If imported equipment is used, all the original profits will be swallowed up, but if it is not used, there is no way to mine it.

And the above is now giving the two oil companies a task each year, how much to extract, which makes the managers of the two companies a headache.

It’s easy to extract it. They basically don’t like it, because the output is really limited, and the production capacity of a well may be several thousand tons, or tens of thousands of tons.

Contracting to those retail investors means that they can make hard money.

And those small oil fields with hundreds of thousands or even millions of tons can't be exploited.

It's not that it can't be mined, it's just that it will lose money if it is mined, and according to the current international oil prices, it must be that the more mined, the more money it will lose.

No way, now is the time for Lao Mi to retaliate wildly.

At the beginning of the year, the local tyrants in the Middle East joined forces with the bears to madly cut prices and dumped oil. Even at the lowest point, oil prices became negative.

Oil is not as expensive as a barrel. Xiao Feng really didn't expect that the jokes that everyone used to make would one day become a real thing.

At that time, this wave of operations by the local tyrants and bears in the Middle East was indeed almost the life of the oil merchants in the United States. ,

Although the current cost of shale oil in the United States is very low, not every mining area can be as cheap as the Bakken mining area in North Dakota!

The cost of shale oil in the Bakken mining area is now about ten dollars a barrel, but the shale oil in Texas, Ohio, and southern California would be added together.

On an average, their shale oil costs are basically around twenty dollars.

If it is normal, if the economic crisis breaks out, the lowest international crude oil price will be almost like this.

Ordinary years, basically fluctuate between forty to sixty dollars a barrel.

Of course, if there is a good year, such as the years when the economy of country H is booming, the price of crude oil will dry up to more than one hundred dollars a barrel, it will often happen.

But now the local tyrants and bears in the Middle East have joined forces to not only kill American shale oil manufacturers, but also send away those who make new energy electric vehicles.

It's a pity that although the two teams joined forces for a fierce effort, they didn't hold on for too long. They waited until the middle of the year and into the winter.

The pandemic has begun to ravage the world, on the one hand it has greatly affected the global economy.

International demand for crude oil has shrunk sharply. On the other hand, the spokespersons Iron Man Musk and his Tesla, who were introduced by the Americans, actually stood up.

Relying on NASA behind him, and the crazy hype of various capital giants, Tesla's market value has exceeded 700 billion US dollars.

And each increase in the company's stock price is a heavy blow to the Middle Eastern oil tyrants.

In addition, the Americans have recently started printing money crazily again, pouring water into the world.

The local tyrants in the Middle East couldn't support it even in Tou Tie, and had to limit production.

As a result, under the influence of several aspects, international oil prices began to rise, just like other bulk commodities.

However, even though it started to rise slowly, it still failed to reach the break-even point of YC oil and CQ oil field's current crude oil production.

After all, the cost of mining a barrel of oil is too high. On the one hand, it is technical cost and on the other hand, management cost.

And this is naturally a lot of things that can't be said...

But no matter what, Mr. Qin always has to find a way to bring down the cost.

He is also powerless to manage the cost. After all, how many people are waiting to eat.

In this way, we can only think of a solution from the technical cost.

At present, from a domestic perspective, the only person who can help them solve these technical problems is Xiao Feng.

President Qin and Xiao Feng raised the meaning of cooperation in this area. Xiao Feng thought about it, it seemed that it was not difficult, and simply nodded in agreement.

Isn't it a geosteering instrument? For their 3D imaging equipment, it's really not that difficult.

As long as the equipment is miniaturized and installed at the front end of the drill bit, even if it is drilled several kilometers underground, their equipment can already be imaged.

As for the pressure nozzle used by the fracturing truck, this processing problem is nothing to them.

Aircraft engines can be processed, and such nozzles are faster.

To put it bluntly, it is just difficult cavity processing, which is what their industrial robots are best at.

So this is not a problem for Spark Technology.

Now that Mr. Qin has spoken, Xiao Feng is naturally willing to do good things to the end.

Although they have no plans to enter the petrochemical industry themselves, it is a good thing to be able to connect with petrochemical companies.

What's more, what they are doing now is not helping large domestic enterprises to upgrade their industries!

We can't manage that much of the management costs of those oil companies.

But as long as the cost of technology can be brought down, it is certainly good for these oil companies.

Some people may say that even if you help them reduce the cost, no matter what, we ordinary people won't be able to enjoy any benefits.

Indeed, in terms of oil prices, the behavior of a few barrels of domestic oil is indeed annoying.

Everything is in line with international standards, but the price is not in line with international standards.

But no matter what, there is one thing you must know. In this industry chain, he supports thousands of workers and families.

Since entering the new millennium, there have been at least two large-scale economic crises in the world. As for small-scale economic crises, there have been at least several.

But why, we don't have much feeling in China?

It is these state-owned enterprises that act as buffers that stabilize our social economy and make us immune to shocks from the outside world.

Especially this kind of state-owned enterprises that support hundreds of people together upstream and downstream.

Usually when talking about these state-owned enterprises, many people may bite their teeth with hatred.

Some leaders hold hundreds of thousands, but employees hold two to three thousand.

But actually!

When he was in his twenties and thirties, Xiao Feng thought the same way. He believed that these state-owned enterprises were corpse-bit vegetarian meals.

But when he gets older, when he sees the evil of real capital, he will not be as extreme as before.

You say that ordinary workers in this kind of enterprise earn low. It is true that front-line workers spend only three or four thousand yuan a month when they eat and sleep outside.

This wage, in this era, does not seem to be high.

But in fact, if you compare it horizontally, those private companies and foreign companies, as long as they are not engaged in computer software, we will only refer to ordinary frontline workers.

Isn’t that much of the monthly salary?

Foreign companies are better. They are more standard. You can still pay the five social insurances and one housing fund. There will be holidays on time on various holidays, and there are benefits.

But you are looking at those private companies in the south, calling for a labor shortage every day, saying that I can't hire anyone with a monthly salary of 7,000.

But if you actually understand the situation of these companies, you just want to greet the eighteenth generations of the ancestors of the bosses of these companies.

The nominal monthly salary is 7,000, but it costs money when you enter the accommodation and eat. The conditions in the dormitory are rudimentary like a doghouse, not to mention the food.

Three meals a day can’t even be ordered by oil stars. Anyway, it is based on the standard that eating is not human, and it does not treat workers but humans at all.

Not to mention the working environment, a small workshop-style factory can be fooled as much as possible, and noise and dust pollution are simply not a matter of concern.

The employees are all screws on the assembly line. They try their best to refuse approval when they go to the toilet. If they go to the toilet, they will be deducted from their wages.

At the end of a month, you not only need 996, but sometimes you have to work fifteen or six hours a day, and you can't earn 7,000.

It’s not bad that you can earn four to five thousand dollars a month from exhaustion.

As for the five social insurance and one housing fund, don't be joking. Those Jiangsu and Zhejiang bosses don't even know.

So when you compare such front-line workers with the front-line workers of state-owned enterprises, you will know how good the front-line workers of state-owned enterprises are.

At the very least, they will not be in arrears of wages, and they must have a holiday when they are scheduled for holidays, and they can also be transferred without a holiday or make up for overtime pay.

As for the five social insurance and one housing fund, let alone.

If the longitudinal contrast is lengthened, it is even more remarkable.

The treatment of the workers of these state-owned enterprises is not much better than that of the workers of those big IT factories.

Let's just say that the workers of these big IT factories have to work 300+ hours a week to earn a monthly salary of more than 10,000 ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ seems to be very high, but this is really an overdraft of life!

And how many years can you make good money? If you don't mention the supervisor level within five years, and the monthly salary is less than 20,000 yuan, you should find another way early!

And even if you are in charge, can you survive thirty-five?

When you are thirty-five years old, there are old and young, and your body has been overdrawn, and you can't stand it at all.

If your salary is still high and your hard work is not enough, these companies will just open you up and invite young people who are more able to survive and work harder to replace you.

And at this time, can you save a million?

But you are looking at the front-line workers of those state-owned enterprises. Even if they fail to get promoted, they will never worry about being fired.

And because of the longer working years, the wages have also risen. Although it is not high, it must be five or six thousand.

The key is that the five social insurances and one housing fund have been constant, so there is no need to worry about seeing a doctor and pension.

In the end, even if they are all sick, employees of state-owned enterprises who ask for leave to see a doctor will definitely be approved, not to mention reimbursement.

What about employees of private companies? For those IT employees who earn high salaries, do you dare to ask for leave if you are sick? Don't all have to be tough!

In the end, a minor illness becomes a serious illness, and then the outcome of sudden death...

And when you are thirty-five, even if you make two million, can you afford a house in a big city?

In the last two million, don’t they still have to spend part of them on seeing a doctor, and part of them on going back to their hometown to buy a house for the elderly?

So if you look at it from a vertical comparison, the front-line workers of state-owned enterprises really don’t suffer.

It's no wonder that many people in the past two years have begun to choose to return again...

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