroad are also very simple.

First, your company must be reviewed by a foreign audit company, and then provided to a rating agency to rate your company.

The higher the rating, the greater the chance of getting money.

The second is that you have to provide a reverse guarantee, and the most popular guarantee measure is generally the guarantee letter issued by the China Development Bank or the export bank.

But how can these two banks be handled by ordinary private enterprises? People usually deal with state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, and private enterprises.

Unless you are those two Internet giants, or a giant like a well-known domestic real estate company, people are not even willing to catch you.

And if you have corporate debts from the Ninth Laboratory and the Celebrity Chef Group, it's another matter entirely.

You must know that these two companies are now more than just in the country.

It is the same in the international community.

Chinese fast food made by celebrity chefs, now foreigners say it is good.

Chain stores have opened all over the world, all over Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, and there are chain stores in almost all continents of the world.

Although the number of stores may not be as many as Golden Arches, when it comes to fame, it is definitely a rising star in the fast food industry.

What's more, they focus on the best taste and the most healthy concept. In addition, every place they go to, they implement a localized management method and insist on introducing food that caters to local tastes. So now they are highly praised by everyone.

Even in America, where the fast-food chain is the most competitive, they can gain a firm foothold and have a place in the catering industry.

As for the ninth laboratory, let alone.

Now the golden sign of the world's best biochemical technology company has steadily fallen on them.

Their cosmetics, health products, and newly developed drugs are the most popular products on the market.

Now they are a model of global high-tech biological companies. The biochemical and environmental materials graduates who graduate from the world every year are the companies most want to go to.

Some people are kneeling to make money, and some people are standing to make money, but they are still making money lying down.

Such enterprises have long been coveted by Western capital.

But these two companies just didn't go public. Are you irritating?

It is a pity that the two **** companies are not American companies. If they dare to be in the U.S., there are 10,000 ways for Americans to force them to go public and share the benefits for everyone.

But now the shares and dividends are not available, but fortunately, they finally made a point.

That is the corporate bond. Although the interest rate of this bond is a bit low, it is for those overseas funds who only want stability and want to ensure the safety of funds.

This is more than three percent, and even a return rate of four is good. What's more, their bonds are short-term. The shortest half of the year, the longest is only three years.

This rate of return is actually quite good.

Therefore, if domestic companies get the corporate bonds issued by them in the ninth experiment, they will go to overseas markets to raise funds.

This time even if there is no guarantee from the China Development Bank and the China Development Bank, there is no rating agency such as Moody's to give a rating.

As long as they pledged the corporate debts of the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group, they would definitely be able to get overseas low-cost funds.

This is the absolute value of hard currency.

So from the time when he wanted to create the Quanye Fund, Xiao Feng has never worried about the fund-raising issue of this fund.

For other funds, part of the money may come from the shareholders' own funds, and the other part must be borrowed from the bank.

In this way, their costs will be very high.

But for the Quanye Fund, which has not been formally established, they never have to worry about money.

Therefore, Xiao Feng's initial thought was that although it is not bad for money, it is necessary to control the size of the entire fund.

After all, the fund is newly established, and the personnel are newly recruited, although there are cloning financial experts sent by him.

However, it will take some time to run in. When the company's internal structure is stable, the personnel cooperation is completed, the rules and regulations are also perfect, and the scale is expanding and the speed is speeding up.

But how can I think that Katya will start directly with one billion yuan?

This Nima...

She gave out one billion. If you add the four hundred million you want to give, there are two hundred million from He Xiaojun and He Fangzhou, plus 50 million from Guan Zhenhai, and other ninth laboratories and celebrity chef groups. To get management's capital, how can we still have another 300 million.

Moreover, the group of high-paid physicians at Sunshine Hospital were said to be boiling after hearing the news.

Especially the doctors from Japan and Southern Dynasties in the hospital, these two groups are very gamblers.

It is said that after Guan Zhenhai went back yesterday, they convened a meeting and told them that Mr. Xiao would set up an investment fund for the science and innovation sector, and that he would still cooperate with the Ninth Laboratory.

In addition to giving everyone dividend shares, he also gave his family a certain amount of subscription.

It is said that someone flew to Japan last night to apply for a loan.

No way, who made the Bank of Japan have negative interest rates?

If this is to add all the funds together, Nima, this Quanye Fund will start at almost 2 billion.

This is really better for people to die than people, to shop around...

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