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Yao Zhiguang took out the temperament of the magic city, and talked about the Confucianism.

If he was just playing tricks, he really wouldn't be afraid at all.

Anyway, in a society under the rule of law, he really doesn't believe these people dare to do anything to him.

After all, this is in full view, if these people move their hands, not to mention there are security guards here.

There is also a small assistant holding a mobile phone to make a video next to him. When the time comes, he will record the picture and go back and edit it at random. The smearing content will not be there.

It's a pity that although the person on the opposite side scolded fiercely, no one came to do it.

Obviously, the legal education in these years has not been promoted in vain.

Everyone knows the consequences of hands-on, so although Yao Zhiguang can't be used to it, no one is stupid enough to find him in trouble.

But soon everyone took time as a matter of course. After all, other manufacturers can say that each person is only allowed to test for fifteen minutes. If the timeout is too long, that will not work.

"Get off the plane, bastard!"

"Yeah. People said that no one is allowed to test for fifteen minutes, and you have been playing for more than twenty minutes."

"If we don't get off the plane anymore, we have to call security!"

"Hehe, a sunspot, why are you polite with him?"

The people around Yao Zhiguang are diverse, and I wanted to continue to talk to them for a while.

However, seeing a few security guards, they have already moved over here with unkind expressions.

Yao Zhiguang could only put down his cell phone angrily: "Huh! Let's play it for you!"

After speaking, he got up angrily and walked outside.

But after taking a step, I felt a sharp pain on the foot, obviously someone stepped on the foot.

"Ah Yo!"

This foot is strong and sturdy, which is really painful.

Yao Zhiguang just wanted to yell at him, who was able to step on it.

But when he looked up, there was a dense crowd in front of him, and no one looked at him.

He didn't know who was scared, but one thing is certain, that is, the person who stomped must be deliberate.

But now the crowds here are surging, it can be said that it is one after another. Even if he wants to find it, he can't find out who it is.

This loss can only be endured by pinching his nose.

Yao Zhiguang didn't dare to stay here for a long time. After all, the people here didn't have much kindness when looking at him.

I have just gotten a kick, if I continue to stay, then there will be something waiting for me if I am not.

Yao Zhiguang limped out of here with the help of his assistant.

But when he came outside the convention and exhibition center, he was not in a hurry to return to the hotel.

Instead, he went to the flowerbed on the other side of the road and found a chair to sit down.

"Oh, I'll take it, this kick, oh..."

Yao Zhiguang didn't expect that it hurt more and more at this moment. Thinking about it, the guy just didn't know how cruel his feet were.

"Made, little gangster, don't let Lao Tzu catch you!"

Yao Zhiguang became more and more angry when he thought about it, and couldn't help cursing.

But he can only make a few words, in fact, he can also make things worse.

But even if there are so many people in the venue, even if the police can call up the surveillance video, it is impossible to determine who stepped on him!

And even if the person is really found out, and the person refuses to admit it, what can you do?

If it's normal, he can wrestle with that guy, but this time he came with a task, so there is no such idle time.

Yao Zhiguang got more and more angry, but his feet hurt more and more.

Suddenly he remembered the third floor of Yida Plaza next to the hotel, as if there were two more self-service medical examination centers.

He was worried, don't stom on yourself with this foot and crack your bones.

If the bone is cracked by trampling, you have to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Then arrange the work for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, otherwise this time it will be really for nothing.

Thinking of this, Yao Zhiguang quickly asked his assistant to help him go straight to Yida Plaza.

At the gate of Yida, the staff member saw him coming with such a lame leg and directly pushed him a wheelchair.

Seeing the wheelchair pushed by the staff, Yao Zhiguang was stunned.

I didn't expect this Yida service to be so good.

No wonder I read the comments of many people before, saying that when you come to Bencheng, you must come to this Yida for a stroll.

It is said that this is arguably the best Yida in the country.

I also saw the inconvenience of his legs and feet, after understanding his purpose.

The staff of the mall directly escorted him to the escalator entrance and personally escorted him to the elevator.

Take him directly to the self-service medical examination machine on the third floor.

To say that this self-service medical examination center is now a popular group in the country.

In Magic City, many large shopping malls and the entrances of some large residential communities are equipped with such self-service medical examination centers.

Ordinary residents can have a basic physical examination for only 300 yuan.

If you want to check the details, you can spend 600 yuan for a detailed physical examination of the whole body.

To be honest, this price is much more affordable than going to the hospital.

These days, if you feel sick, go to the hospital.

Haha, go in, that's three consecutive blood draws, filming, and electrocardiograms.

This alone will cost seven to eight hundred yuan, if the condition has not been found.

Then you may have to go to surveillance, or do a whole body CT, if this set is down, then a few thousand yuan will go in.

If you haven’t found out, then you have to go to MRI or PET-CT.

And these two, ha ha, any one, that would cost seven or eight thousand yuan...

So compared to the medical check-up program in the hospital, this self-service medical check-up center can be said to be really more conscience.

Just talk about a blood test. If you do the most basic, other people's blood sugar, blood lipids, liver function, kidney function, etc. can help you check it.

Even if you add some money, even the heart and C indicators can be checked for you.

And if you are in the hospital, if you have a full set of blood tested, there will be no more than two thousand, so it will definitely not come out.

Here, it only needs more than five hundred...

Because of this, this self-service medical examination center has become the favorite health monitoring equipment of the general public since its birth.

In big cities, those white-collar workers who are usually busy with 996 and can't spare time to go to the hospital for physical examination.

There are also those elderly people who pay much attention to their health, and they have to come to this self-service medical examination center almost every other time.

Therefore, these devices can be said to be in line at the door all year round.

When Yao Zhiguang came this time, there were quite a few people in line in front of him.

But the staff spoke to those people, who also saw him in a wheelchair.

So they gave way to him one after another.

Yao Zhiguang thanked him so much that he entered the self-service medical examination center.

Simply measure the height and weight, and naturally skip it.

He hesitated slightly when he was drawing blood. When he went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang a few days ago, a Wenzhou boss asked for a Shiatsu.

At that time, I seemed to be agitated for a while, and I didn't do any safety measures, plus it was really itchy in the two-day stall.

I didn't feel relieved, so I took a blood test for a test.

The daily items are naturally not lost, but he also tested a few more, such as HIV, syphilis...

Then he entered the studio, which is what he values ​​most.

Moved the stepped foot under the camera, and sent a ***.

After a while, the result came out. There was nothing wrong with the blood, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

But he couldn't understand the three-dimensional image of the toe bone.

After all, he didn't study medicine either.

But it doesn't matter, he still has Penglai Pavilion on his phone!

This is the hottest app for seeking medical advice and medicine, and he has previously recharged it.

I am a member of this website, so I have the priority to register as an expert.

But let's forget the doctors in the magic city, the experts in those big hospitals are too expensive.

The same is true in Beijing. Anyway, as long as it is a famous doctor, or an expert or professor who is assessed by a website, the registration fee is not cheap.

He wondered whether his foot injury should be serious.

So from the app’s ratings, a young doctor with a relatively high score was selected.

This doctor is a young doctor in a second-line hospital in Northland. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

He should be an intern, not at the director level, but the comments from the patient are very high.

Obviously this is a talented doctor who is on the rise.

Maybe it won't be long before he can be promoted to chief physician.

But now, he is not, because of this his registration fee is very low.

But looking at the comments, the patient's evaluation of him is very high. What kind of skills are solid, and he is patient. Anyway, it is praise.

Regarding these comments, Yao Zhiguang can still believe it.

Because this Penglai Pavilion APP is different from websites like Moubao and Pinxixi.

In those websites, the evaluation of many products can be brushed out.

There is also a dedicated team for brushing points.

As for the platform of the regulator, it usually turns a blind eye to such behavior, and even a small second colludes with these people.

And here in Penglai Pavilion, you don't even think about it.

The platform is strictly forbidden to scrape points, after all, this platform sells services.

If your doctor's level is not good enough, and you rely on scoring, wouldn’t it be easy to harm people if you provide services?

If such a doctor is on the list, wouldn't it be a fraud to the patient, and the platform has also smashed its own brand?

Therefore, this kind of behavior is absolutely not allowed on this website.

If one is found, the website will deal with it seriously.

Not only will the entire platform be blocked, but it will even be announced to the outside world.

And if this is announced, the doctor will be completely ruined. After all, doctors rely on reputation for food.

So now, there are basically no doctors who dare to give myself a score on this website.

As for those scoring teams that spontaneously form groups, as long as they appear on the website, the platform will deal with them if they find them together.

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