My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1503: Shock the audience

In the next two days, Xiao Feng never left this guest house, and even He Xiaojun was not let go.

Because of the emergence of this industrial robot, it is really too important for the military.

With such equipment, many of the equipment that we could only think about in the past can finally be produced by ourselves.

So everyone will inevitably have a lot of problems. The three aspects of sea, land and air can be said to take turns.

Xiao Feng was also scared, so he woke up at noon the next day and simply called back to Xinghuo Factory.

Let the engineers over there quickly get a machine tool and come to the XXX Research Institute in the capital.

With a machine tool, it's better than doing strokes with them.

And with the machine tool, the military can actually experience the breaking point of this machine tool.

After all, you used to talk about the smallpox, and people just doubted it. After all, you didn't see the magic of this machine tool with your own eyes.

But with the machine tool, it's different.

This industrial intelligent robot, in this position, what can be produced and how it can be produced can be seen in real life.

This will bring even better results.

As for Spark Technology, Mr. Xiao's requirements are naturally attached great importance.

That night their CTO, Mr. Hu, took Xiao Feng’s private plane and brought a robot directly to the capital.

The military was even more non-stop, and even brought down the XXX office in Beijing with people and equipment.

With the help of several cloning experts, President Hu assembled the parts of several large boxes in front of everyone.

To be honest, when people in the military first saw this machine tool, in addition to shock, the second feeling was that it was unreliable.

Why do you feel this way?

Take this XXX Institute as an example. This unit is a research institute directly under the General Armament Department, which develops special equipment for the army.

The history is definitely very long, and the general equipment department is also a very high-level research institute.

The scientific researchers inside, let alone, any of them are PhDs, not to mention the equipment inside.

It can be said that the most difficult equipment under the name of the final assembly is available here, and it can also be said that it is one of the top research institutes in China.

For example, there is one of the five-axis linkage machine tools from JK that year.

Therefore, the researchers here are well-informed masters.

And looking at Mr. Hu, the CTO of Spark Technology, just assembling a ‘machine tool’ with a few people, everyone felt a little unbelievable.

In particular, no matter how you look at this machine tool, it is very different from the traditional five-axis linkage machine tool.

Traditional five-axis linkage machine tools are also divided into several types, such as horizontal and vertical.

Traditional machine tools also have several main components, such as benches, fixtures, and tool magazines.

Then the current machine tools are basically sealed.

To put it bluntly, when working, a cover will be added to the periphery.

The operator can see the processing conditions inside the cover through the camera.

This is mainly to prevent iron filings from flying around during processing and polluting the environment.

Because the entire workshop has very high requirements for environmental self-cleaning.

And the processing workshop of this kind of machine tool is also specially customized.

Not only requires the use of dust removal equipment, but also has very high requirements on the ground.

Especially the foundation, and the foundation requirements of ordinary buildings are absolutely different.

The foundation of ordinary buildings, the only requirement is to be strong and earthquake resistant.

The foundation of this kind of processing workshop is required to be tough, capable of absorbing the vibration of the machine tool when it is working, and reducing the feedback reaction force to ensure the accuracy of the machine tool processing.

Therefore, river sand is generally laid under this kind of workshop to reduce the impact of machine tools on the ground.

Therefore, in everyone's impression, a high-precision five-axis linkage machine tool is a very difficult equipment to serve.

Sometimes even after you relocate, it is not very easy to reassemble it.

Because the accuracy of your assembly will also affect the accuracy of machine tool processing.

This is why, we hate companies even if they buy machine tools from Germany. ,

However, after the machine tool is sent from Germany, we still have to hire a dedicated engineer from Germany to carry out the assembly.

Because you have left the engineer of someone else, the accuracy of the machine you installed is just not good.

Moreover, the assembly of a machine tool can be said to be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

For example, the current top industrial machine tools are actually Asim's lithography machines.

And their top lithography machine, after it is produced, if it is shipped to Wanwan or after the Southern Kingdom.

It must be assembled by Asim’s own engineers, and a team of thirty people is required to install one.

It takes eight months to one year for each team to install a machine tool.

In this year's time, they have to carefully install each part, and then continue to debug.

Otherwise, do you think 5nm chips can be produced so easily?

Even now, regardless of the large number of 5nm chips on the market, the 5nm chips already on the market have all kinds of problems.

For example, Sansang’s 5nm chip has problems such as large heat loss and easy jamming.

Qualcomm's 5nm chip has high power consumption and poor performance.

At present, H Company's 5nm chip is still reasonable, but it also faces problems such as a serious shortage of yield during production.

The main reason for these problems is the installation and debugging of the 5NM lithography machine, which has not yet reached perfection.

So if you want a machine tool, it is not just a problem of design and production.

There is also a very important feature, that is, installation and debugging, and the other is to ensure that it can work in an absolutely suitable environment.

The few engineers of Spark Technology in front of them are like splicing building blocks.

Da Lai took out some parts from the carton, and in front of everyone, he took various pliers and wrenches, and began to assemble it.

Looking at their actions, it was more like assembling a rough Lego toy, but not like actually assembling a high-precision processing machine tool.

And when this machine tool was assembled, everyone was dumbfounded, which was completely different from the traditional machine tool they had in mind.

A traditional machine tool, to put it bluntly, is a large operating table, and there are several boxes on the operating table. The boxes contain the drive motor and the ball screws that control the fixture.

There is another tool box with tools.

The structure of this ‘machine tool’ is quite different from the previous one.

The bottom is also a console, but on the side of this console, three robotic arms with various joints have grown out.

The front of the robotic arm has a joint structure very similar to that of a human hand.

Soon President Hu of Spark Technology began to debug this machine.

The machine tool was placed on the self-leveling floor of the laboratory so violently, President Hu stood on the side holding a flat plate.

He pressed a few times on the tablet, and then the machine was activated after it was powered on.

I don't know what program he entered on the computer, and then the jaw-dropping scene appeared.

Those mechanical arms began to move in rhythm.

Back and forth, up and down, and then 360 joint rotation, and the front part that resembles a human finger, unexpectedly began to be like a human, making a fist, releasing it, and starting to move...

Although it hasn't started what workpiece is being processed, the series of actions of the industrial robot has already stunned everyone on the scene.

Now because the people present are all elites in the industry, they are also well-informed.

With such a flexible mechanical joint, it can also do such complex movements at the same time.

Even every robotic arm, every finger, is doing completely different movements.

This alone has already shocked the audience.

This is too exaggerated by Nima, not to mention how high the hardware requirements of this place are, it is unimaginable that the industrial software that can control this equipment and complete such complex actions is so powerful.

You know, before that, it was ordinary machine tool processing industrial software, and we didn't have it in China.

It all depends on the use of German or Japanese industrial software to drive the use of those machine tools.

And it can only complete some very simple processing work, but if it is a little more complicated, we can't play it.

Of course, this refers to the field of general machining. In the military field, we still have our own software.

Although it is not very efficient, it can be used anyway.

And the software they produced now, in the face of the current strength of this machine tool, has been completely killed in seconds.

Before telling the truth, there were also many scientific researchers in the institute. They watched the video of industrial robots drilling holes in iron ingots from Xinghuo To be honest, not many people believed it at first. Because this picture is too mysterious for them.

Such a large square iron ingot, even if they use the machine tool they currently master to process, they will not be able to process such a hydraulic valve body.

And such a weird robot can directly drill holes in the iron ingot and get it done. This Nima is simply a fantasy!

You know it's not just that you add a perspective system to the machine tool to navigate the tool head.

You must know that you are drilling and grinding the drill bit on the iron ingot when you are processing it. This process will produce huge impact.

In the video, the robot uses two robotic arms similar to human hands to fix the iron ingot.

In the process of processing, the two arms are constantly trembling, which means that they are using very clever tremor frequency to resolve the impact of the drill bit on the iron ingot...

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