My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

: One thousand six hundred and twenty-four lying seems not bad...

After analyzing that this system is likely to become a product of the era of subversion in the future, the mentality of these bigwigs has changed again.

They used to look down, but later they looked up, but now they have switched to looking up.

Te Niang, when will this company go public and hold a developer conference!

You only have to hold a developer conference to let everyone know your strengths, and then open the code to create a user group...

Everyone craned their necks and waited...

Since there is no confrontation, you can only choose cooperation!

Since you can't resist head-on, then lie seems to be a good choice too!

Don't overestimate the morals of these Internet tycoons.

Anyway, as long as they don't delay their money, even if you scolded their old lady yesterday, they will be able to covet your face the next day and come to you for cooperation.

What's more, there was no intersection between them and Spark Technology before, let alone any deep hatred.

And if this software can really do it, after it is compatible with any hardware, then...

Just thinking about the broad market prospects in the future, you know that this is definitely an express train not to be missed!

Think about it, how was the whiteness of the year killed?

You must know that in those days, this whiteness, in the computer Internet era, was the little overlord who competed with Penguin and Ari on the same stage.

When Tieba and Encyclopedia were popular, this company was one of the three giants in the domestic Internet circle.

Even in the age of mobile internet, they have a good reputation.

Because their core search algorithm is actually really good.

Otherwise, so many domestic companies did their own searches back then, but why was only whiteness left in the end?

Just because the search in other homes is not easy to use!

Even 360 has occupied a large market share in the current computer Internet era.

But when people use the search function, whiteness is still the first choice.

It can be seen that this company is quite well-founded in the search field.

It can be said that if they do well, it is indeed a very good basic tool software.

But in the age of mobile internet, why has this company been eliminated?

It is because of Android and Apple that they have launched their own app stores.

All major software companies can develop their own mobile APP applications, and there is no need to use search software to navigate and divert as in the computer Internet era in the past.

In the computer Internet era, those people often liked Internet companies.

For example, for news, everyone likes to watch a certain wave, online shopping people like to use Ari, and chatting people like to use Qiuqiu.

At that time, Internet companies like Molang and Ari, if you want to visit their websites.

That requires webpage diversion, because not everyone can remember their URL.

Moreover, with a long string of English letters, every time they open their webpage, everyone is too lazy to enter such a long string of English URLs.

So there are various navigation webpages, and most of these webpages belong to 360, or whiteness.

In the mobile Internet era, after Android and Apple opened their own software application stores.

Everyone suddenly found out, eh, I developed an APP program myself and put it in the store for everyone to download.

There is no need to use any 360 or white navigation web pages.

Users who like to visit our home, as long as download our APP, every time you open the APP can be used directly.

It’s not like in the computer age, everyone has to open our web pages.

So in this way, the navigation function of 360 and whiteness began to be greatly weakened.

The APP store began to replace the navigation function of these web pages.

After that, not only Android and Apple launched their own app stores.

The major mobile phone vendors have also begun to launch application stores adapted to their mobile phones.

For example, H company has its own application market, and the same goes for XX, Ouper, and Weiwu.

Both have developed their own application market.

Anyway, major software vendors, such as Penguin, and Ari, if you want to install your APP on their mobile phones.

Then you must develop a set of suitable APP according to their UNI.

This is really cumbersome for Penguin and Ari.

Because this is very labor-intensive and material-intensive.

Obviously Te Niang's systems are all based on Android.

But they are all fighting separately, and software vendors have to lower their bodies to adapt to them.

Because if you do not develop in accordance with their requirements, the apps that consumers download from other channels will conflict with their systems and then be disabled.

This kind of problem really caused Ari, and Penguin to be very distressed.

The most hateful thing is that the old thief Apple, this bird company, uses its market position.

In the APP store, a considerable amount of fees are levied on major software vendors.

For example, the well-known 30% apple tax caused a quarrel between prestige and apples.

Companies that were micro-merchants back then paid taxes to Apple for every transaction made on the prestige.

And the cost is not low, and the cost is all prestigious in the end.

The last angry Penguin once threatened to withdraw from Apple's app store.

But in the end, the two sides chose to compromise with each other, and those costs naturally fell on the consumers in the end.

The major software vendors know that Apple is a rogue clause, but you still have to hold your nose and endure it.

Who makes more domestic customers using Apple?

Although Android does not seem to be charged, in fact, people have found it for you elsewhere.

For example, Google Mobile's advertising revenue, which can be quietly implanted.

For example, if you use an Android system, you naturally have to install a Google APP store.

In this shop, people can advertise at will.

And the advertising revenue of this part is as high as 31 billion US dollars every year...

So the Android system is free to use, but it doesn’t mean that people don’t make money...

There is also their APP store, which can also bring them more than 12 billion U.S. dollars in revenue every year...

As for Apple, it makes more money in these areas.

So don't look at companies like Penguin and Ari, in their respective fields, are giant companies.

But to be honest, they were really annoyed by Google and Apple.

After all, although you don’t need to pay 360 or whiteness as before, you don’t have to pay the cost of diversion.

But now it seems that the money that was previously handed over to 360 and Baidu was transferred to the hands of Google and Apple in the United States.

And now it seems that they paid more than before.

Because they have an absolute market position, unless you don't want to get mixed up in this circle.

Otherwise, look at these domestic mobile phone manufacturers, there are several that can be separated from their systems.

Just say Apple, people play by themselves, and the charges are still very expensive.

But these domestic Internet giants have no bargaining power with others.

People say they will charge you as much as they want.

Otherwise, you don’t even want to appear in his APP store.

Apple's user base can be hundreds of millions, so although you know you are going to get a knife, everyone has to endure it.

Who makes people born with their own traffic?

As for Android, the same is true. Regardless of our domestic Android machines, most of them are made in China.

Google’s APP store is not installed, but in fact, their own software stores have to pay for Android as well.

After all, their Android system was imported from Google.

In the future, once people upgrade their Android system and don't take you to play, you will be blinded.

Of course, Google will not ask you for money in the name of using the system to pay. They just collect money from you through other channels.

Anyway, if you want to be authorized to use other systems, you have to pay the money...

You can't escape at all!

The money paid by mobile phone vendors will eventually fall on their software vendors, and will eventually be evenly distributed to users.

Anyway, no one can escape...

But now when everyone discovered such a magical tool Xiao Ai.

Suddenly everyone seems to have found a way to bypass the Apple tax and Android fees.

This gadget can be directly compatible with mobile phone and computer systems.

So what if we develop a software that adapts to the computer...

At that time, as long as you use your mobile phone to remotely control your computer to open our program, you can also browse our software on your mobile phone...

In this case, we don't need to log in to the APP stores of these mobile phone In this way, the diversion mode of the APP stores of these mobile phone merchants is destroyed.

But in this way, will those mobile phone manufacturers agree to install this software on their phones?

There is no doubt that they will block this software.

Although this software can really give users a better experience.

But they threaten the wealth of these mobile phone vendors, how can people let them install at will.

For example, if Xiao Ai really becomes popular, Apple will undoubtedly suffer the most.

After all, in the past Apple mobile phones, but relying on their own unique closed-loop, created a super user experience to win customers.

It is precisely because of the large number of user groups and strong customer stickiness that they can collect IQ taxes from these customer groups as they please.

But once this Xiao Ai is launched on the market.

When everyone finds that you can use the user experience of Apple mobile phones by just buying a thousand yuan machine.

How do you feel about Apple?

By that time, everyone will find that the smartphone they are holding is nothing more than a display terminal.

The computer they keep at home is what really determines the speed of mobile phones.

The computer at home is equivalent to your own private server, and the performance of your mobile phone will not be the competition at that time.

It’s the performance of your computer at home...

Whoever has a better computer will be able to get a better user experience on a mobile phone.

By this time, the disruptive changes brought about by 5G will come again.

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