In the past year or two, the world has entered an economic recession.

Originally, the world's biggest economic growth was weak, and even the economic performance of Europe has not been very good.

The massive influx of African populations, coupled with the fact that the Great Yin Empire has been clamoring for Brexit, has caused continuous shocks in the European market.

And this also has a very serious impact on our economy.

There is no way that we can always be an export-oriented economy.

A large part of the driving force of economic growth is driven by exports.

Once the export is weak, this will have a very serious impact on many small and medium-sized enterprises.

In addition, in the past few years, our real estate has been very hot.

And this industry has also become a reservoir of money in disguise, which has made it more difficult for the real economy to do it.

Many industrial sectors have now entered a stage of shock adjustment.

Countless bosses are holding funds and seeking transformation.

And what industry is the best?

Except for the current hottest Internet celebrity sales accidents, only the fast-moving industry is the most promising.

But for many small bosses with limited funds, the fast-moving industry is not that easy to do even if they want to do it.

Industries such as detergent, washing powder, and shampoo also have industry barriers.

Even if you have a factory, you have to have a brand, and none of those established companies have been deeply involved in this field for decades.

At this time, if you want to rush in to grab the market, you are going to die.

Therefore, after thinking about it, only the entry barrier of the catering industry is the lowest.

The idea of ​​catering for rich people is definitely different from ordinary people.

It seems more reliable to set up franchise stores after thinking about it.

And in China, which franchise store is best to do now?

It must be made by a famous chef of the famous chef group without a doubt!

This fast food restaurant, you see, people have opened stores abroad.

Even foreigners are rushing to join and eat in, do you think their family can not make money?

In addition, countless owners who joined their fast food restaurant earlier have come out and said that they have made a lot of money from this restaurant.

This has aroused the attention of countless people to the manufacture of celebrity chefs.

Even now, their initial fee and various miscellaneous expenses have risen, much higher than when they first opened the franchise.

But for the rich, that's nothing.

As long as they can get the quota of their franchise stores, even if they pay so much more, what counts?

For these wealthy people, spending a little more initial fee is nothing.

These days, you must first invest in everything you do!

However, if you dare to invest in other industries, your investment may not be rewarded, or you may lose all your investment.

But joining a famous chef to make is different. As long as you can join their store, you can make sure you make a steady profit.

The average daily net profit of each store starts at at least five thousand yuan. Okay, that's tens of thousands of daily revenue.

This is not an exaggeration. People who have had a good deed have done a survey on the manufacturing capacity of celebrity chefs.

Finally, the results of the investigation were published on the Internet, which once caused an uproar at that time.

When many people first heard about the franchise fees made by celebrity chefs, they scolded them for being too dark and too expensive.

The initial fee in the first-tier cities, plus the miscellaneous expenses, has now risen to almost 10 million.

But now it seems that as long as you join their store, you can pay back in less than three years.

What is the efficiency of this Nima?

Do you try to invest 10 million in other fields?

See how many can pay back in three years?

The most important thing is not to pay back for three years, people can guarantee that after three years, you will still make a steady profit every year!

As long as you can keep working for ten or eight years, how much will you earn?

Is there any other business in the world that can make money like this?

Of course this is about legitimate business...

Even if you have someone, if you are in a first-tier city, join one of their stores.

After three years of payback, and then a daily net profit of 10,000, then you can earn more than 3 million in one year, dare you to make ten years?

And this is just about daily operations. Once there are major holidays or something, the net profit of their family will double.

Then you do the math, how much can you earn by joining their store?

And how much are the housing prices in first-tier cities now?

Those houses that are about the same size, more than 100 square meters, easily cost tens of millions.

But can these houses bring you more than three million yuan in net profit per year?

And even if you go stock speculation, even if you buy Moutai, can this stock bring you more than 3 million net profits per share per year?

If you do this, you don't think their initial fee is expensive.

Because of this, many people are rushing for the franchise quota created by celebrity chefs.

However, their franchise quotas on the market are hard to find.

This is because they haven't been inviting investment across the country for another two years. At present, they have more than 6,500 stores in China.

And there are rumors that they do not intend to continue to open for franchising, even if they reopen, they plan to open all directly-operated stores.

This undoubtedly disappointed many people.

However, if the celebrity chef group is not open to join, then forget it, some people start the idea of ​​other franchise stores.

They dare not touch large groups like Yida, Dalecheng, and Yintai.

But don't forget that when the first batch of celebrity chef groups opened to the outside world, they were all ordinary retail investors.

And these retail investors, in the past few years, have already paid back their money and made a lot of money.

Therefore, some latecomers have put the franchise quota created by celebrity chefs on these retail investors.

Of course it is impossible to rob it, after all, it is a society under the rule of law.

So most of them are thinking of selling stores from those people at high prices.

Of course, with the exception of some guys who are desperately short of money, few people will sell the hen who lays golden eggs in their hands.

After all, as long as you have a franchise store made by a famous chef, you have a money printing machine in your hand.

As long as you are not stupid, no one is willing to transfer the money printing machine easily.

So many people can't get the quota made by celebrity chefs, they can only turn around and think about joining other shops.

In the past two years, many people have seen the popular mode of operation of the celebrity chef group, and when they are hopeless to buy shares, they have started to imitate the copycat.

In the past two years, many companies that imitated their business models have also emerged in China.

However, many have been dumped, but many have survived.

One of the most famous is undoubtedly a hot pot franchise company.

This store can survive the fierce competition, it can only be said that their business strategy is impressive.

They invited countless celebrities and Internet celebrities to advertise their franchise stores.

Relying on the short video websites that are now on fire, they continue to promote their own stores.

In just one or two years, this brand has opened thousands of stores nationwide.

Of course, although there are a lot of shops open, this shop is also a lot of complaints on the Internet.

For example, the shortness of the dishes is two serious, the hot pot ingredients often have problems, and even foreign objects have been eaten at the bottom of the pot. There are countless negative news.

But in the end, a lot of negative news was suppressed by their means.

And it didn't have much impact on their business, on the contrary, they still relied on propaganda to continue to do so.

Some people have considered the cost of joining their store.

From the shop to the end of the franchise, there are at least more than two hundred.

If the scale is larger, it won't be able to stop more than six hundred.

This is in stark contrast to the production of famous chefs.

A hot pot restaurant has to invest more than two million to start, and whether it can make money in the end, it will not give you any guarantee when it will return.

But even so, there are still many people willing to join and bet.

This is very telling, that is, there is too much money in the market, and many rich people don't know where to invest their money.

With the launch of a new generation of beverage stores from the Celebrity Chef Group, this fruit juice king has only appeared on the stage, and it has already aroused countless people's eyes.

Because anyone with a discerning eye will know the future of this store is great!

In recent years, the post-90s and post-00s have become the main consumer of the new generation.

Drinks such as milk tea and coffee have become more and more mainstream in the beverage industry.

The five dollars a cup of milk tea used to fool around with milk tea powder ~ ~ now obviously has no prospects.

And the more sophisticated and exquisite workmanship extract milk tea, now it is clear that the market share is getting bigger and bigger.

It doesn't matter how expensive you buy, but as long as your milk tea is made of real ingredients, the ingredients look healthy, and the taste does not cause major problems, there is no need to worry about consumers paying the bill.

The little girl nowadays, if you go shopping, watch a movie, or have a meal or something.

If you don't have a cup of coffee in your hand, why do you call out to go shopping?

Previously, many milk tea brands in China were already very popular. What kind of tea is beautiful, what kind of tribute tea, etc., were once popular brands.

The franchisees are like clouds, and each earns a lot.

And now in this field, suddenly there is a cross river dragon, which naturally attracts everyone's attention.

Because the background of Guo Jianglong is too vigorous, it is precisely the celebrity chef group that has been very low-key before.

If another company suddenly enters the milk tea field, then everyone will definitely be happy to watch a joke.

After all, like Nayuki's tea, a little bit of tea, these old people are not vegetarian.

However, although these milk tea brands are big names in the industry, they are all vulnerable brothers in front of the famous chef group's golden signs, not even the younger brother...

Regardless of these brands, a few of them can be considered to have received Series A financing, and they can barely be considered rich in the industry.

But compared with the celebrity chef group, even if the celebrity chef group pulls root hair from the toe, it is thicker than their waist.

So since the emergence of the Juice King brand, the domestic beverage market has been completely messed up...

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