My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1393: Internet celebrity era

The latest website: "How can you register an account on a short video site and do live broadcast too!"

Zhou Jing said that Xiao Feng had vaguely guessed what she meant before.

But after listening to her, she still looked confused, what is going on?

Let’s do fast food, but unlike those who bring goods, how do we do live broadcast?

Seeing Xiao Feng's stunned expression, Zhou Jing finally put on a slightly meaningful expression on her face.

There seems to be something the boss doesn't understand!

It is true that Xiao Feng really doesn't understand the benefits of this short live video broadcast.

In fact, short videos have risen rapidly in recent years, and Xiao Feng is naturally aware of this trend.

A few years ago, this video really recorded a good life, allowing many ordinary people to share their life experiences.

Or maybe it is the author of some special industry, leading everyone to get familiar with a strange field, so that ordinary people also quickly increase their knowledge.

The short videos of those two years were indeed very good.

But since the second half of last year, the wind direction of this short video began to change.

The first two years were still recording the good life, but by last year, the capital had already begun to sharpen its sword, intending to realize the flow.

Then, starting from the second half of last year, on major short video websites, there have been various Internet celebrities of all sizes, and they have started to bring goods to various companies and enterprises madly.

By this year, this trend has become more and more crazy, so that Xiao Feng has the illusion that every time he clicks on those software, he has entered a TV advertising platform.

But he can understand why those anchors are so crazy to bring goods.

After all, the life cycle of an Internet celebrity is about half a year.

If you make enough money within this period, you will lose the investment.

So those Internet celebrities, once the fans have accumulated to a certain level and have viscosity, they will start to bring goods, which is understandable.

So starting this year, he has rarely opened those entertainment software to kill time.

But now, listening to Zhou Jing say that letting them take care of the goods themselves, this makes him a little strange.

Has the strength of celebrity chefs, now they still need to go to the short video platform to engage in the routine of online celebrities and goods?

"In my opinion, Mr. Xiao, there are several advantages to doing this. The first is that we can give some internal employees a chance to get ahead."

"Give employees a breakthrough to vent, and then improve the cohesion of internal employees."

Zhou Jing seemed to be very concerned about this matter.

Xiao Feng nodded and motioned for her to continue.

"Because the staff made by our famous chefs, with the power of more than 1,000 directly-operated stores, most of the staff we recruit have college degrees."

"Of course, many of them are not 985 or 211. They are graduates of double non-schools and non-popular majors."

"These graduates are actually very difficult to find jobs in society, and it is just right to come to us."

"Although the starting point is very low, it is all about serving dishes and washing dishes, but our salary is not low, and there are certain opportunities for promotion in the future."

"But the problem is, our promotion opportunities are still too few."

"We recruited these employees, although most of them graduated from double non-university colleges, but after all they have received higher education from a university, and they must have better quality than those non-university graduates."

"Moreover, their expectations for the future are higher than those of ordinary employees."

"After all, not everyone is willing to settle for a lifetime, so we have to provide them with as many opportunities for success as possible."

"And this short video production, I think it is a good breakthrough."

"On the one hand, you can exercise the content creation ability of these people, so that the knowledge they learned in the university will not be wasteful."

"On the other hand, we can also make a group of truly talented people stand out, and we can make them into Internet celebrities."

"In this way, these people can help us promote the company and our products online, allowing us to save a lot of advertising costs."

Xiao Feng listened carefully to what Zhou Jing said.

After listening, he also expressed his surprise.

In fact, when celebrity chefs made fast food, when the shop first began to explode, most of the employees recruited were women in their 30s and 40s.

Because nowadays, not many young people are willing to go to fast food restaurants to serve dishes and wash dishes. Even if they do, most of them are short-term jobs.

After all, the technical content of this job is not high, and the future promotion opportunities are also very limited.

Therefore, those who can persist for a long time are the relatively older aunts.

But the problem is that with the continuous introduction of various new products, the menu styles of fast food restaurants continue to be varied.

This requires a certain amount of memory and the ability to operate mechanical equipment proficiently.

In this regard, those aunts who are not well-educated are not quite competent enough.

So the company has begun to recruit management trainees on a large scale, and this group is mainly college students.

At that time, I saw that the salary offered by the celebrity chef group was very good, and there was also this very good opportunity for promotion.

They have recruited many students from Shuangfei colleges and universities, and after these people have grown up, they have also given the celebrity chef group a very good reputation in various universities.

So they later recruited more and more college students.

But the problem now is that their business, especially the fast food department, is destined to be a place with low technical requirements.

Therefore, the space left for talent growth is very limited.

Those young people who want to be promoted in the future will have very few chances to succeed when their predecessor does not move.

So how to stabilize the military spirit of these people? At this time, Zhou Jing's thoughts provided them with a good idea.

Let employees try short video production!

The company can set up a company by itself, conduct audits throughout the company, and then find a professional team to train them on packaging.

Even this team can be selected and recruited from within the company.

At that time, as long as there are so many popular ones, you can continue to promote your own goods on the short video network!

"...In this way, it can also greatly save us the cost of publicity..."

"Mr. Xiao, as the company grows bigger and bigger, now our annual advertising costs are also rising."

"Last year alone, our advertising investment on various media platforms reached more than 3 billion."

"According to the current trend, our investment may be even higher next year..."

Now it is no longer an era where the aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alleys. Even if the famous chefs are well-known fast food companies in China, they must continue to advertise on major media platforms.

Why do you want to do this, to put it plainly, is to brainwash the subconscious minds of our customers.

Let everyone remember the celebrity chef's manufacturing firmly, so that they won't forget it.

After all, this is an era where the average eyeball economy is only seven seconds.

In other words, a very general advertising video, generally people will forget him after seven seconds of watching it.

Because of the advent of the Internet age, all kinds of spam messages are updated almost continuously.

People don’t remember at all, and they don’t want to remember an advertisement.

So even if your celebrity chef’s meals are cooked well, if you don’t advertise for a period of time, your image in consumer psychology will be downgraded.

On the contrary, if during this period, your competitors, such as Golden Arch and Kaifengcai, continue to advertise during the time period when you are not advertising.

When the consumer sees more, when he wants to eat, he first subconsciously chooses Golden Arch and Kaifeng dishes instead of making them by famous chefs.

So, this is the main reason why you have to keep advertising without interruption, even if your reputation is strong.

Because as long as you dare to stop, some consumers will really forget you in a few months.

In addition, there is another problem, which involves the issue of coffee positions.

Now it is made by celebrity chefs, and it is already a big brother in the domestic Chinese fast food industry.

But if you just keep your status in the arena and are not willing to pay for it, what will people think of you?

Just an old man!

You see, people's Golden Arches and Kaifeng Cai are both willing to put advertisements in the prime time periods of various platforms.

People's strength is not bad for money, and people feel that they have strength at first glance.

And why don't you vote for celebrity chefs? Isn't the strength enough?

In this way, in the eyes of some people who are afraid of watching the excitement, it is easy to breed this kind of cognition.

Then when they choose to eat, they will weed you out.

Don't really think this is an exaggeration. In fact, this is really the marginal effect that the advertising industry has been emphasizing.

Different people will have different understandings and ideas when they see the advertisement, and thus have different social reactions.

This is part of social psychology.

And if you don’t even put ads, what do you think others will think?

Therefore, the advertising costs of the celebrity chef group have been increasing year after year. As the company grows larger and more famous, this has become the most important part of their group's and with the shortcomings The rise of video platforms, those traditional media platforms, are now declining.

So Zhou Jing, at this time, advocated entering the field of short video, this idea is very correct.

And the most important thing is that there is really a lot of demand for goods on the celebrity chef manufacturing side.

It turned out that during this period of time, the R&D department on Dumen Island has also developed many new products based on the group's supply of goods.

In the past, the ocean fishing fleet from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk brought back a large amount of fish to the company.

On the one hand, it has added a large number of fish and meat fast food products to the company, on the other hand, the company has also begun to produce a large number of canned fish.

Moreover, these canned fish are sold in their stores, and this product has been well received once it went on the market.

And now, their product line is much richer than before...

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