My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1487: Do you know how we spent the 30 years?

     If it had been before, Xiao Feng would really not dare to pack tickets to the opposing generals.

   Since some time ago, he went to Xinghuo Technology to visit some industrial robots and got a detailed understanding of the performance of that robot.

   With his current understanding, this kind of tube is really a pediatrics for that industrial robot.

   So he smiled slightly at the generals on the opposite side: "This...I think it should be fine."

   What he said was an understatement, but the generals on the other side heard it like thunder in their ears!

   The general who asked the question a moment ago even sat upright and his expression became more serious.

   "Mr. Xiao, what you said is true? This is no joke!"

   In fact, whether it is J20 or J15, or our Y20.

   This voyage has always been bothering us and the most troublesome problem for us.

  Since forty years ago, we opened the door to connect with the world. In the first ten years, we gradually understood the gap between us and the world.

   In the next ten years, we have been keeping a low profile and spending time in constant depression and collapse.

   At that time, the more we understood the world, we found that we were far behind the world. ,

   At that time, let alone compare with the United States and the bears, but compared with the southern kingdom of Japan, we can't compare.

   At that time, even the air force on a certain island was not weaker than ours.

  Because we are still using J8, and people have already used F16.

   So that group of people didn't take us seriously at that time.

   After several frictions until about two thousand years, we were slapped in the face, but only after we knocked off our front teeth and swallowed blood.

   Since then, we have made up our minds to catch up even if we overcome all difficulties.

   No one knows, how did we survive those 30 years?

   Ten years after that, we worked hard while sending out many people.

   It was the contributions and sacrifices of those overseas that brought us back a lot of valuable information.

   It is precisely because of the precious information that we have been behind for decades to catch up step by step.

  It was about ten years ago that we finally figured out, where are we lagging behind?

That’s right. In the first thirty years, we just knew that we were at least thirty years behind other people’s aviation development technology, but why did we lag behind by thirty years? In which way we lag behind by thirty years? Can't tell.

   It wasn't until almost ten years ago that we learned from the Japanese that almost 50% of the cost of parts and components of aviation development came from materials.

   And there is a huge gap between us and others in terms of materials, and it is the information we got from Japan that let us know.

   It turned out to be very special. In the American aviation development, more than 50% of the parts are made of special metal materials such as titanium, nickel and cobalt.

   And it was at that time that we only knew why the turbofan blades on the rotor in the aviation engine were so powerful.

   is not only the unique design concept and processing technology of others, but also because they added metal rhenium in the blade smelting.

  It is this rare metal that gives this turbofan blade super creep resistance.

   After getting the data from Japan, we also produced a prototype engine based on the Japanese data.

  Also alloy materials such as titanium, nickel and cobalt are also used in large quantities on the engine.

  Even the turbofan blades on the rotor are made of these materials.

   But during the installation test flight, an accident occurred, and the aircraft engine entered the ultra-high-speed working state.

   broke down within a few minutes, and even had parts sprayed out of the nozzle.

   The most serious, even the blades of the turbofan were broken, and the combustion behind it was broken, and finally it was ejected from the nozzle.

   Because of this major accident, we even sacrificed several pilots.

   But everyone can't understand after thinking about it, what is going on?

   Did we follow the Japanese manual?

   It was not until later that a special person sent back information from the United States, and everyone knew that the Americans had also pitted the Japanese.

   Although they can supply the Japanese with unlimited planes, and aviation.

   even teaches the Japanese how to do disassembly and maintenance.

   However, they still prefer the Japanese in terms of the design of aviation development, the design of key parts, and the production.

   And the materials and information about aviation development that the Japanese have, they basically found out after they have used American aviation development for decades.

   But they didn't know that when the Americans were producing the turbofan blades on the aviation rotors, they would add metal rhenium to them.

  Because the working environment of this kind of rotor turbofan blades is very special, needless to say high pressure, it may work in an environment of 30 atmospheres at the highest time.

   And also to ensure that the number of revolutions per minute is hundreds of thousands, and the temperature in the air pressure machine is very high at this time.

   The highest can even reach more than three thousand degrees, and those turbofan blades work in such a high temperature and high pressure environment, it is impossible to rely on titanium, nickel and cobalt alloys.

   The alloys smelted by combining these several metal elements are extremely hard and resistant to stretching.

  The problem is that in such a high temperature environment, even if it is such a hard metal, there will be a phenomenon of hot melting after long-term work.

  Especially when the aircraft enters supersonic cruise, the aircraft enters the violent combustion mode, and it even takes more than ten minutes.

   At this time, the blades of the turbofan are prone to melt and creep at a high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees.

   is when the edge of the blade begins to melt and deform. If the time is long, the blade may even break.

   Once that point was reached, the engine was completely scrapped.

   And the fighter jets rushing through the air, if they suddenly lose their power, they will be over, and they will be turned into a pile of scrap iron.

  After adding metal rhenium to the turbofan blades, the turbofan blades will work in such a high temperature and high pressure environment, and there will be no high temperature creep.

  This greatly improves the life and reliability of the aircraft.

   After understanding these principles, we began to look for metal rhenium all over the world.

   It is a pity that we only discovered at this time that this kind of rare metal has basically been monopolized by the United States, Russia, France and other three countries.

  Especially the United States, almost monopolizes 80% of the world's metal rhenium production and sales.

   We can't buy it even at a high price.

   It wasn't until almost five years ago that we discovered a rhenium mine in a mountainous area in the Qinling Mountains.

   Although the annual output is limited, it basically solves the material problem of our aviation blades.

   At that time, we also brought in many experts from the Ukrainian Antonov Company, and basically mastered the production and processing technology of engine turbofan blades.

   It happened that a batch of machine tools were purchased from a neutral country in Western Europe at a high price, and this was the breakthrough of the turbofan series engine.

   Although it is a breakthrough, the production capacity has not been able to increase.

   is mainly limited by insufficient processing equipment.

   For example, the metal pipes that this general showed to Xiao Feng are all old technicians in the factory who use special equipment.

   drilled out of iron rods made of these alloy materials, because such pipes cannot be welded at all.

  Because of the welded pipes, it is impossible to withstand the ultra-high pressure during aviation work.

   Just like a drill tube, use a turning head to drill a little bit on the iron rod, and then polish it.

   Finally, we need to use ultra-high-power bending machines. Come on, these pipes can be bent according to the required shape.

  Because these pipes are special metal alloy pipes, their performance is very outstanding, such as very hard, poor toughness and so on.

   So when bends, the scrap rate is also very high.

   It is very likely to bend ten wires, and finally two wires are qualified. This is the main reason why our aviation development manufacturing costs have been high.

   This is only the bending part. As for the previous drill pipe, the scrap rate is even more alarming.

   Ten iron rods, and finally one can be drilled into a qualified pipe, which is already very good.

   And because these metal alloys are very hard, it consumes a lot of drill bits when drilling.

   Previously, the military received a secret report from Yang Lei and learned that Spark Technology is another very advanced industrial robot.

   can actually drill various tortuous cavities on the iron ingot, and use the integrated molding technology to make a hydraulic valve.

   To be honest, the technical experts who were knowledgeable at the time felt like a fantasy after hearing this information.

   It is not difficult to drill a hole on an aluminum alloy iron ingot that is 30 cm long ~ ~ 40 cm wide and 20 cm high.

   But you said that on such a large iron ingot, a complicated cavity like a hydraulic valve is drilled. Isn't that a joke?

  Although aluminum alloy is not as hard as titanium alloy, it is also metal, which is also very hard.

   To drill a dungeon-like maze on such iron ingots, the experts feel that their brains are not enough.

   But Yang Lei later sent a very short video image. As a result, after watching this video, many experts were blinded.

   reported the news as soon as he woke up, and then the military equipment department started a series of discussions about this machine.

   Then there was today’s meeting and the generals’ inquiries.

   Now that Xiao Feng has given an affirmative answer, where can the generals calm down?

   "Of course, I can be sure that our industrial robots can produce such pipes without any problems."

   "It can even be processed in one piece..."

   Xiao Feng, who understood the strength of that robot, was very confident at this time. The generals on the opposite side quickly blushed.



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