My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1420: The key of the key

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In fact, when Huang Haibin was in the United States for a long time, after learning about the design and working principle of surgical robots, he once thought about saving a robot by himself.

In fact, for a genius like him, as long as you understand the working principle of this kind of equipment, then it is not difficult to build one yourself.

For example, the robotic arm system, the robotic wrist, and the control system for the end clamp can actually be changed slightly to bypass the U.S. patent blockade.

Prior to this, he had already formulated plans, and even some of them had already applied for patents.

Talking about the doctor's control system, this is also his main research direction during his stay in the United States.

Although the robots developed by the Intuition Sensors company in the early years were born out of the research institute of Stanford University, they have also cooperated closely with many universities in the United States.

Among them was MIT where Huang Haibin worked. At that time, he participated in several project groups at MIT, and what he did was to develop a supporting control system for the surgical robot.

Speaking of the biggest difference from industrial robots, this is the control system of the surgical robot.

The control system of industrial machine tools does not care about the feeling of the workpiece at all.

They only need to process the workpiece according to the designer's requirements.

But the surgical robot will not work. What his working system has to do is a three-link.

First, connect the doctor to the device, and then let the doctor connect to the patient through the device.

After that, it is necessary to pass the patient's feedback to the doctor so that the doctor can perform the next step.

For example, when the doctor controls the robotic arm, enters the surgical area, and touches the patient's surgical area, what is the most appropriate distance?

At one centimeter, there is just enough space for operation, and when one centimeter is advanced, the mechanical arm may directly stun the patient to death.

Therefore, this system has very important requirements for perception, so the requirements for sensors are also very high.

Fortunately, these various sensors are not a problem at all for Americans.

But now in China, the sensor is actually a big problem, because the domestic sensor is really weak.

Many people are now saying that the weakest thing in our country is the chip, because we are stuck by the United States every day in the chip field.

But if people who are really engaged in scientific research on the front line know that, in fact, we are not only the chips that are the worst compared to the United States.

The worst thing we have compared to the United States is actually the sensor.

Compared with the world's mainstream sensor powers, the gap in this field is even greater than our gap in the chip field.

It is necessary to know that sensors are the future, such as the 5G era that some people talk about every day, what kind of Internet of Things era is coming.

It seems to be very simple to say that the Internet of Everything is really simple. It really sounds like the Internet of Everything really seems to be very simple.

It is to use the Internet to remotely control and operate various first-generation smart devices.

But the question is, what kind of logic is used when your smart device works.

Take a sweeping robot. When it is working, there is already a wall in front. How can he perceive that there is a wall in front and take a detour?

This requires sensors to inform him.

So in the future smart devices, what we need will be thousands of sensors.

In this regard, to be honest, we are really weak.

There are now more than 20,000 sensors of all categories in the world, and almost all of them are in the hands of the United States, Japan and Germany.

The most powerful of these is the United States!

In our country, although it claims to be capable of producing all types of industries, it can be said that our country can only produce about 3,000 kinds of sensors.

And most of them are concentrated on low-end, low-precision sensor types.

As for high-end products, such as optics, acoustics, vibration sensing, and even taste sensing, we all have serious shortcomings.

Before this, Huang Haibin felt the most headache for this, but some time ago, he knew of such an unknown company as Spark Technology.

Because the Ninth Lab has built a lot of equipment on its own, that is, the sensors purchased from them.

And their sensors are very good to use, even from Huang Haibin's point of view, they are no worse than the sensors of the United States and Japan.

Therefore, the problem in this area can be considered temporarily resolved.

With sensors, the design of operating systems for surgical robots is not so difficult!

Because he has been in the United States for so many years, in fact, his main job is to do this part of the work.

In fact, in the early years, the company that produced the Da Vinci surgical robot, Intuitive Surgery, cooperated with MIT.

In fact, many parts of the software and hardware development of surgical robots were completed by the MIT team for this company.

While Huang Haibing participated in several software development project teams when he was at MIT, they actually helped the Intuition Surgery company improve Da Vinci's operating system.

So in this regard, he has very rich experience.

Later, he went to Silicon Valley and joined Google. In the medical service department of Google, he participated in the hardware development of medical robots led by Google.

It is precisely in the hardware robotic arm that he has a solution to bypass the U.S. patents, and in terms of system design, he can also design a set independently.

Therefore, Huang Haibin has a better chance of winning a surgical robot for himself!

But now speaking of the last problem that restricts him, that is the problem of 3D imaging of surgical robots.

That is surgical navigation technology!

And this set of technology can be said to be the initial key step of the surgical robot's control system!

To put it bluntly, it is how to make the robotic arm of the surgical robot accurately reach the surgical area during the operation.

It is important to know that in the past when doctors worked manually, because they could directly operate on the patient's stomach, exposing the surgical field directly.

Therefore, it is easy to find the diseased part of the patient and proceed to the next operation.

The use of surgical robots is different, because the principle of this kind of equipment is intelligent endoscopic surgery.

To put it bluntly, it means not to operate, punch a hole in the patient's stomach, and then extend the robotic arm to directly reach the patient's diseased part to start the operation.

But the problem is that the internal organs of everyone's stomach grow in size and shape.

After your robotic arm penetrates in, how can you avoid the critical parts without damaging the blood vessels, and then accurately reach the surgical area? This is a big problem.

After all, a robotic arm is not like a human hand. It can be soft or hard. This thing is hard metal.

If a route is wrong, you may rupture the patient's liver, and the patient will die before the operation starts.

Therefore, surgical navigation technology is needed at this time!

In fact, this set of technical principles is also very simple, that is, before using a surgical robot for surgery, the hospital needs to take various radiographs of the patient.

From X-ray, to CT, to PET, or MRI, you have to do it all.

Then specialized doctors will perform 3D modeling based on these different perspective pictures.

Then, the 3D model of the patient's diseased area is imaged in the computer on the main operating station.

The ratio of image restoration required must be 100%.

Then after the modeling and modeling are successful, the doctor will operate the robot before the operation, and perform a simulation experiment on the surgical path in a simulated environment.

For example, the angle and depth of the robot arm's entry, and where the end of the robot arm stops, and then locks the robot arm, and so on.

Many exercises are required before the operation, until the skilled position.

After many exercises, the doctors found the feel before starting the operation.

At this time, the success rate of the operation has increased from less than 50% to 80% or even more.

This is also one of the main reasons why surgical robots are very expensive to perform operations on people.

Because almost all the high-priced imaging equipment you have to come again to complete the 3D modeling work.

In this respect, we are also relatively weak, because 3D modeling requires a very good set of software tools.

In this respect, it is also our most missing technology.

However, in the ninth laboratory, this is not a problem at all, because we happen to have a self-service medical examination center. The 3D imaging equipment in there is the best one ever seen by Huang Haibin...

It is precisely because of this set of 3D imaging equipment that Huang Haibin quit his job in the United States and turned his head to join the Ninth Laboratory.

In fact, his ideal has always been to develop a surgical robot by himself.

Although there have been many problems before, those problems can be circumvented if we find a way.

But only the perspective imaging, 3D modeling, has always been Huang Haibin's most troublesome problem.

On the one hand, all the equipment is too expensive to use, and on the other hand, 3D modeling tools have always been the core technical significance of the strict control of large foreign companies.

Otherwise, do you think that until now the world only the intuitive sensory company in the United States can produce surgical robots.

Even Germany and Japan are so strong in terms of hard technology, why can't they come up with such a robot?

Bad, it's in this place.

The principle of positioning navigation sounds very simple, but if you really want to do it, it is definitely the most difficult part, because if one is not done, you will put the patient on the operating bed.

It is possible that the operation is over before it has started.

So this modeling technique is the most difficult step.

You have to input the pictures taken by X-ray, CT machine, PET, MRI and other fluoroscopy imaging equipment into a system, and then generate a one-to-one model of the patient's internal environment.

Then use the computer to perform virtual simulation exercises, so as to find the best path for the robotic arm to enter the patient's body, as well as the best surgical plan.

It can be said that without this step, your surgery does not need to be carried out at all!

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