Naturally, it is impossible for Qin Xiaotian not to know such news, so he paid special attention to Xiao Feng's cooperation concept.

Xiao Feng naturally knew what Qin Xiaotian thought, and he was happy to see Qin Xiaotian think so.

After all, what he has to do now is to make up the sky. In what field we are behind, then he intends to catch up from what field.

In the shipbuilding industry, his first choice is naturally the most profitable LNG ship.

So this time when Xiao Feng proposed to cooperate in the construction of LNG ships, Qin Xiaotian was initially confused.

But soon there will be a burst of ecstasy. If Xiao Feng's Spark Technology can really solve a series of technical problems that currently plague domestic shipbuilding companies.

Once there are results, isn't it a great achievement for him?

Don't think we have established a joint venture shipyard with Mitsui Japan, but that factory has not yielded any results so far.

The most important thing is that even if it produces results, half of it will be taken away by the Japanese for nothing...

As a matter of fact, Qin Xiaotian, an industry insider, has never been very optimistic about this factory.

Even in his opinion, this joint venture is really unnecessary.

Instead of building a joint venture with the Japanese, it is better to give all the money and resources to our big ship, and let them integrate resources and develop technology to compete with the Southern Dynasties.

Unfortunately, due to some reasons, this company has not received much attention in recent years.

And their business is also limited to the field of military ships. In fact, if it weren’t for their deep roots in the field of military ships, I’m afraid they would have been...

To know this shipyard, in fact, the technology in the field of civilian ships has been very strong in the early years.

Even our earliest technological breakthrough in fast container ships was led by this company.

We must know that in the past, the gap between us and the Japanese in this field of transport ships could be a full twenty years.

But... that's just President Qin's thoughts, after all, some things are beyond his control.

However, if they built a shipyard in their own name in the petrochemical field, the above would probably not disapprove it.

After all, HD shipbuilding and Yangzi Shipbuilding's LNG ship also serve their petrochemical companies.

In the past five years, domestic LNG usage has entered a period of explosive growth.

As early as 2006, our annual LNG consumption was less than 700,000 tons, but by 2018, our annual consumption was close to 40 million tons.

The usage amount has been directly increased by several times!

This is also mainly related to the increase in domestic environmental protection requirements.

According to current trends, in the next ten years, our LNG usage will continue to soar.

Especially in the winter heating in many northern cities, the boilers have been required to be retrofitted to LNG boilers. This is another main reason why the heating quality has greatly declined in many northern cities in recent years.

Because the cost of using LNG is very high...

However, because of the rapidly expanding supply and demand relationship, the domestic demand for LNG ships is also soaring.

Especially the year before last, we also signed a long-term natural gas supply contract with Qatar, and we must regularly import a large amount of natural gas from Qatar every year.

This has increased our demand for LNG ships...

In fact, a few years ago, when our HD shipyard began to plan to enter the field of LNG ship manufacturing, why did it choose French GTT to import technology, but did not find Japan to import technology?

You must know that the Japanese actually have their own set of technologies in the field of LNG ship manufacturing.

Although it is not ahead of GTT's technology, it is certainly not behind.

In fact, the area where HD Shipbuilding is located has always had a very good relationship with Japan. Many companies and technologies have been introduced from Japan.

But why, didn't you talk to the Japanese about cooperation this time?

In fact, it was not that I didn't find it, but after I found it, the Japanese didn't agree.

You must know that the Japanese are very sensitive in the prevention of technological proliferation.

Precisely because they knew our copycat capabilities, the Japanese did not agree to cooperate with us.

That's why we had to find a Frenchman instead of getting closer and farther.

And now why did the Japanese agree to cooperate again?

In fact, it is not only because of the decline of their domestic shipbuilding industry, but also because of reduced profits, which has affected their investment in research and development of new technologies.

There is another aspect, because they have seen the long-term LNG supply contract we signed with Qatar.

So they know that our domestic demand for LNG ships will definitely be in short supply in the future.

That's why they are willing to cooperate with us and provide us with technology to manufacture LNG ships.

But the question is, do you think the Japanese will teach you technology so easily?


It can be said that after so many years, Japanese companies have invested and built factories in our country.

Olympus, Kyocera, etc. have built factories, but what have we learned about the key technologies in their hands?

In fact, I didn't learn the fart.

Many Japanese companies have established factories in Changsan and Zhusan for less than 20 years, but they have been doing processing with supplied materials.

During production, the drawings and materials are sent, and then supervisors are sent to let us produce the products they want according to the drawings.

As for how to design and what principles, I won’t tell you at all.

Therefore, Qin Xiaotian is not at all optimistic about the LNG ship to be built by Yangzi Shipbuilding in the future.

It's not that they can't build LNG ships. In fact, they will definitely be able to build them in the future.

But if you talk about the key core technology, hehe, it must be impossible to learn at all, and in the end it must be in the hands of the Japanese.

The key is that all the boats you built were sold to three barrels of oil in the end.

And the profits you make from three barrels of oil are ultimately divided among the Japanese by half, or even more.

What the Japanese will do when they take the money back will continue to increase their investment in technology research and development.

In the end, they have produced results, and will maintain our technical advantage...

So in fact, when the shipbuilding company established a joint venture with a Japanese LNG shipyard before, as Qin Xiaotian, he was very opposed to it.

After all, he is really a person who has worked overseas for many years, and he is also a tech-sponsor, so he has a clear understanding of the virtues of these foreign giants.

But helpless, he is only the leader of the petrochemical system, and his impact on the shipbuilding field is really limited.

But he is ready. Even if this shipbuilding company can build LNG ships in the future, he will try his best to ask his company to give less orders to this company.

But after all, he is currently in the petrochemical field, and he is not the boss who speaks everything, and he can only affect his one-third of acres of land.

As for other petrochemical units, it is difficult for him to ask others to keep pace with them.

After all, there are many interests involved in this field...

But what he can do now is to work with Xiao Feng to develop our own LNG ship.

If a few years later, we can have our own LNG ship construction technology, then we are afraid of a ball.

The Japanese want to **** blood on us? Haha, let's dream!

In fact, they have also inspected the so-called technology of the Japanese. The Japanese were in the LNG field as early as 2000, and they were indeed the only one of them.

They mainly use the MOSS ship type, which is simply a spherical crown transport ship.

However, after 2000, their spherical crown transport ships were defeated by the French-led thin-film liquid cargo maintenance transport ships.

Apart from other things, LNG ships of the same tonnage and LNG ships maintained by membrane liquid cargo can carry 40% more than MOSS-type transport ships.

This alone is enough to get the Japanese out of the market.

After that, because the Japanese did not want to pay high patent fees to GTT, they also developed their own membrane liquid cargo maintenance system.

However, their system is called the IHS system LNG ship, but it is because of the price and many other reasons.

It has not been widely promoted and used, that is, Mitsubishi and Mitsui have built a few ships for their own Japanese oil companies, and there is no mass production.

Even from about five years ago, the Japanese have started to import LNG ships from Southern Korea.

There is no other reason, but the price is cheap...

And now they are actually going to join hands with our country to build a factory. On the surface, they fooled us and said that is an enterprise that wants to compete with the Southern Dynasties.

But actually?

I just want to find an excuse to enter our domestic market.

As for their so-called leading technology, in Qin Xiaotian's view, that's what happened.

On the contrary, it is the technology of the Southern Dynasties. It is because of twenty years of hard work that should not be underestimated.

But helplessly, in the area of ​​LNG ships, the Southern Kingdom has basically regarded this field as its own prohibition, and it has always strictly controlled the outflow of technology.

So in this regard, it is really difficult for us to catch up.

But in Qin Xiaotian's view, the more this is the case, the more we should make great efforts to support our local enterprises.

How can we cooperate with foreign companies and make foreigners in vain?

"Mr. Xiao, although I am very interested in projects like our cooperation in building LNG ships, I want to know that in terms of technical reserves..."

Although I heard Xiao Feng's words, I felt very excited.

But after all, Qin Xiaotian was an old fritters that had gone through ups and downs. After the initial excitement period, he quickly calmed down.

He is not the kind of leader who doesn't know anything about technology. He knows the gap between us and the Southern Dynasties in terms of technology.

So even if Xiao Feng and his Spark Factory were amazing, he still lacked confidence a little bit.

"Ha! At this point, please don't worry, President Qin, in Invar Steel, we do not have enough technical accumulation."

"But in the area of ​​automated welding, we have a very strong foundation. Our industrial robot, you must have seen it, President Qin?"

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