My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1468: Debut is the pinnacle

Latest website: Therefore, the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group are not afraid of the threat of these American consortia.

Even when he heard the threats from these Americans, he still felt a little scornful, very funny.

It was not until this time that he realized Xiao Feng's good intentions not to list these two companies.

Because two companies like the Ninth Laboratory and the Celebrity Chef Group have mastered so many sensitive technologies.

If they are listed, then they will be responsible for the shareholders, so the purpose of running the company will change.

If they go public, then they will have to pursue profits, so that they can have more beautiful financial data, can stabilize their stock prices, and make their stock prices rise.

Only in this way can the interests of the vast majority of shareholders be satisfied, so that his CEO can be stable in his position.

At the same time, Xiao Feng, the chairman of the board of directors, can sit firmly.

If they are a listed company, if the two decision makers dare to do this with a consortium of hard steel from the United States, even if they and other shareholders sign an AB share agreement.

That will certainly cause discomfort from many shareholders. After all, for many shareholders, they don’t care what stars and oceans you are pursuing.

They don't care what technology peaks to climb, and they don't care what you want to be a leading company in Huaguo technology.

They will even sneer at your ideals, thinking that you are stupid by doing so.

They only care about their own interests, only how much dividends they have received by the end of the year, and how much their stock price has risen.

If Morgan and Rockefeller throw an olive branch here, they will definitely try their best to persuade you to agree.

Because working with Americans can make the company's stock price rise higher, they can make more money from the stock market.

As for the time when the Americans will join the company and take away our core technology, hehe, they don't care.

As far as those capitals are concerned, they really have no borders and no feelings of family and country.

Anyway, as long as they make money, they will care about your company's life and death in the future?

If you were to become a stumbling block on their way to making money, then I'm sorry Long Ge's movie has long told you that breaking people and making money is like killing a parent!

Think about how Dong Ge planted that year?

In fact, as the only Internet tycoon who really started from scratch, the only one who is still a bit conscientious.

Seeing him being splashed with dirty water in that way, he finally became discredited. In fact, Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun felt quite worthless for him.

In fact, the reason why he stumbled is very simple. It was blocking some people's way.

While Xiao Feng and He Xiaojun felt worthless for him, they also took warning from such things.

So from then on, Xiao Feng had fundamentally cut off such threats.

Lao Tzu’s company just doesn’t go public. We make money ourselves and we spend whatever we want.

Go to your mother's shareholder supervision, go to your mother's shareholder meeting, in Lao Tzu's company, none of these exist.

Lao Tzu is willing to spend a lot of the money he earns on research and development. Lao Tzu is willing to throw the money into the water instead of sharing it with these so-called shareholders.

What's the matter!

Who keeps the old subsidiary from going public? I neither have to publish financial data to the public, nor do I have to be responsible to any shareholders.

Anyway, Lao Tzu’s company is just one word, what can you do?

Without those so-called shareholder constraints, the company has developed quite well.

Especially in the current situation, when there is strong pressure from the outside world.

If this is a joint-stock company, the company must have been noisy inside the company. The protagonist and the surrender group, as well as the clutter, must be the internal consumption of meetings every day.

And now, because the company is one word, the opinions within the company are very unified.

Sorry, we are not interested in your various conditions.

Our company will not be listed, and even if our company does not go public, the profit earned will be higher than the money from the financial market.

No way, who makes us more money!

Of course, different opinions are allowed in the company, if you object to the company's decision.

That's great. After you have expressed your opinion, you can pack your bags and leave.

Our company does not welcome people who are different from the company's development philosophy to continue working with us.

This is the benefit of non-listed companies!

And the current strong strength of the Ninth Laboratory is also the confidence He Xiaojun dares to fight against the two major consortia of the United States.

Because they are non-listed companies, their company does not attach great importance to its business in the United States.

After all, they had planned for the worst, just like Company H.

If the U.S. really takes extreme measures, hehe, the big deal is that I won't play with you anymore.

All of our company’s business has withdrawn from the United States, and it’s okay to even launch the Five Eyes Alliance.

Even taking a step back, we are all launching your traditional ally in Europe, it doesn’t matter.

We sell on our own site, as well as in Southeast Asia, as well as in South America and Africa. What can you do with us?

Anyway, don't use our products. See who can't stand it first?

It is estimated that if the trouble is to such a degree, which European and American politicians dare to propose such a motion, it is estimated that whichever will have to step down first!

No way, this is the advantage of leading technology.

It is precisely because the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group are non-listed companies and are only responsible to the company's boss, that's why they have the confidence to formulate such a plan.

If it were a listed joint-stock company, then anyone who would dare to make such a decision would definitely have to be ousted.

And now it is precisely because he has absolute control over the company that He Xiaojun dares to speak so hard to the US delegation.


At this time, Huang Haibin was looking at the machine tool in front of him, with excitement indescribable.

Now he can see it clearly, where is a machine tool!

This is so special, it is completely an intelligent processing robot!

This is a world away from the traditional CNC machine tools in people's impressions before.

Mr. Hu, the CTO of Spark Technology, is really too low-key.

I was a little nervous when I first came here, I don't know if this Spark Technology can help me solve the problem.

But now after looking at other people's machines, his heart directly returned to his stomach.

He knew that his problem was completely solved.

Before his surgical robot, what caused him the most headache was the navigation problem of the robotic arm in the patient's body.

To put it bluntly, it is how to accurately reach the operation area after the robotic arm enters the patient's body, and does not damage other important organs of the patient in the process.

In the past, the traditional American practice was to perform a comprehensive medical perspective on the patient before the operation.

Then input the data obtained from the perspective into their own 3D modeling system.

Then use their software system to restore 100% of the patient's body data in the computer.

Then, before the operation, a simulated operation to enter the operation area is performed.

And enter the key data into the execution program of the robot.

In this way, when the actual operation is performed, the doctor can operate the robotic arm and enter the patient's surgical area according to the route set by the initial program.

In this process, the doctor is only responsible for controlling the speed and strength of the robotic arm.

However, the problem now is that the Intuition Sense Corporation has completely controlled this 3D modeling system.

So far, the world only has software like this in their hands.

Even if Huang Haibin has been immersed in this field for more than ten years, he has not mastered the profound meaning of this software.

That's why he thought about combining the 3D imaging equipment jointly developed by the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group with his surgical robot.

In this way, the monopoly of the Americans in this area can be circumvented, and it can be considered a different way.

But now I see that the functional processing robot of Renjia Xinghuo Technology is actually drilling and hollowing out a large iron ingot under the positioning and navigation of a perspective device.

And the route is so precise, isn't this the technology he is dreaming of?

Moreover, this set of technology is much more powerful than the pre-surgery set of filming, modeling, and simulating operations of the Americans.

Because this technology is simpler and more convenient.

There is no need to prepare before the operation at all, and you can go directly to the operation.

After all, according to the American method, the patient must be fluoroscopy before the operation, then modeled, and then simulated.

This takes at least one to three days, but the efficiency of the work of the Americans, even this process takes one week, maybe half a month.

When the special surgical robot is simulated, when it enters the route of the operation area, there may be major changes in the patient's body.

Especially for patients with tumors, it is important to know that the rate of tumor growth is very fast.

A change in a day is the norm, and even half a month can change drastically.

Maybe wait for your simulation to be done, but when the operation is performed, the tumor in the patient's body is already overgrown with the route you want to enter the operation area.

So at this time, you have to stop the operation, and the only thing waiting for the patient is a hiccup.

But with the fluoroscopy device of Spark Technology combined with its own surgical robot, it is different.

They can fluoroscopy the patient one hour before the operation, and then immediately develop a navigation route.

Even the navigation can perform real-time positioning and navigation of the forward route of the robotic arm during the operation.

This kind of technology is far more advanced than American surgical robots in terms of timeliness.

Isn't this Nima a routine that starts at the peak?

Thinking of this, Huang Haibin immediately felt a little hilarious.

Before this, he was a little less confident. After all, the Americans are in the field of surgical robots, and they are undoubtedly the world's hegemon.

Even if it is as strong as Germany and Japan, there is no comparable technology.

And even if his robot is built, can it compete head-on with the Intuition Sensor Company?

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