Because everyone knows the rhythm of each company's new products.

The reason why Company H was able to successfully transform so quickly from a company that is engaged in base stations, handshaking, and servers.

To become a giant in the mobile phone industry, in fact, it has grasped three points.

One is their persistent investment in innovation, the other is their marketing efforts, and another is the speed with which they produce new opportunities.

Especially in the first two years, when they were at their most brilliant, the speed at which this company produced new machines definitely made its peers feel ashamed.

For example, the fruit has only released a new model in two years, and the speed of this company's new model is one in a year.

The top-of-the-line series will be released in the first year, and then a flagship series will be released a year later.

The two models of locks are also very clear for the customer base.

For example, the flagship model is aimed at high-end business people and high-end white-collar workers who do not like publicity.

The second-most-matched models are aimed at young customers who have a demand for hardware but don't like the rigid and serious temperament of business jets.

It is such a segmented customer group that makes them a great success in marketing, and a combination of punches is a joy.

And the majority of consumers are almost accustomed to the speed at which they produce new phones.

Relying on constant innovation and innovation, they have also accelerated the narrowing of the gap between the fruit machine.

During that time, they even pulled the fruit machine down and became the domestic manufacturer with the largest domestic shipments.

Even in Europe, they continue to erode the territories of three mulberries and fruits.

Even once they were on the list of the world's third largest mobile phone industry giant.

It is precisely because of this that certain capitals have been killed.

Because the profits in this field are too great, the hardware and software are monopolized by those capitals.

Needless to say the fruit machine, as for the three mulberries, they are actually tools controlled by Wall Street Capital.

At the time of the financial crisis in 1998, this company was already controlled by a Wall Street consortium, and it was Citi and Morgan that stood behind this company.

This is the main reason why Sansang can be unimpeded all over the world, and even dare to file a lawsuit with Fruit.

It stands to reason that capital holds the same expectations for H Company.

In their view, as long as this company develops to a certain scale, they must go public.

At that time, as long as you become a shareholder of this company, it is still acceptable.

But how can I think that this company is not going public.

This makes the capital side unhappy.

Oh, not only did your special mother not be listed, but I couldn't make any money from you, so I was very upset.

As a result, you still have to grab business with the tools I use to make money and smash my job. I can't bear this.

So there is the scene that everyone knows...

I originally thought that this company might not be good enough, but who would have thought that this company has recently jumped out to make trouble after its low-key salary for two years.

And in the next few days, some clues that this company kept leaking, intentionally or unintentionally, made the media, who had already smelled the **** smell, become more and more excited.

First of all, H Company announced that it would hold the second day of the new product launch conference.

They have advertised in various media, that is, this time they are going to launch their new flagship machine 50 series!

And this time their 50 series, they actually played the title of true high-end flagship machine!

You know, although their mate series has always been their trump card before, it is just their own period brand.

But in the industry, it is not the most powerful product.

After all, in terms of chips, although theirs is excellent, it can't be said that they completely crush the direct competitor Snapdragon!

And even in the past two years, their self-developed chips, although they are catching up with competitors.

But in fact, there is still a big gap between the chips of competitors. It may be able to compete with Qualcomm's Snapdragon series, but there is still a very big gap with the fruit machine's A series.

But this time, H Company actually shouted the slogan of the real top flagship machine in the advertisement.

The meaning of this is very interesting!

Especially not long ago, Fruit has just launched its own new generation of flagship machine, but it is known as the strongest on the surface...

There are also several friends who have been not quite right with them before, and they have just launched their own flagship phones in the past few months.

On many evaluation websites, there are also special evaluations of those flagship models. It is said that the performance is quite OK.

But as far as domestic consumers are concerned, these so-called domestic machines are actually assembled machines...

To be honest, this machine has also undergone a certain upgrade in hardware, but when it comes to other innovations, it really doesn't matter.

And this time H company actually shouted the slogan of the real flagship machine, obviously this is to declare war!

Almost everyone became excited for a while, and everyone wanted to know who gave H Company the confidence and dared to shout such slogans.

At this time, are you still crazy?

It seems that you really don't want to live anymore!

Many friends of businessmen doubt whether there is something wrong with the management level of H company that will launch such a copy?

As for those H Company fans, they are inevitably worried at this time. Everyone does not understand why H Company, which has been low-key before, suddenly changed its temperament.

In such a difficult time, don’t you know to keep a low profile?

However, regardless of what these people think, such a poster of Company H was published without mentioning pictures or anything.

Just talking about this copywriting has already made them angry.

Soon H company's advertisement was topped by hot search.

In particular, the four characters "A Last Stand" at the top of their copy has attracted the enthusiasm of countless people.

Many people say that Company H is good, and they would rather stand to die than steal their lives.

Of course, it also attracted a lot of cynicism, saying that they were doing it for eyeballs, and it was fatal.

Anyway, it's the different opinions.

But no one thought that the next day, H Company would actually throw another blockbuster.

This new product launch conference is by no means just a new film launch conference, it is also a global developer conference.

At this conference, our company H is a popular hero post, and we welcome heroes from all over the world to come.

We will spend 10 billion in real money this time to subsidize those partners who are willing to cooperate with us in development.

Because at this conference, we will not only launch a new mobile phone, we will also launch a system that will disrupt the era!

As soon as these words were spoken, it immediately caused a tsunami-like effect in the entire industry.

Is this company H really crazy? Just their system,

It has been said so many times before, and several public versions have been published, but the effect is not very good.

Everyone thinks that they are plagiarizing Androids. How dare they even openly come up with it this time?

If this annoys others, be careful they will come out to do things!

Many pessimists, and companies that watch the excitement, are all kinds of cynicism skills coming out at this time.

Who made the previous two announcements of Company H have filled everyone's hatred value!

This is just two announcements, and it has already attracted the popularity of the entire network. This H company really has its own traffic!

Do you say that this makes everyone jealous?

If you know other companies, hundreds of millions or even billions of advertisements are smashed every year to win the popularity today.

But company H is doing well. For more than a year, it hasn't put much advertising on it.

At first, everyone thought they were going to be dying, and they would burp at Liang when they watched, and then quietly withdrew from the market.

But how can I think that this guy has another beautiful back carbine, and he is back!

Niang Niang, the two announcements are actually better than the advertising that everyone has invested hundreds of millions of dollars. You say everyone is upset?

Nima’s, you said that you came back to save it and you blew such a big cowhide. What do you mean?

With a new machine, you actually want to crush fruit?

Drink, ooh, who is the special mother who gives you the courage?

Don't you know what level you are?

The key is that you are so crazy, but it will attract the attention of foreign media.

And what global developer conference are you going to have?

I threw my mother!

What qualifications do you have to hold a global developer conference?

Do you think you are Microsoft, Google, or fruit?

I'm arguing that I have developed a new interconnection But it has been more than two years, and I haven't seen you really take it out?

Even the beta version has so many people accusing you of plagiarism, and now you are still holding the Global Developers Conference?

There are also 10 billion subsidies for developers. You really have money and nowhere to burn.

At this time, almost all domestic counterparts were swearing at Company H.

I originally thought that they were just looking back, but I didn't think they were insane, they really wanted to do things!

At this moment, almost all the friends and businessmen are not happy.

Because they feel that by doing this, Company H is smashing the brand of the domestic electronics industry.

Because they really can't think of what kind of products this H company can come up with that can compete with fruits.

As for Sansang, hehe, it has been automatically skipped at this time.

It can be said that only a few actions have stirred up the situation.

However, the noise that came out this time was really quite big. It had been quiet at first, but it's better for now, and suddenly a new phone is about to be released.

The industry has all the requirements for the release of new phones. If you want to release a new phone, you have to come up with some new things!

But who doesn't know the current situation of your company, you don't even have a chip, what new machine do you release?

Is it possible to fool consumers with old chips?

Do you really think that consumers will pay for you?

Take a few thousand yuan to buy a mobile phone with an old CPU? Unless they are crazy!

What is the difference between you being suicidal in doing this? It seems that you really don’t want to get mixed up in this circle...

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