My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1596: The most dazzling trump card

Modern medicine is no longer just the traditional medicine of the past.

With the advent of computers and artificial intelligence, many methods of diagnosis and treatment have become more intelligent than before.

For example, the surgical robot sponsored by Xiao Feng before.

Several units have been trial-produced, and now they have prototypes again, and they are now being tested in Sunshine Hospital.

Not to mention, the effect is really good.

But that is only the prototype of the first generation, and it will definitely be improved and followed up in the later period.

And these jobs naturally require people who can program and are proficient in computers to do it.

And with the birth of carbon nanotube chips in the future, they will be widely used.

Almost all the electronic equipment that the hospital needs to use may have to be updated again.

And these devices also require people to design and operate.

So Xiao Feng has already talked to He Fangzhou and the others, and wants them to set up a computer software major in Bencheng Medical University in the future.

However, this profession is specifically for research and development, adapting to the electronic medical auxiliary equipment program produced by our country H.

After all, with good hardware, good software must keep up.

We can't always use American and Japanese equipment.

You are like that CT, why we have to use imported ones.

But it's not just because the magnets used for CT grades are better than ours, and the penetrability is stronger than ours.

The most important thing is that they also have a mature supporting software operating system.

Perspective imaging can rely on this software.

And the roots of this software are all in the hands of Americans.

In this situation, it was not until the Ninth Laboratory and Sunshine Hospital that Unitech ‘researched and launched’ a brand-new, 3D fluoroscopy imaging device. It was only a breakthrough in this field in China.

In the future, there will be many devices like this.

So we need supporting programming, and we must cultivate talents in this area.

Because these people will be the reserve talents for automated medical care in the future.

In the future, more and more data will be accumulated, and automated diagnosis and treatment equipment and various surgical robots will emerge in endlessly.

The use and maintenance of these equipment requires these software practitioners to complete.

This major is the eighth trump major that Xiao Feng intends to arrange for Bencheng Medical University.

As for the ninth, it is the research and development of medical equipment.

In this regard, our country is very lacking.

As you may all know, our country's technology in pharmaceutical research and development is very weak, so in the international arena, there is nothing originating from our country's original research drugs.

But what everyone doesn't know is that we are not only weak in the field of original research drugs.

Our medical equipment level is weaker...

For example, the CT machine mentioned above, almost all of this stuff is monopolized by the United States, Germany, and the equipment of the Netherlands.

There are MRI, and PET-CT and other equipment, the same is true.

Even the X-ray machine that has been around for hundreds of years, we still can’t make it...

Fortunately, this situation has been alleviated with the joint launch of the self-service medical examination unit by Sunshine Hospital and the Ninth Laboratory.

But in the field of medical devices, there are still many things we can't make.

I won’t say much about those big things, just talk about the bottle of medicine.

That's right, we often see small medicine bottles that can hold injections in hospitals.

Most vaccines are packed in this medicine bottle.

And this kind of medicine bottle, we can't make it now...

Doesn't it sound exaggerated?

Some people may say that you are purely bullshit!

Our country’s GDP is now the second in the world, and we are the world’s factory.

In addition to chips and aircraft engines, there are other things we can't make in this world?

What's more, isn't it just glass!

You know, we are the country with the largest glass production in the world. Do you dare to say that we can't make this small medicine bottle?

After hearing this, Xiao Feng could only say hehe, for these pink keypads, there are too many truths they don't know.

Just say that this epidemic, in order to fight the epidemic, several groups of scientists in China have been allocated to research vaccines.

The scientists have achieved remarkable results, and it took only one year to complete the vaccine.

But the problem is that when it comes to vaccine transportation, many people are worried.

Because at this time everyone discovered that we did not have a suitable medicine bottle for vaccine.

Someone might say, isn’t it just a glass bottle? What is difficult, I don't believe it, this thing will have such a high technical content?

And the fact is, it really is so high.

Because the medicine bottle we use to hold the vaccine, the material used is not as simple as ordinary silica.

But medium borosilicate glass, because this kind of glass has better water resistance.

Many people may not understand, what is the emphasis on water resistance for a glass bottle?

That's because many water-based medicines contain acids to a greater or lesser degree.

And this kind of potion, if it is in contact with glass for a long time, if it is under certain circumstances.

The glass will precipitate some alkalis, and if these alkalis chemically react with the acidic substances in the potion, it will cause the medicine to fail.

Even over time, it may turn life-saving medicine into poison.

This is the main reason why borosilicate glass is used for medicine bottles when storing water-based chemicals.

Because the medium borosilicate glass has stable material, good water resistance, it is not easy to precipitate alkali.

And our country, as early as the 1960s, began to try to produce this medium borosilicate glass.

It's a pity that after 20 years of research, it still can't be produced.

Until later, China and the Soviet Union had a bad relationship. At that time, our relationship with the United States entered the honeymoon period.

During that time, we only introduced a set of equipment for producing medium borosilicate glass from Corning in the United States.

In this way, we have the ability to self-produce medium borosilicate glass.

In the relatively serious vaccine case that occurred in the past few years, many people poured dirty water on the company in Spring City.

Said they made fake vaccines or something.

In fact, it is really not a pot of fake vaccines. The problem lies in the containers and transportation equipment used for the vaccines they produce.

Because of medium borosilicate glass, only a special glass factory in Chencang area was able to produce it.

And their production capacity can only meet 10% of domestic demand.

So the price of medium borosilicate glass is very expensive, if you want to use it, you have to import it.

At present, almost all of these glass bottles are monopolized by German Schott.

Therefore, most domestic pharmaceutical factories use low borosilicate glass instead of medium borosilicate glass.

Although the properties of low borosilicate glass are not as safe as those of medium borosilicate glass, it is worse than the price.

However, if it is used to install vaccines, the transportation conditions are very demanding, and cold chain transportation must be used.

Otherwise, the potion in the bottle will react with the alkali precipitated from the glass, which will cause the vaccine to lose its effect.

Obviously, the vaccine produced by that company has a problem in terms of transportation.

During the transportation, the transportation company did not choose cold chain transportation. As a result, the vaccine delivered to the epidemic prevention station in a certain area lost its efficacy.

After the patient was finally injected, the patient was not treated at all. As a result, he died of rabies within a few days.

This incident, driven by some Southern-based media with ulterior motives, almost everyone rushed into it.

It was a verbal criticism of that company, but the company also felt resentful!

Because the vaccine is no problem when it is produced, and as long as the transportation company is transported in accordance with normal rules, it will also not be a problem.

But in the end, in order to save costs, the transportation company did not choose cold-chain truck transportation. In the end, something went wrong. For Te Niang, the vaccine company had to carry it.

Do you say that vaccine companies are annoyed?

But what about being annoyed? In the end, he could only knock down his front teeth and swallow blood.

In the end, the company was swallowed by the southern capital hidden behind the southern media.

What the common people don't know is that if these capital controls such a company, will the vaccines they will use in the future be safe?

Think about how these capital-controlled companies treat their employees?

Let employees 996 work more than 300 hours a week, and finally exhaust people to death, and then tell you that it is a common phenomenon in this society to use life for money.

Also, if an employee resigns and seeks a local arbitration instrument to appeal, hehe, then you will be targeted by their HR alliance.

In the future, you will never find a job in this industry...

Gee tee, such a picture, it makes people shudder to think about it.

Think about how the Ming Dynasty died back then?

It's not that the chaebol over there controlled the public opinion of the court, and they fought against each other in the court every day, making the Ming Dynasty unable to operate normally.

But as soon as they said they would make contributions to the country and pay taxes, these gentry and landlords put all their obligations on the people.

Emperor Chongzhen levied three rates for the country, but he couldn't make any money from them.

Instead, they organized a Fushe to sing opposing scenes with the court every day...

Pulling away, return to the topic.

Let's just say that we have a long way to go in the field of medical equipment.

And if you want to make a breakthrough in this field, you must cultivate talents who can specialize in this field.

That's why Xiao Feng signaled He Fangzhou and the others to set up a medical device specialty.

In the future, we must cultivate talents in this area.

And this major will become the ninth ace major of Ben Thanh Medical University in the future.

This university, in Xiao Feng's view, will definitely not become a comprehensive university like TOP2.

But it definitely wants to become the ace university in the field of medical specialties!

And he wants He Fangzhou, who is opening a sports medicine major. In the future, this major will also become the trump card of the medical university.

In this way, there will be ten ace majors of Bencheng Medical University!

And in the future, the ace majors in universities will expand as more excellent teachers are recruited.

In Xiao Feng's view, the goal of this medical university in the future is to become the most dazzling trump card in the medical profession on this planet!

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