My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1414: Auspicious opening

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"Until later, I returned to China and joined the Ninth Laboratory, and in their laboratory, I found the answer..."

Li Wensong explained to Huang Haibin.

But for some specific details, it is inconvenient for him to continue to explain to Huang Haibin.

After all, although Huang Haibin is also studying electrical, there is still a big gap between the two directions.

And this printer, there are many technical details involved, even if he told Huang Haibin, Huang Haibing might not understand it.

For example, the ink cartridges used in his printer are completely different from traditional ink cartridges.

It uses a kind of reactive toner developed by himself, and this kind of toner only sticks to the paper after being hit by a kind of radiation in the device.

And that ray is the top priority of his set of equipment, using the ray from the set of 3D fluoroscopic imaging equipment in the Ninth Laboratory.

But it is a weakened version, but also a specially designed control program.

Only in this way can the ray hit the toner cartridge to print according to its own requirements.

The principle of copying is also very simple, almost like that.

As for scanning, the only recognition program from Spark Technology has been added.

Anyway, his set of printers, in fact, he has already formed his own design concept a long time ago.

And he also had discussions with their team leader, and finally the team leader helped him apply for the project.

Then he did it independently, of course, the technical support of the Ninth Laboratory is indispensable.

For example, the miniaturization of the laser equipment was made by experts in the Ninth Laboratory who helped with the adjustment.

There is also a set of equipment that can only be identified, and it is also a set of equipment developed by the management of the ninth laboratory to coordinate with Spark Technology.

Then he was responsible for designing the concept of the printer and the layout of the internal equipment parts.

"...This is the set of Huayin T800 in front of you..."

"The lithium battery on this gadget can last 24 hours."

"If it is working, it can work continuously for three hours. The toner cartridge can last for a week of high-intensity work..."

"He can take it with him, and he can charge at any time, equipped with a fast charging system..."

Although Huang Haibin did not explain the working principle of this printer too much, Li Wensong introduced Huang Haibin to the various advantages and benefits of this printer.

With the introduction of Li Wensong, Huang Haibin has learned more and more about the breaking point of the Huayin T800.

Indeed, such a small and exquisite portable printer can be installed in a briefcase and carried around at any time. This is simply the gospel of the majority of business people!

For example, if you go to another place to participate in bidding, if suddenly someone asks you to change the bid.

You can do it on the computer, but after you make it on the computer, don’t you have to print it out?

Are you looking for print shops all over the street at midnight?

At this time, if you have such a portable printer with you, is it too easy to get started?

It’s not a problem at all to make changes and print at the same time!

Also, if you go to sign a contract in a different place, after negotiating with the other party, some clauses in the contract need to be changed.

If you are not worried about using the other party's printer, you can use your own printer and operate it at any time on site.

So, don't look at what paperless office is talking about every day.

But in fact, there are still many places where you need printers and paper documents.

And this printer really solves the pain points of many people.

And the most different place between him and those traditional printers is that they are portable.

The whole weight is no more than ten catties, and a girl can carry it with her.

Moreover, it is not large in size and very convenient to carry. It can be put in a backpack or briefcase. The most important thing is that it can be taken out at any time and used at any time.

It is believed that as long as such equipment is launched on the market, it will immediately be widely welcomed by business travelers.

The most important thing is that, according to Xiao Li, this device was designed and developed independently by him from beginning to end.

Some key components were released, relying on the technical support provided by the Ninth Laboratory and Spark Technology, which he hadn't heard of.

It can be said that this is a printing device of pure Chinese origin.

With this printer, we don't need to pay half a dime in patent fees to American and Japanese companies.

In this way, the price of this equipment will naturally not be too high.

Good quality and low price. With such a product, would you still worry about selling it?

No wonder Xiao Li is going out to start a business!

If you change yourself, I'm afraid I can't help but go out and start a business!

At this time, Huang Haibin was playing with the printer in his hand, and he was also lost in thought.

Suddenly he remembered something, and then suddenly turned his head to look at Li Wensong.

"Xiao Li, your project won't be approved by the review committee, right?"

And Li Wensong smiled at this moment.

"That is inevitable! If they hadn't passed my application, how could I dare to go out and start a business!"

"Don't look at this set of equipment, I have a full set of intellectual property rights, but so what?"

"At that time, just pulling investment will be hard for me!"

"Moreover, you don't know the urgency of the domestic venture capitalists. It's harder than going to the sky to ask them for some money!"

"And even if they are willing to lend me money, how much equity do they have to take away?"

"Ninety percent of them dare to ask for it. The key is that our brains can't play with them at all!"

"Even if the key technology of this equipment is handed over, they will be kicked out every minute."

Xiao Li is worthy of being a straight man in science and engineering, and he has a very clear understanding and positioning of himself.

And it is also clear about the taste of the domestic capital bosses.

In fact, he has been wondering how to operate this device since it was built.

He also thought about quitting his job to start a business, but he has only been employed for a year, and his wealth is only a few hundred thousand.

This little money is not an exaggeration for starting a business.

Don't look at the obvious advantages of his product, but you also have to think about what kind of opponents he is facing?

Those are giants like HP in the US and Panasonic in Japan.

They have monopolized the domestic printer industry and have countless primary and secondary agents in the country.

If he breaks into this market rashly, even if his technology is advanced, he won't even have to do anything with the Americans and Japanese.

Only their agents in the country could kill him.

That's right, those agents will take the initiative to jump out and kill him!

Because of his equipment, those people's cakes were moved!

So although Xiao Li is very straight, he is not stupid.

He also thought that he should talk to angel funds or venture capitalists.

After all, his technology is definitely ahead of this era.

Just a portability is enough to defeat all opponents in the industry.

But the virtues of those angel funds and venture capital, he knew nothing more.

He had a classmate when he was in the United States, and he also developed an electronic device.

And his classmate also wants to rely on this technology to return to China to start a business.

So I went back to China to find a lot of capital bosses to talk about, and the bosses are really optimistic about the technology he has.

So it quickly reached 10 million, and then the company started with the support of the big bosses.

Next is the ABC round of financing, but after a few rounds of financing.

His classmate discovered that, what's more, his own shares have been diluted to less than 10%.

The employees within the company, especially the leaders of key departments, are basically controlled by several investors.

The most important thing is that there is only one big boss behind those investors, and that is the big boss who taught him how to build the company.

What's even more frightening is that the team formed by the big brother at this time has absorbed and stolen all the core technologies in his hands.

In the end, he could only take a small amount of money and was kicked out of the company.

And that big man, after changing hands, sold that company to Dyson for a high price of more than one billion yuan...

After a lot of hard work, in the end, he actually made a wedding dress for someone else. His classmate was also discouraged, and then he would go to the United States to take care of the elderly.

But before leaving, he had already told him that these domestic capital bosses must be careful and stay away from them.

Because they all eat people without spitting out bones...

Therefore, Li Wensong has always had no good impressions of these domestic capital.

But I don't want to find those capital bosses, and I want to start my own business, so what should I do?

Fortunately, the company issued a notice a few days ago. On the one hand, it is to inform everyone that in the future the company's management system will learn 3M and encourage everyone to develop what they like.

On the other hand, it encourages everyone to start a business.

If you have good ideas and ideas, you can go to the review committee to apply. If it is passed, then you will be able to get financial support from the company.

So he went, and the result was very His printer was very appreciated by the members of the judging committee, thinking that his work just made up for the gap in this field in China.

So in less than a day, his project review passed.

And also got 10 million start-up capital support from Quanye Fund!

To be honest, Li Wensong was dumbfounded when he heard the news!

It's that simple? Got ten million?

And the most important thing is that the company is very fair, 10 million, only 20% of the shares in his new company.

Of course, the technical support of the Ninth Laboratory and Spark Technology will account for 10%...

For such a request, Li Wensong felt that this was not too much...

Compared with other ugly capitals in China, the Quanye Fund recommended by the company is really benevolent and righteous!

So in this way, Li Wensong's project became the first order after the establishment of the Quanye Fund...

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