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Speaking of the current ninth laboratory, it is definitely a sweet pastry in the eyes of all countries in the world.

Don't look at the many chaebols in the United States who gritted their teeth with hatred of the Ninth Laboratory, but at the same time, they also secretly kept releasing the Ninth Laboratory.

If one day, if you don’t want to work in that place, or feel wronged.

If you come directly to our country, we will give you the most preferential treatment. An excellent company like yours should come to our country.

This is similar to the conditions that the United States gave to a German vaccine company that year.

It's just that the United States was even tougher at that time, because Germany seemed to him to be just a follower.

So what they asked for that company was that your company should move its headquarters to our U.S. company and become a U.S. company.

If you don’t come, hehe, we won’t let your vaccines be sold in our country.

I won’t say more about the final result.

However, they were very polite to the Ninth Laboratory.

Because the ninth laboratory is much stronger than that company when it comes to technology, and its status in the arena is also higher.

Therefore, the conditions they set for the ninth laboratory are definitely more tempting.

But at the same time, they will also plant countless spies on the ninth laboratory.

In fact, it is not only the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea and other countries that covet the key technology of the ninth laboratory.

I don't know how many people were sent to the Ninth Laboratory.

Certainly not in the name of the country, most of them are sent in the form of economic espionage.

After the Ninth Lab changed to clone security experts, most of these spies were invisible to them.

It's just that Xiao Feng also understands the truth that there are no fish when the water is clear. If you remove one, the gang will send the second and third.

So on the one hand, he will arrange company security experts to evaporate some particularly difficult spies from the world.

In addition, some guys whose beliefs are not so firm will be left behind.

On the one hand, they used the Overlord Bee to quietly control these guys. On the other hand, through the channels of these guys, they sent countless false information to those countries.

Because of the existence of these guys, it is said that when the Japanese dismantled their 3D imaging equipment, it caused a big explosion and killed many experts.

The Americans and Germans have gone farther and farther in the project of replicating small-molecule collagen, and spent more and more money.

But in the end they will find that they are going around in an endless circle, and they can't get out anyway.

This is just a foreign spy, and do you think that the domestic surveillance of the Ninth Laboratory will be relaxed?

Then you are so wrong.

In fact, since the ninth laboratory has risen like a comet, and has led the world in certain specific technical fields, the country has been very concerned about this company.

Especially after learning that the parent company of this company is actually a mysterious overseas company.

More importantly, Xiao Feng, the boss behind this company, is still a mysterious figure.

He also established such a large autonomous region in the copper country, and also helped the country solve the problem of importing Venezuelan crude oil into the country.

He even gave the best solution for refining Venezuelan heavy oil.

All these have made the country attach great importance to him and his company.

Especially in the domestic scientific research circles, it has been circulating that there is such a mysterious group of Chinese scientists overseas.

And this mysterious group has realized rumors such as the realization of their technology through the Ninth Laboratory.

Naturally, the domestic attaches great importance to such news.

Because now our country H has indeed reached a critical moment, reaching the so-called middle-level country trap stage.

GDP per capita has reached 10,000 U.S. dollars, but after this step, it will become extremely difficult.

If you step up, you will be able to enter the boundaries of developed countries, but many countries end up here.

For example, Argentina in South America, Malay in Southeast Asia and so on.

And when we get to this point, to put it bluntly, we have to upgrade and go further in the industrial field.

But after all, our technical foundation is too weak, and the domestic scientific research system is not as advanced as that of the United States. The most important thing is that none of us is as rich as an American.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to reach a higher level here.

But at this time, there was this mysterious group of overseas Chinese scientists, which made many people feel that there was hope.

They have technology in their hands, and we have a market and various resources!

If you want to realize it, you can!

Come to us, let's welcome with open arms!

However, considering various factors, the above did not act rashly.

Apart from other things, if you are too enthusiastic, it will attract the attention of Americans, and it may mean that it is not a good thing for this group of Chinese scientists.

Maybe, it will bring them a disaster.

At that time, what if someone is forced to a corner and falls into the arms of Americans?

So before, the above has always adopted the rule of inaction, letting the ninth laboratory develop freely, and they have given the maximum tolerance.

Of course, tolerance does not mean just letting it go. At least they have also planted people like Yang Lei to keep abreast of the company's technological breakthrough progress.

Previously, because it had not been clear what kind of attitude the Ninth Laboratory adopted for cooperation with the government.

And I'm afraid that if you are too enthusiastic, you will scare the scientific research group away, so there is not much action on it.

And this time, the Ninth Laboratory, in conjunction with the celebrity chef group, suddenly came up with such a Quanye Fund, which gave the people above hope.

Eh! This method is good!

Let's not talk about the technical cooperation with that Chinese scientist team.

Just talk about the persuasion fund, this is a very good project!

How many scientific research units do we have in China, how many scientific research units are there in the military, and how many outstanding ideas, because of insufficient funds, have not been able to enter the experiment and production stage?

Even a lot of outstanding ideas, just because they lacked money, ended up with pornography, it is heartbreaking to think about it!

It’s not unimaginable from the above to guide social funds to participate in these scientific research projects.

But after a few initial trials, I finally had to give up.

For example, the country once wanted to introduce funds from those Internet giants to enter this field.

It's a pity that all the lipsticks that I said are rotten. People just do Tai Chi for you. If you ask them to steal real estate, they are very happy.

But you let him support the army, hehe, sorry...

Because their major shareholders are foreign investors, and these companies are all listed on US stocks, they would definitely not be able to let them invest in these projects.

If it is sanctioned by the United States, how can it have to pay for it?

As for the feelings of family and country? Haha, sorry...

So after a few trials at the beginning, everyone gave up.

Of course, not all of this is due to capital. Of course, there are also many reasons that are part of the military assets...

Ahem, I won’t say more, if I say too much, it’s four zero four...

Anyway, the last reason is that everyone can't trust each other, and the thing is not done in the end.

And this time the Quanye Fund gave the above a good opportunity.

First of all, the background of qualified funds is different from those Internet capital that only cares about interests and does not care about the industry at all.

This vigorous company originated from a technology company and knows more about technology. Their attitude is to support the industry.

This also allowed the above to see a very good opportunity to introduce private capital...

With such a special channel, it should be able to bridge the gap of mistrust between military assets and private capital.

So there was Yang Lei's mission this time, in fact, this time it was just a trial.

As a technician, Yang Lei has been in the Ninth Laboratory for some time.

In fact, the security department of the Ninth Laboratory has always been aware of his existence.

However, because of his special identity and background ~www.ltnovel.com~, he didn't take any action against him.

It's just that the company put him in a less important R&D position, and his unit is actually more of his peers.

Most of them are economic spies sent by other countries. In this department, there are no important tasks and no access to the core technology and secrets of the Ninth Laboratory.

Usually, everyone’s life is a mess, but after hearing about the restructuring of the Ninth Laboratory, Yang Lei was tasked to make an attempt.

In fact, the so-called brand-new thermal insulation material in his hand is a semi-finished product of a domestic military laboratory.

In fact, it was also plagiarizing the innovative ideas of a certain technology in the United States. However, because the Americans later discovered newer materials, they finally did not dig deep in this field.

However, a certain domestic institute found that this technology was very promising, so it took it for research.

But now the R&D process has reached more than one-half, but in the end it had to be stopped due to lack of funding.

However, the project development has progressed by 60%. At this time, if the funds are not enough, the R&D team will be abandoned and unwilling.

However, there are only so many scientific research funds advertised every year, and these funds are now used for more important technologies.

So this project can only be scheduled to wait for funds, but the R&D team can't afford to wait!

So he tried to get Yang Lei to report the project to the evaluation committee of Quanye Fund in the name of entrepreneurship.

Unexpectedly, the review committee really looked at it again, and passed it just once.

He even offered to help them solve the remaining technical problems, but now Yang Lei and the team are very happy.

What Yang Lei was even more unexpected was that when he came to Xinghuo Technology this time, he would have such a shocking discovery...

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