My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1492: Shaftless is better than shaft

"Well, this..."

"Forget it, Xiao Li, you can introduce to President Xiao!"

Seeing that Xiao Feng asked such a layman, President Ma didn't know how to tell Xiao Feng.

And after all, he is also old, and he is indeed a little tired when he rushes back and forth for thousands of miles this day.

Simply instructed the students who came with me to explain to Xiao Feng the principle of this push.

And Xiao Feng didn't care, on the contrary, he showed a respectful attitude.

After all, as a layman, he didn't really know much about this submarine field.

In terms of airplanes, as a fan of the pseudo-military, he can barely be called a half-hearted man.

Speaking of this navy, he is completely blind.

Especially the submarine, this kind of strategic killer, usually does not have many opportunities to show his face outside, and Xiao Feng doesn't understand it even more.

Xiao Li is a young man in his thirties who wears gold-wire glasses. The combed hair is shiny and meticulous, which is completely different from the image of those sloppy polytechnic dogs.

At this time, Academician Ma asked him to explain to Xiao Feng, and Xiao Li didn't have stage fright at all.

First, he looked at Xiao Feng earnestly, and then began to explain to Xiao Feng.

"In fact, when it comes to pumping, it is not an advanced concept. It has been around as early as the last century."

"It was first applied to torpedoes, and later it was applied to many ships, mainly for temporary acceleration and so on."

"In terms of rapid acceleration and silence, this pumping technology does have advantages."

"But if it is really the most valuable aspect, it must be applied to submarines, because this technology can greatly improve the muting effect of submarines."

"For submarines, silence is vitality!"

"As for the submarines of our army, this Mr. Xiao must have heard that joke."

"The Americans once said that as soon as our submarine starts, they can hear it in Cam Ranh Bay..."

This is a famous joke from the 1990s. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is true.

At that time, our submarine didn't even know what the silent tile was!

So although we also had strategic nuclear submarines at that time, the Americans actually never took our submarines seriously.

Even their little brother, the Japanese, once used conventional submarines to compete with our nuclear submarines. To be honest, the situation was not optimistic.

In this situation, until later, when the former Soviet Union disintegrated, Mao Xiong made a big sale for money.

After we bought the Kilo-class submarine of Ocean Black Hole from Teddy Bear, it made a big difference.

At that time, we only learned that, Te Niang, it turned out that someone actually laid a layer of silent tiles outside the iron shell of the submarine!

No wonder the submarine sound of the turtle son is so small!

Later, through some means, we got this mute tile production technology from Mao Xiong, which made our submarine's mute technology improved a lot.

But that is also relatively speaking. If compared with American submarines, our submarines are at least 20 decibels higher than others in terms of noise.


The reason is very simple, our submarine's power system is not good, resulting in defects in the shape of our submarine.

Other American submarines use drop-shaped monocoques.

We are still using double shells!

What's more, people use a drop-shaped design, but we still use a turtle-back design.

Although the double shell is a little bit stronger in terms of buoyancy than the single shell, in fact, the internal load capacity, mobility, and noise are far worse.

Our double shell, turtle back shape, is actually the design of a fur-like bear.

No way, who got our submarine design system from Mao Xiong.

But the reason why people adopt this design, although it is because of the poor power system, they can use the idea of ​​enlarging the hull to weaken their shortcomings.

The size of the family is huge, from the typhoon level of more than 40,000 tons to the now small 20,000 tons of the North Wind God, which one is not a big one?

According to the urinary nature of Mao Xiong's great cause, they can really pile up materials for you regardless of cost.

Titanium alloy boat hulls, that’s not a problem. We can’t afford to build such a submarine.

Even if it can be built, we can't afford it. This is not in line with our navy's consistent tone.

So in recent years, we have also been thinking about taking the Western path.

Academician Ma is a pioneer in this regard, especially in terms of pumping concepts.

In fact, speaking of pumping, the British, French and Americans used this thing on their submarines as early as the last century.

However, it has not been widely promoted because they use shaft pumping technology.

To put it bluntly, compared with the previous submarine, a fairing was installed on the periphery of the propeller behind the submarine.

This greatly reduces the noise caused by the propeller agitating the airflow.

In terms of current submarine technology, the biggest noise source of submarines today is actually the airflow caused by the rotation of the propeller behind the submarine.

When these air currents move away from the submarine, they turn into bubbles. The noise that these bubbles cause when they rise and burst is the most annoying submarine.

After the British put a cover on the propeller, they found that it could effectively reduce the noise, and then shared it with the French.

Later, the Americans also tried their own Seawolf and Virginia, and it did effectively reduce the noise, but they did not promote it on a large scale.

Because of this technology, it seems to them a bit tasteless.

Because for conventional submarines, if this technology is used, a large number of permanent magnet motors will be used, which will first greatly increase the cost.

However, the use of permanent magnet motors to work in the sea has to face a series of problems to be solved, such as sealing corrosion, and the investment in this is very large.

Moreover, there is a shaft pump push, no matter how you do it, it can’t eliminate the noise of the drive shaft rotating.

And the use of this technology does not greatly improve the power of the submarine.

Ordinary conventional submarines have a underwater speed of seven to eight knots. After using this technology, they are not going anywhere.

So if you use this technology, besides the cost increase, there is not much benefit of breaking it off.

Therefore, the United States and the United Kingdom did not make great efforts to continue research.

But in this regard, only Japan and us have been quietly working hard.

Some time ago, the Japanese Big Whale was a typical example.

The maximum diving depth of this submarine is said to be able to dive to 700 meters, which is already very scary.

To know that the bear’s **** of the north wind, the deepest dive is 450 meters, the depth of this thing is actually 250 meters more than the **** of the north wind.

The most important thing is that he has the highest underwater speed, and he can actually reach 20.5 knots, young mother, are you still a conventional submarine?

Although I don’t know if the Japanese have done anything with the data, the data just sounds scary.

This has also brought us considerable pressure.

Recently, Academician Ma is taking his team into the final moment of our third-generation nuclear submarine.

And our generation of nuclear submarines have several requirements. First, it is a single hull, followed by a drop shape, and then the most critical. Our generation of nuclear submarines uses shaftless pumping technology!

You must know that so far, pump-propelled submarines in several other countries around the world have used shaft pumping technology.

To put it bluntly, no matter how the design is, the principle is actually another drive shaft connected to the gas turbine or motor in the court trial.

Then through this drive shaft, the propeller rotor outside the hull is driven to obtain power.

And our five-axis pump push concept is amazing.

The drive shaft is directly cancelled, and the blades of the propeller are directly fixed to the annular rotor in the pumping system.

The outside of the rotor is the stator, and then the motor is used to drive the rotor to rotate to obtain power.

This concept is very advanced and awesome, even bold.

It must be known that the iron hull ship was born for hundreds of years, but if the drive shaft and propeller were eliminated and the rotor was driven directly, this would be the first time for this special kind of ship.

And the use of this kind of rotor drive, the benefits are great.

The first is to cancel the space. You must know that the space inside the submarine is very precious.

The second is to save most of the weight. You must know that most of the drive shafts are made of copper alloy, which is expensive, not to mention the weight.

The weight saved can at least carry five more missiles.

And the most important thing is that this kind of shaftless pump push, because the tip of the propeller's blade points to the center of rotation.

This greatly reduces the ionized bubbles caused by the rotation of the traditional propeller, thereby greatly reducing the noise.

Secondly, because the transmission shaft is eliminated, there is no mechanical noise generated when the transmission shaft rotates.

It not only reduces the noise, but also effectively avoids the survivability under the attack of wake fish.

The other is that it can greatly increase the speed of the submarine...

Because of the use of motor drive, this advantage can be great.

Everyone has seen electric cars now and even some people have driven them. Someone must have experienced the quietness of electric cars and the rapidity of speed increase.

These characteristics are also applicable to submarines without shaft pumps.

The submarine using this technology can quickly increase the speed from a stationary state to the fastest state.

And as long as you have enough power, you can continue to run at a violent speed...

There is no need to take into account the working conditions of the engine like a shaft-driven submarine.

Therefore, the shaftless pump mode is better than the shaft pump mode currently used in Britain, France, the United States and Japan.

Countries such as Britain, France, Japan and the United States naturally know the benefits of this technology, so why haven't they developed it before?

This is mainly because they failed to conquer the electromechanical management system of the whole ship, but in this regard, our academician Ma led the team to make a breakthrough...

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