My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1434: Double guarantee

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And they want to reach a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with Ben Thanh Medical University, the purpose is also very simple.

Now in the field of new organ transplantation, there is no doubt that the top spot is Ben Thanh Medical University, and they are also leaders in this field.

It will even become the rule maker of many operations in the future, such as new liver transplants, kidney transplants, and other organ transplants in the future.

Even many new surgical manuals will be made by others.

So in the future, will you learn these new surgeries?

If you still want to hold, white people are better than yellow people, and the United States is better than the H country with a bull-breaking mentality.

Then don't learn it.

But in the future, if you really encounter a patient who needs this kind of surgery, what should you do?

As long as you are not fools and blind people, you know that this new organ transplant technology is definitely the general trend of the future.

At that time, when other hospitals have mastered this technology, you are still sticking to the original old technology.

For organs that have undergone lesions, medications, trimming shears, sewing and patching, will the patient still be willing to go to your home to see a doctor?

Using new technology, people can directly replace all the diseased organs, and then cure the disease.

Not only will it not affect the quality of life of the patient in the future, but even some aspects of the body's performance will be improved due to the replacement of new parts.

This is the same as replacing a certain important part of the engine in a car that has been in service.

Not only will it not affect performance, but some performance will be even better than before.

And your original medical method was to remove the broken parts, knock them out, and repair them.

Not only is it time consuming and laborious, but the most important thing is that it may not be able to be repaired. Even if it is repaired, the performance of the car will be lower than before.

So patients will naturally vote with their feet.

As long as the brain is okay, they will definitely choose those hospitals that can use the new technology for treatment.

In this way, in the long run, hospitals that are conservative or arrogant will be destined to be eliminated.

So as long as you are not stupid at this time, you know that you must keep up with the pace of Bencheng Medical University at this time.

Moreover, the relationship between Bincheng Medical University and Sunshine Hospital is the closest. They have many places for internships at Sunshine Hospital every year.

To know the tightness of this quota now, it can be said that it is worth millions to describe it as an exaggeration.

The chief physicians in the three domestic hospitals are now squeezing into the Sunshine Hospital for internship every year.

Go to the front line personally, contact those patients who need organ transplants, and those attending physicians, who come to steal the teacher and get out of their brains.

It can be seen how precious this place is, and the country can't grab it.

As for foreign countries, it can only be purchased by spending money.

However, in some hospitals, even if they want to spend money to send their elite doctors in, it is difficult.

So at this time, enrolling students at Bincheng Medical University has become the best way to get a relationship with Sunshine Hospital.

As a result, Bincheng Medical University has become a prestigious university that many students in China look up to.

Regardless of the fact that the school has not risen for a long time, the key is the ace discipline of others, which is a real bull breaking!

Students who graduated from their ace disciplines don’t have to worry about finding a job at all. This is a real deal.

Even in the country, it has been possible for the top three hospitals at all levels of prefectures and cities to be able to travel without saying.

And basically as long as you are willing to join their hospital, you can solve the problem of establishment.

The other is salary, which basically starts two to three times that of ordinary famous medical schools.

The most outstanding group of people was even poached by foreign hospitals with high salaries.

And their salary can reach five or six times that of their domestic counterparts...

This is only the Ben Thanh Medical University, and this time to build a new campus in the new sports city section, but there is another well-known university, Bin Thanh Polytechnic University.

You know that the original Ben Thanh Polytechnic University, but the old brand 985 is stronger than the Ben Thanh Medical University.

It's just that in recent years, for some reason, this school has fallen a bit.

But being low-key does not mean that he has no strength. You must know that the well-known National Institute of Chemical Industry in Bencheng is basically supported by the institution.

The best thing about this college is their physics and chemistry majors.

And these are the two traditional majors of biochemistry and environmental materials. If students graduated from these two majors in the past, it is basically difficult to find a job.

Basically, there are three ways out, either by continuing to study for graduate school, or by studying for a Ph.D.

Isn’t it just lucky to find some research institutes to work?

And the third type, that is basically changing from the society, because the domestic companies in the field of materials science are really too weak.

However, the situation has changed recently, because H Company, and BYD have successively reached strategic partnerships with Ben Thanh Polytechnic University.

He even set up two materials research laboratories jointly with Ben Thanh Polytechnic University, which allowed the university to quietly return to everyone's field of vision.

However, the university still maintained its previous low-key posture and did not publicize its laboratory too much.

Recently, however, there have been some rumors from the outside world that one of these laboratories has produced an epoch-making product.

At present, this product is in the urgent test stage. Once this new product has passed all the tests, it can be put into commercial use.

Then the consequences of this product will be disruptive.

However, because the specific news has not yet been announced, everyone is just guessing.

However, with the recent hype in the news, intentionally or unintentionally, the name of this university has begun to gradually renew its popularity.

Moreover, it is said that they are planning to build a new campus in the new sports city section for the purpose of opening the way for the two laboratories.

At that time, they will try the mode of combining production and investment in the new campus to train more students who are more practical.

And they will also open several new majors in new communities.

For example, the major of electronic product hardware materials and design, the major of artificial intelligence, and the programming of new software, and so on.

The announcement of these three majors immediately caused speculation from the outside world.

We must know that in the past, we did not have a school to open computer hardware in the design of this major, but every year we did not recruit too many students.

Because in this field, we are so far apart from the world.

And even if some students graduated from this major, they would basically be unable to find a job in China.

Even if you want to go abroad, there is a huge gap between the professional technical level in China and the international one.

Therefore, domestic credits will not be recognized by foreign universities. Many of them are abroad and still need to take credits.

So even if you are very interested in this industry, you will basically choose to study abroad directly at the undergraduate level instead of staying in China.

At this time, Ben Thanh Polytechnic University announced that they would open this major, and also said some very vague words.

For example, exploratory research will be conducted to target new materials.

Although the clouds and mountains are surrounded by mist, it easily attracted a lot of people's infinite reverie.

Then there is the major of artificial intelligence. To be honest, this major has been relatively popular in recent years.

Many universities have opened this major, and in the field of artificial intelligence in China, in fact, it has not been lagging behind.

Therefore, the Polytechnic University keeps up with the hot spots, which is not bad, and they are 985 universities, and they will definitely not be fooling around if they open this major.

I must have done some research on this major, and may even have contacted a leader in this major, and plan to bring people back. This will only be announced after being the leader of the school-based major.

The other is the new software programming profession. Just listening to the name will make people feel that there is a story in it.

You must know that software programming is not a new major in China. It can be said that it is basically a university and will have this major, regardless of whether you have one or two.

Because IT is too profitable now.

If a university does not even have this major, it is basically difficult to recruit students.

And basically, this major in every university is the one with the highest admission score.

For example, the University of Science and Technology originally had their own software school, and their reputation in China is pretty good.

But this time they actually opened a new software programming major, which is very interesting.

Especially this new word has a lot of meaning in it.

You must know that even the 985 University, there are many majors, you can not open you want to open, especially the names of some majors, it is really not you can name them at will.

Those are all required to be reported to the Ministry of Education for approval, and you must nod your head to open this major.

But this time, Bincheng Polytechnic actually opened a new software programming major, and it blatantly publicized it.

This shows that their profession must have been reported to the above and the above is also approved.

It is interesting to save it in this way, which shows that this software programming is definitely different from the traditional software programming profession.

So the specific difference is that it will be known after the first batch of students have enrolled.

But no matter what, from the recent series of actions of the Polytechnic University, it can be seen that the university has made big moves recently and has a new atmosphere.

This shows that this university has begun to gradually recover.

And as long as you are not a fool, you know that if your children can go to this university in the future, a good job in the future will definitely be guaranteed.

It is precisely because of the existence of the new campuses of the Polytechnic University and the Ben Thanh Medical University that this has also made the land of the Sports City become more and more hot.

Needless to say, the projects developed by the Celebrity Chef Group have now become key real estates that are frequently exposed throughout the country.

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