My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1558: The importance of gas fertilizer

This was discovered by foreign agricultural experts after research and comparison.

As for our domestic greenhouse, hehe, it's too far behind in terms of real scientific research and exploration.

The greenhouses like Israel and Japan can be said to be a new type of greenhouse technology like the exploration of large-scale industrial planting.

We use soilless cultivation, but in our country, most farmers have limited economic strength.

And we also have enough land, so most of them are cultivated with soil.

Because of this, our soil cultivation can emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide because of the soil.

Therefore, crops can still perform corresponding photosynthesis the next day, but as for the specific effects, they are definitely not as good as crops with sufficient carbon dioxide.

Because our experts have never specifically analyzed how much carbon dioxide is needed for one mu of crops in the growth stage, specifically at each different stage.

How much organic matter will be converted into every gram of carbon dioxide absorbed.

These truly hard-core scientific researches are never what our agricultural experts are good at.

Because it involves a lot of professional chemistry and mathematics knowledge.

And foreign experts, especially those from Israel, are particularly good at this.

For example, they conducted special calculations when they were engaged in greenhouse cultivation.

Green plants need to absorb 1.6 grams of carbon dioxide for every gram of organic matter to complete photosynthesis.

This carbon dioxide absorption efficiency is 40 times that of other substances. In addition, 90% of the dry matter accumulated in plants comes from photosynthesis.

The amount of carbon dioxide consumed by one mu of crops from germination and emergence to the final ripening and fruiting is equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide contained in the air of 80 to 120 thousand cubic meters!

This shows the importance of carbon dioxide to the growth of crops.

Moreover, most of the carbon dioxide absorbed by each crop will eventually be converted into sugar in the crop.

So when the fruits and vegetables you eat feel bland and tasteless, you will say that they are greenhouse vegetables when you eat them. You have to know that the main reason is that they do not absorb enough carbon dioxide.

Because our greenhouses are generally buckled in winter, and our farmers buckle the greenhouses to grow vegetables and fruits.

They often regard keeping warm as the first thing, because they think that if the weather is too cold, the vegetables will freeze to death.

Therefore, the greenhouse is often buckled tightly, and even when the weather is cold, the stove is fired in the greenhouse to heat the greenhouse.

But it doesn't pay attention to the air circulation in the greenhouse.

When the sun is the best every day and the photosynthesis in the greenhouse is strongest, the plants will face the situation of insufficient carbon dioxide.

Over time, vegetables and fruits will suffer from insufficient nutrition and grow very thin.

At this time, the farmers will think that the nutrients are insufficient, and then desperately use chemical fertilizers or even swelling agents.

The end result is that the greenhouse vegetables and fruits quickly swell up and look ripe, but the taste and the natural ripe fruits and vegetables are tens of thousands of miles away.

And compared with foreign greenhouse fruits and vegetables, the taste is even worse.

Once our agricultural experts have also visited abroad.

I just want to figure out why their greenhouse vegetables are cultivated without soil, but after they are grown, the taste is not bad, they are even better than the ones cultivated with soil?

At the beginning, we just focused on other people's nutrient solutions.

It is believed that there is a mystery in the nutrient solution specially used for soilless cultivation.

But we didn't know it until the Internet pandemic in recent years.

It turns out that these foreigners from Te Niang are too ghostly. They will add carbon dioxide to the green crops in the greenhouse every day when the sun is at its best at noon!

They will adjust the carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse from time to time according to climate changes, such as sunny and cloudy days, and the adequacy of sunlight in the morning.

At each time period and at each temperature, ensure that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse is different to ensure that the crops can get sufficient nutrient absorption.

In this way, crops can complete photosynthesis in the best state, and synthesize as much sugar and dry matter as possible.

In this way, their greenhouse crops not only grow big and look good, but the most important thing is that they taste very good.

This is the magical effect of supplementing carbon dioxide!

And this is what our ‘experts’ have only learned in recent years!

It turns out that greenhouse vegetables can be grown like this!

It turns out that this is called real high-tech planting!

And this kind of planting idea also provides a solid foundation for us to develop large-scale industrialized agriculture in the future.

In fact, those large agricultural companies in the United States have now put forward such an idea.

That is, they want to build large-scale agricultural planting ships, at least several hundred thousand tons, and most of them have millions of tons.

Then drive directly to the open sea for soilless cultivation.

Especially when the ship is driven near the equator, where there is sufficient sunshine, and because it is at sea, several fresh water supply centers can be built.

What do you mean, is to build a few boats, and then follow the clouds according to the weather forecast.

Wherever it rains on the sea, they follow wherever it goes, collecting rainwater continuously, and then sending it back to the planting boat.

As for the rest, it's simple, the production materials are all there, and the other is nothing more than the nutrient solution for soilless cultivation.

This is easy to deploy for those big companies.

Xiao Feng had also seen such a plan, and even after learning about the ideas of these foreign devils, he had to admire the fact that these guys were really open-minded.

Such a method can be thought of.

However, the main reason why it is not implemented is because it is not currently needed.

It was Americans who made this plan. Many people know that the United States is the world's strongest technological country, but they don't know that they are also the world's most powerful agricultural country.

The level of agricultural development in the U.S., if you carefully understand it, you can definitely be dumbfounded.

The annual output of crops in the United States can feed a quarter of the world's population.

People have used very extravagant crop rotation until now when they are farming, that is, the method of planting for a year and a year of shortage to maintain the strength of the land.

Even so, people can still produce so many food crops, so there is no need to go to sea farms.

Their plan was that if the world's population increased to 10 billion, the land on the earth would no longer be able to support the food problem of so many people, and that method would be chosen to solve the problem of food.

But now it seems that even if there are really 10 billion people, they can definitely feed it.

After all, there is still a lot of land on Mao Xiong's side.

When it comes to land waste, the Americans say second, and the bear definitely dare to say that he is number one in the world.

Teddy bears farming, it is definitely to sow a handful of seeds, and then leave it alone, just wait until autumn to harvest.

Anyway, they have too much land, and they can't manage it at all.

There is no such thing as intensive farming.

If the food is not enough, then eat meat. Anyway, there is enough meat...

If there is not enough breeding, then go hunting in the mountains.

There are as many animals in the Siberian jungle as cows.

And in the rivers and lakes of Teddy Bear Land, there are simply too many fishes.

And people basically don't eat freshwater fish, because they have thorns and it is too troublesome to eat.

It's so capricious...

So not to mention that the world's population has increased to 10 billion, even if it has increased to 15 billion.

As long as the available farmland in the U.S. and Teddy Bear is exploited to 70%, it can already feed the world's population.

But they would never do that!

Why? Because if you do that, the food will not sell for the price.

So you see now, even though Americans also know that a quarter of the world’s population is hungry every day.

But do you think they have suppressed food prices?

The ones that can't be sold would rather pile up in the ground, compost and rot, rather than give them away to those who are starving.

I'm pulling it far, and continue to talk about the role of carbon dioxide in the agricultural field.

It was only after 2010 that our agronomy ‘experts’ learned about the secrets of greenhouse cultivation in foreign countries.

It turns out that people don’t need to use swelling agents for their fruits and vegetables, and they don’t need to add fat.

The real reason is to add enough carbon dioxide in the greenhouse.

However, this supplementary carbon dioxide is not a random supplement, but needs to be adjusted according to the sunlight and temperature at all times.

This requires a complete monitoring operating system.

And once again, we are very lacking in this and our farmers, to deduct a greenhouse, all have to look for a loan from a rural credit cooperative.

What kind of carbon dioxide control system did you let him spend tens of thousands of dollars to install in the greenhouse?

Doesn't this involve a few bastards?

And even if you tell him that with this system installed, the vegetables and fruits that are planted will look good and taste good, do you think they will accept it?

Farmers will teach you a lesson with peasant cunning!

It would cost tens of thousands to install such a system! How much money do they buy for a shed?

And obviously top dressing and the use of swelling agents can increase the size of fruits and vegetables. As for the taste, is it good?

Hehe, it's my bird business? Anyway, as long as the vegetable is that dish and the fruit is that fruit, it looks right.

As for the taste, hehe, for most people in China who have just gotten rid of the problem of food and clothing, some food is already good.

After all, most people are not rich enough to pursue the quality of life stage...

this is the truth!

For farmers, how much money can it cost to use swelling agents and chemical fertilizers?

If you install a set of systems that monitor carbon dioxide and regulate carbon dioxide from time to time, the cost is obviously much higher than the use of bulking agents and fertilizers.

Therefore, when most of our people are not rich enough to pursue the quality of life, this gas fertilizer system cannot be popularized in China.

But for Xiao Feng, this thing is much more useful.

Because he now sells terminals, the demand for raw materials is almost limitless.

And his celebrity chef manufactures the ingredients, they all have requirements...

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