My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1481: The last paradise for young people

   Now the construction of the new city is in full swing, and strict orders have been placed on it. This plot absolutely does not allow housing price speculation.

   This will be used as a functional relief zone. In the future, educational and scientific research institutions in big cities will be the first to move here.

   Such an environment can also make scientific research workers no longer have to worry about housing and their children going to school.

   They can do scientific research here with peace of mind.

   Generally speaking, this idea is still very good, but as to whether it can be realized, Xiao Feng thinks it remains to be seen.

  Because there are several problems in the domestic academic circles now, and because of the influence of traditional Confucian culture, academics eventually like to move closer to power.

   To put it bluntly, there are some scientific researchers who start to enter politics after they have reached a certain level of academics.

   Once they step into politics, they prefer to move closer to the center of power.

   So many schools have actually deteriorated internally, and why do these schools like to take root in these first-tier and new first-tier cities?

   Because this is the core area of ​​power!

  It is close to the administrative departments at all levels in the city, and it is also very conducive to school leaders and people from all walks of life to make contact with people from all walks of life, and deal with relationships...

   At this time, you asked the school to relocate to a new city a hundred and ten kilometers away. Do you think the school leaders would like it?

   I am afraid that even if it is because of the above order, it will be reluctant.

   will even come to Li Daitao Zang, in that new city, open a new campus that is not very popular.

   Put the teachers who disagree with him in the school, and some subjects that can't be seen at night and are not open to people, and put them on that campus.

   As for the real core majors and the school management department, they will still remain in the main city.

   The reason why Xiao Feng guessed this way was because there were schools that did it before.

   For example, many cities have opened up many new urban areas during the urban expansion period.

   But the new city is deserted and the supporting facilities are not perfect. The city has tried every means to attract people to pass by.

  The most common way is to relocate some universities in the old city.

   Then the leaders of these cities will talk to those universities, give them land in the new city, and let them relocate.

   How about actually?

   Those college robbers are very good. On the surface, they promised the superiors that we would relocate, so we should take up the place first.

   But in fact, a branch campus was set up there, but some unpopular or unpopular majors were moved to the past, and the so-called XX campus was established.

  The true core professions and core management departments will still stay in the old city.

  Because no one is stupid, the old town is firstly equipped, and secondly, it is close to the core of rights.

  Whatever is going on here, it is very convenient to find someone to do things.

   But once you leave here, you are completely far away from the power center, and the bureaucrats in the school are not stupid.

   In the final analysis, the administrators of these schools actually think about problems from a political perspective.

   and never think about the problem from an academic point of view.

   As for the professors in those schools, you said they were asked to move to the new campus, do you say they would like to?

   Even if you are near the new campus, you will give them a low-cost house, so that they don’t have to worry about the high housing prices in the old city.

   But they are equally unwilling to go!


  For the education of the children in the family, as well as the medical treatment for the elderly in the family.

   As far as the above is concerned, they can order universities and scientific research institutions to move to the new city.

   But can you force those elementary and middle schools to move to the new city?

   So the primary and secondary schools in your new city must be newly built, and what do the teachers say about the newly built school?

   The new teacher must be a new teacher, even if the sign of the High School Affiliated to the National People's University is hung up, can the actual teaching results be the same?

   Ninety percent of the students in the Minda High School in Weigong Village can be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and the worst is going to universities like Renmin University, Beili and Beihang University.

   But where is the Minda High School in your new city?

  , where can the kids go for the exam?

   The university in the capital failed to pass the entrance examination. I am afraid that even the 985 and 211 in other provinces may not be able to pass the entrance examination.

   So you said, are those professors willing to move to the new city?

  Also, you can move universities and research institutes to the new city.

   Where are those hospitals?

   We must know that the reason why big cities can attract people depends not only on abundant educational resources, but also on abundant medical resources.

   Like those hospitals in Beijing, isn’t that loud? Isn't that the top first-class hospital in China?

   Tiantan Hospital, Jishuitan Hospital, Xiehe Hospital, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Chaoyang Hospital, etc., which one comes out, isn’t at least one of the departments top-notch in the country?

   As for those hospitals with military backgrounds in the 30s, not to mention.

   Even if you ask them to relocate to the new city, do you say they are willing to go?

   If these hospitals don’t move, what if you move to the university?

   At that time, the professors in the university, in order to transfer back, I am afraid that the Eight Immortals will cross the sea to show their magical powers.

   This is still for those who live in this big city.

   What about the outsiders who want to come to work in the capital?

   If you don't have strong skills, then you will be even more miserable!

   It's the same even in other cities, such as Magic City, Pengcheng, Yangcheng, and the so-called new frontiers.

   Most people come to these cities, but they are just moving bricks and tiles for the construction of the city, and in the end you will find that when you are drained of energy, you can only return to the hometown where there is nowhere to put your soul in your mouth.

   This is also the main reason why Xiao Feng hates the excessive concentration of resources in big cities.

   The more concentrated it is, the more it will cause high housing prices and impetuous atmosphere in big cities.

   So he thinks that this is also the main reason why he insists not to move his celebrity chef group, the ninth laboratory, or the headquarters of Spark Technology to those first-tier or new first-tier cities.

  Even the investment promotion departments of these cities have been in contact with these companies many times.

   has also offered these companies very good conditions, which can even be said to be tempting conditions.

   But he didn't even agree!

   Because he felt that if he only went, he would become an accomplice to the dream of slaughtering young people.

   And these companies are set up at the end of the second-line crane, a city that is not very popular.

   can keep a low profile, in line with his own taste and tonality.

  The second come is also to provide such a way out for those young people who have nowhere to settle in the big city.

   Although the house price here is over 10,000 yuan, as long as you have the ability and work hard, you can buy a house and get a car within a few years.

   If your family has some financial background, you can help, and even you can do without the pressure of a mortgage.

  As long as you have the ability in this city, you can earn the same salary as in a big city.

   Even though the salary of most people is indeed slightly lower than that of the first-tier cities, the happiness index here is not comparable to those of the first-tier cities.

   The housing prices in first-tier big cities can easily be hundreds of thousands, and the housing prices here are capped at 30,000. Of course, if you have to choose a school district room, the price will naturally be higher.

   But for ordinary people, in fact, the city's more than ten thousand one-flat houses are enough, because after all, this city is not as huge as the first-tier cities of the capital city, and the daily commuting time does not need to be as long as several hours.

   Moreover, this city does not lack all kinds of educational resources, and there are many very complete industrial chains.

   Even if you can't work in the Ninth Lab and the celebrity chef group, you can also work in the upstream and downstream companies that depend on these big companies.

   And the salary of these companies is generally good. This is what the Ninth Laboratory and the Famous Chef Group are willing to provide to the workers.

   I definitely don't emphasize that 996 is a blessing here. Overtime is entirely voluntary, and it is the same for any company.

   Because here are two great companies taking the lead in demonstrating, so do their upstream and downstream companies.

   If any company squeezes employees like those companies, then next quarter, he will not be able to get orders from these two large companies.

   This is an unwritten unwritten rule in the industry.

   Also, there will be no HR alliances that give birth to children without a P eye.

  No company is allowed to arbitrarily recruit employees over the age of 35, and even after employees apply for labor arbitration, they will be blocked from the entire network.

   The urination of the old wealth of Jiangnan landlords at the end of the Ming Dynasty is absolutely forbidden here.

   Xiao Feng's idea is to build this city into a city of innovation in China in the future.

   One of the previous innovation cities, because of the crazy skyrocketing real estate, has lost its magical powers of the past.

   Even if the country still gives them a lot of preferential policies, there are still a large number of manufacturing companies that have moved out.

   Japanese and Korean companies have moved to Southeast Asia, and several well-known domestic companies have also moved to the next city.

   This kind of urban development path is a lesson learned.

   The upper level of Bincheng is also very sensitive to the future development direction of the I have communicated with He Xiaojun and Xiao Feng many times before.

   And the final conclusion is that I will never do things that are exhausted...

   And this makes Xiao Feng even more relieved...

  What he has to do is to save the last piece of paradise here for the young people in China, and leave the last pure land that can be realized for their dreams.

   So now, Xiao Feng's answer to these university invitations is only a few words: Ha ha! Let's talk about it later!

   Indeed, the history of Polytechnic University and Ben Thanh Medical University may not be as long as yours, and their reputation is not as great as yours.

   But these two universities are just the kind of universities that can stand loneliness.

   Speaking of these two universities, the history is not short, and both have contributed a lot of talents to the country.

   is not received by the domestic academic circle only because of the problem of birth.

   But it is precisely because of this that these two universities have the habit and temperament to endure loneliness.

   Spark Technology needs a good partner who can truly study science with great concentration and work hard in basic science.

  For such a prestigious university, they really can't afford it...



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