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But the celebrity chef group's cooking like this has broken those banks!

how? Brother, you can't eat alone if you are engaged in such a big development project! Can you give me some face, so that we can also take advantage of the spread?

You can use the urinary **** of the celebrity chef group, it must be impossible!

They are in the bank, but there are still tens of billions of cash lying on their stomachs, and they are trying to flow out!

So don't look at the large scale of this project, it looks very scary.

But this is nothing for the celebrity chef group. You have to know that their money in the bank is already tens of billions.

And now all of their chain stores have begun to resume business normally.

Because of the various innovations during this period, as well as discount promotions and other activities, there will still be a daily net income of more than 100 million inflows into their accounts.

So now the celebrity chef group itself is having a headache over how to spend the money.

After all, money can only be spent and circulated before it is called money.

Originally they invested in a celebrity chef club, and this is a place to spend money.

However, it didn't take long for this league belt to start playing, and this club now has a profitable trend.

Because the club was not well-known before, and because it recruited young people this season, the salary for young people was not high.

Now that the league has only played six rounds, this club has attracted a large number of fans across the country with its gorgeous playing style.

In addition, in the club, there are indeed a few handsome guys with good looks, and the football skills are really good, now it has become a popular fried chicken in the league.

It is precisely because of such phenomenal performance and youthful vigor that the club has made a name for itself, and countless advertising companies have already come to the door and want to advertise.

Among them, the most enthusiastic ones are H company and BYD.

To be honest, the other party was so enthusiastic, even Xiao Feng hadn't expected it.

However, he soon realized that, on the one hand, people want to retaliate, and on the other hand, it is also because they are really optimistic about the performance of the celebrity chef team.

Xiao Feng originally planned to put the name of the famous chef group on the chest of the club's jersey.

After all, in China, there are really few clubs that can make money by selling their chest ads.

It is also a certain big club that performed well that year, once sold its chest advertisements for a period of high prices.

But later as their performance got better and better, they took back the advertising space.

But this time, H Company and BYD are coming so aggressively, they directly gave an annual advertising budget of 100 million yuan.

One is the chest advertisement of the celebrity chef team, and the other is the back advertisement.

Of course, the reason why they invest in this way is also inseparable from He Xiaojun's guidance.

After all, they have a very close relationship with Xinghuo Technology, but they don't know that the real boss behind Xinghuo Technology is Xiao Feng.

However, after He Xiaojun's guidance, the two companies did not hesitate to vote.

And their investment in this ratio has allowed the Bencheng Celebrity Chefs team to become the focus of the Super League again, while also allowing the club to make a profit directly this year.

This is worrying about the internal finance department of the group. How can the company spend so much money?

Finally, when the big project of the sports new city segment broke ground, the directors of the company's finance department were finally relieved.

The large and small construction teams in the city are also most willing to cooperate with celebrity chef groups.

Because working with them is so refreshing.

Everyone knows that the celebrity chef group is not bad, and when people pay, it is definitely more refreshing.

Although at the beginning of the project, the construction team was required to advance to the site.

But as long as you can follow the requirements of others, the materials used and the construction are exactly the same.

Then when the settlement date stipulated in the contract comes, you will be able to get your project payment exactly.

Like on other construction sites, the kind of projects that are often not required to pay for the project, or the contractor takes a few second-hand cars with unknown numbers to pay off the debt, or the situation of using the house to pay off the debt will not happen here at all.

The celebrity chef group never loses a cent of the contractor's money!

That's so proud!

But they did so, but they broke all the banks in a hurry.

This year, due to some special reasons, the bank already has a lot of idle money in its hands.

If these funds cannot be released and placed in the hands of the banks, they will also have to bear the pressure of capital costs.

Although recently, the state has been regulating real estate, and even called several top real estate developers in the country for a meeting, setting a red line for them.

But what does that have to do with the celebrity chef group?

How much money do those real estate companies make in a year?

There is a gimmick with trillions of assets, but if you ask them to take out the money, how much can they take out?

On the other hand, the celebrity chef group is different. People actually have tens of billions in their bank accounts!

And according to the speed at which they are making money, by the end of the year, the size of the cash in their bank account will exceed 100 billion.

The most important thing is people. The overseas income has not been counted. If this were counted, they would have crushed all the real estate predators in the country.

Now people come in for a real estate development. Although it is the first time to play across the border, everyone can see that this project is just a little money for sprinkling water.

But if you can catch the drips that leak out of people's fingers, it will be enough for you to develop.

So how many banks are waiting eagerly to cooperate with the celebrity chef group.

So before they waited for them to speak, countless banks took the initiative to give them money.

But I didn't expect that they didn't plan to find a bank loan at all!

This time there was no way, so someone used the above relationship to let the celebrity chef group give face and make friends.

In this way, the celebrity chef group reluctantly took several billions of start-up funds from multiple banks.

And now the money has basically been spent.

Now that the project has begun to take shape, it is naturally time to start selling...

As soon as this project began to sell, it immediately fell into a hot situation.

You must know that the project standards developed by the famous chef group are not low.

In particular, this new sports city section was originally a tidal flat land, and half of it was land opened up by mountains.

It was originally the suburbs of the city, and it was impossible to buy it at any price.

If this is developed by other developers, and the floor price can be set at around 15,000, then it will be overwhelming.

This price has to be the floor price of the top unit in the building king in the community.

As for other ordinary floors, it's not bad if you can buy 7,800 square meters.

But the real estate of Celebrity Chef Group is different. The starting price is 21,000 square meters, which is still the price of the first floor.

The more up the rest, the more expensive the price.

But even so, the first phase of their real estate opened three buildings, and they were all robbed within a day.

You know the reason why only three buildings were sold in the first batch of the first phase is to test the market's response.

After all, the real estate market in Bincheng this year is not particularly good.

It is said that the number of listings in the second-hand housing market has exceeded 100,000 units, and there are still many new buildings on the market for sale.

Therefore, this year's market is generally in a pattern of falling all the way, and even the real estate fair in early October of this year was a deserted pattern.

There are also several very good properties in the city, but the ones that dare to price 20,000 yuan are generally not very good.

But the celebrity chef group's side is different, and it's a hot scene when it opens.

Even when there are only two big holes on their construction site at this time, the delivery will have to wait until two years later!

However, consumers are still rushing, and the sales office was crowded with people on the day of the sale.

You must know that they don't have any money to ask, these people are all coming on their own initiative.

Why is there such a situation?

That's all because of the attractiveness of the famous chef group's golden signature!

Almost most of those who come to subscribe for houses are internal employees of the celebrity chef group or their family members.

Because of these employees, they are the people who know the plan the most.

What is the company's current situation? It can definitely be described as flourishing.

Such a company, to develop such a section, and their design philosophy can be said to be the best in the country.

In the future, this section of the new sports city will have a football field and a club youth training base.

There will also be one of the largest indoor commercial complexes in Asia!

In addition, the celebrity chef group has already announced that it may consider relocating its headquarters here in the future, leaving all the buildings in Marina Plaza to the Penny Vera Peninsula Hotel.

And the Sunshine Hospital within the celebrity chef group has also spoken out.

Because there are too many disease sources, and the future hospital plans to enter the field of comprehensive medical care.

They plan to open the first large-scale comprehensive private hospital in Bincheng, and the location of this hospital is nailed to the section of Sports New City.

There is also the most critical point~www.ltnovel.com~ that is the Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital. There are already plans to establish a medical industry park nearby.

It also plans to build a modern medical exhibition hall nearby in the commercial complex, specifically for the purpose of preparing for the annual medical exposition in the future.

Calculated in this way, this sector can be said to have the most complete supporting facilities in the future.

There are hospitals, shopping malls, and leisure and entertainment areas nearby. In addition, the future industrial park is nearby, which means that there will be no shortage of job opportunities.

In this way, as long as you are not a fool, you know that this area will have a huge potential for appreciation in the future.

So if you don't buy it at this time, when will you stay?

Therefore, the sports new city sector has been sold out as soon as the market opened.

However, after the news spread, many people's attitudes were scornful.

Because in the eyes of many people who don't know the truth, many of these people must have been invited by celebrity chef groups.

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