I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


"Can you give us a detailed introduction to the laboratory jointly established by you and Ben Thanh Polytechnic University?"

Yao Zhiguang suddenly shouted loudly in the audience, his voice seemed very boring.

Because at this time, everyone's attention is on this little star AI chip.

But at this moment, someone suddenly asked about this university laboratory. All of them were smart people.

At first everyone was attracted by the performance of this little star AI, but then everyone remembered.


Instead of paying attention to this little star AI chip, it is better to pay attention to this laboratory!

After all, this chip came out of this laboratory, this Nima is too awesome.

We talk about the integration of production and investment in China, and everyone who has already talked about it is about to become a cocoon.

But so far, what are the academic institutions that can truly combine production and investment?

It can be said that a slap in the country can be counted.

To put it bluntly, our domestic academic institutions are now seriously out of touch with practice in academic theoretical research.

Nowadays, many self-media like to talk about it on the Internet. As of last year, the number of SCI papers published in China is the largest in the world.

In addition, since the past few years, the number of patent applications has also been the highest in the world...

Many people who don't know why, when they see such news, they may first feel proud.

But in fact, if you are serious about tasting.

If our technology really develops to this point, it will really be so powerful.

Then do we need to be afraid of being choked by others?

Looking at those SCI papers, how many have been retracted.

Even a few days ago, the most famous big oolong incident was a certain vice president of a famous domestic university.

A paper published in a famous scientific journal was actually withdrawn.

Because they left some face for the university, they didn't specify the reason.

But as long as you are in the academic circle, who doesn't know what's going on?

Isn't it because the data in his academic papers are out of order, and people can't verify it during reverse reasoning.

Then why is it like this!

Hehe, everyone understands.

Imagine that if even scholars of this level do this, so many SCIs published by us will be useful.

But just think about the internal regulations of our colleges and universities in recent years, and you can know why there is no use.

The combination of production and investment has never been combined.

In colleges and universities, if you want to evaluate your professional title, and you want to be promoted from a lecturer to a professor, one of the most important points in the evaluation criteria depends on how many SCIs you have published.

Even whether a Ph.D. graduates depends on this.

But do you think foreigners have such a requirement?

And why do we have to ask scholars to publish SCI for our funny?

To put it bluntly, it is because those journals are influential around the world, and publishing articles in journals is conducive to enhancing the school’s international reputation.

As for those SCIs, how many of them have real materials and how many have really contributed to academics, ha ha... you know...

This is the main reason why our colleges and universities now have a bad reputation in the world, the hardest hit area of ​​fraud.

Moreover, as far as universities are concerned, as long as they increase their popularity, they will be able to obtain a larger proportion of the scientific research funding allocated by the country from the previous year. This is the ultimate goal.

As for the real grants to professors and PhDs to do projects, ha ha...

That costs much money, and after a few years, or even more than ten years, it may not produce results. It is still the most cost-effective to write an article...

and so……

In this way, our scientific research funds are actually given a lot every year.

But the combination of production and investment has not really been done. As for the usefulness of those funds...

It hurts to think about it!

And now suddenly a laboratory of Ben Thanh Polytechnic University popped up, and it actually made such a small star that broke.

All the reporters who are doing this now can't sit still.

Because if this little star AI is made by this laboratory, it means another thing.

That is, in the future, not only H company’s mobile phones can be used, but other companies’ mobile phones can also be used.

Even three mulberries and fruits can be used...

In this way, the pattern of the entire world's mobile phone market has completely changed.

Our company can transform from an assembly plant to a real player.

So at this time everyone focused their attention on the big mouth on the stage.

The big mouth is a chuckle.

"Well, this laboratory was actually first established by several professors from Ben Thanh University of Technology."

"They have already achieved some results before, but they are not sure whether they can be marketed or not."

"So they found us..."

Although it was only a few words, the reporters present seemed to be sharks that smelled blood.

Because from these few words, they heard that this little star was not developed by H company.

However, this set of rhetoric was actually finalized after Mr. Yu and the others had communicated with Spark Technology several times.

At Xinghuo Technology, I don't want to expose it too soon.

The initial purpose of establishing a laboratory with Ben Thanh Polytechnic University was to divert attention.

"As for Xiaoxing's AI chip, the reason why it has such a powerful computing power."

"This is mainly attributable to the disruptive materials we used. At the beginning of the design of the laboratory, we took a different approach and did not use silicon-based materials..."

Anyway, since the launch of this conference, Mr. Yu has already planned to do a big job.

At this time, the words are really shocking and endless.

I didn't use the trajectory material to say this sentence, and it immediately caused a shocking effect.

Everyone present felt as if they had been hammered on their heads. Everyone was blind and didn't know what to say.

how can that be?

No silicon-based materials are used! ?

Although they are just a few simple words, as long as they do this business, who doesn't know how important these words are.

This sentence is almost the same as when Fairchild developed silicon-based transistors and replaced traditional germanium diodes in one fell swoop.

It can be said that the development history of world electronic technology has been directly substituted into a new chapter.

You must know that when there are no silicon-based transistors, there is naturally no integrated circuit board.

At that time, to build an electronic computer, it needed more than 14,000 vacuum transistors and 7,400 vacuum diodes, with a total weight of 30 tons. As for the floor area, it would occupy a room the size of a basketball court... …

With silicon-based transistors, there are integrated circuit boards, and then the miniaturization of computers has gradually become a reality.

And now Fairy Technology, it can be said that everything is rooted in the silicon-based transistors developed by Fairchildren in the 1960s.

Later integrated circuit boards and chips were made of silicon-based materials.

And now the chip manufacturing process has reached the stage of 5 nanometers. At present, the world's two major chip manufacturers are advancing in the direction of 3 nanometers.

It is said that the limit of silicon-based nanochips is 1 nanometer.

At that stage, there is no way to break through the physical limits of materials.

So now many cutting-edge technology companies are looking for new alternatives.

Everyone knows that there are already many companies in the U.S. in this field.

Including the current overlord of computer chips, Intel, has already been in the field of new materials.

Everyone wants to find a new material to replace silicon-based chips.

The most famous of these is Google, which has made a lot of investment and research in quantum computers.

But in this regard, there are still many shackles, which are currently difficult to break through.

Even many people say that the investment in this area is all nonsense now.

After all, there is no breakthrough in the field of new materials ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ What quantum computer you do is nonsense.

There are also photonic computers, biochips, and so on. Many people think this is hype.

In recent years, almost every three to five years, such a gimmick has been exposed.

At the beginning, it attracted experts in the scientific community to be crazy about it for a period of time.

But soon, everyone discovered these so-called new discoveries, and many of them were gimmicks made by the guys playing finance.

Every time there is a fever, they cut a round of leeks in the financial market.

As for whether there are really new breakthroughs in the field of technology, they don't care.

And this time, Mr. Yu of Company H was in front of the thousands of reporters in the audience. ,

Speaking of them and a laboratory of Ben Thanh Polytechnic University, they have jointly developed a brand new chip.

And this chip is not the traditional silicon-based material used.

The scene was immediately fried.

"Zong Yu, can you tell us more about what this new material is?"

"Yu Dazui, are you crazy? Are you still developing new materials?"

"Do you not want to get mixed up in this circle? Do you know the consequences of saying this?"

About three minutes later, the scene, which was originally silent like a pool of stagnant water, suddenly boiled.

Some people want to ask more and more valuable information from Mr. Yu.

Some people swear directly because they simply don't believe that our laboratories and companies in Country H can develop such important new materials.

There are so many world-renowned companies such as Intel, Google, Fruit and so on.

After so many years of investment in this field, no decent new things have been produced.

As soon as your upper lip touched your lower lip, you said that you have developed a brand new material. How foolish are you?

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