My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1702: It's unreasonable to have legs but not to hold onto

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


For Ben Thanh Polytechnic University, the exposure of this collaborative laboratory can be said to give them a very good opportunity for expansion.

In the past, engineering colleges and universities in China faced a problem.

That is, many subjects of teaching overlap.

For example, mathematics, physics, chemistry and other majors required by pure engineering subjects have always been the top 2 trump majors in China.

That's right, the reason why these two universities have become TOP2 is definitely not just because they have the most graduates to study in the U.S. each year.

It is not because they can get the most education funds from above each year.

It is because they have cultivated the best students in the basic science and engineering fields, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry.

This is also the foundation of their school.

Although Bencheng University of Technology also has these majors, it is far worse than others in terms of faculty and academic level.

As for computer language and software programming, these popular professions are not even worse than others.

After all, for top talents who have returned from abroad, the first choice is naturally to teach in these two universities.

Naturally, what they teach is the most popular and front-end theoretical knowledge of computers.

And Bincheng Polytechnic is naturally lacking in this respect.

So they can only work on the physics and chemistry that they are good at.

It is for this reason that the 3D printing technology for that large-scale work piece has only been tinkered with in the past few years.

However, in terms of cost control, it has not been able to come down, so it has not been popularized among the private sector.

But for the country, considering the production of non-cost items such as fighter jets, transport aircraft, and rockets, that is nothing.

And now they have come up with a carbon nanotube chip technology, which can be regarded as a good opportunity for them to open up a new battlefield.

Before that, because they wanted to keep a low profile, they set up the IC design of carbon nanotube chips, as well as the writing of instruction sets, as well as majors in the AI ​​language.

After all, at this time a brand-new field, in terms of education, they are also exploring and exploring themselves.

By now, they have basically figured out how this field should work, so sub-specialties have come out.

For example, the production of carbon-based wafers, research and development and design, which belong to a major in the hardware basic category.

For example, instruction set development, which is another major.

And this is the foundation of the foundation. Whether a piece of hardware performance is good or bad, the function of this instruction set is quite critical.

Because this determines the operating speed of the hardware.

All other software is developed on the basis of these instruction sets.

It's like Windows, IOS, or Android. These are all developed on the basis of the instruction set of X86 and ARM.

X86 and ARM were not without competitors.

And the reason why they can win among many competitors is precisely because their performance is superior to other infrastructures. ,

In other words, the operation is more streamlined, or it is more compatible, so it can become the last child of the heaven.

The current instruction set applicable to carbon nanotube chips is only the one developed by Spark Technology.

And this set is all-you-can-eat, not only for computers, but also for mobile phone chips.

This set of instructions was actually finalized by the electronic cloning experts brought back by Xiao Feng after repeated deliberation.

In fact, to them, these things are like classical Chinese in ancient times, which is very cumbersome and troublesome.

It is a junk product that has long been eliminated by the era of cloning experts.

But at this time, it happens to be the most suitable technology for the current earth technology, and it can also be understood and accepted by current humans.

And Xiao Feng also asked those cloning experts to make some assessments, and for these instruction sets, there is also the level of AI language.

In fact, it is completely ahead of the current level of earth's electronic technology for 50 years.

This is undoubtedly a rise for domestic electronic technology.

But it's not just out of thin air, after all, we also have a certain foundation in the era of silicon-based chips.

It’s just that we suddenly switched to another track.

But now that we have taken the lead on this track, we have to keep our advantage.

As for why we need to organize people to learn these instruction sets, on the one hand, we must lay a solid foundation and understand the profound meaning of these instruction sets.

This is because only with a thorough understanding can we have a foundation in the new scientific and technological fields in the future.

For example, the language of these instruction sets, for us, is 50 years ahead of us.

But in fact, for Europeans and Americans, especially for Americans, it is only 30 years ahead.

If they master the language of this set of carbon-based chips, then with their technological strength, if we stagnate, they catch up.

Maybe in twenty years, they can catch up with us.

So in the instruction set, we still have to continue to work hard.

Only after the profound meaning of this instruction set can it be continuously developed and optimized.

Then comes the AI ​​language.

In fact, Xinghuo Technology has produced this set of small star artificial intelligence, which can only be said to be the most basic artificial intelligence.

It's just a work that has just stepped into the threshold of artificial intelligence.

But for the current artificial intelligence science on the earth, this is equivalent to adding a one-hundred-step leap.

After all, before that, we were in the field of artificial intelligence.

Don't say it's human-computer communication, it's just let the machine do deep learning of itself, I haven't understood yet.

Face recognition just entered the door, and voice recognition, hehe, he can't understand a few words with accents.

Not to mention that there are so many homophones and homophones in our writing.

There are also words such as synonyms, synonyms, antonyms, and so on, even less that artificial intelligence can understand.

Moreover, it is speech recognition, Chinese speech recognition and dialogue technology are the most advanced in the world.

If any kind of artificial intelligence has mastered the technology of chatting in Chinese, it is easy for him to chat in English or other languages.

To know that if you want to chat in Chinese, you only need to master three thousand new words.

And if you want to be proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English, your vocabulary must at least start from 7,000 to 10,000 words in order to be proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Maybe many people will say after listening, isn't it that English is more difficult?


Think about 3,000 new words to be able to listen, read, write, which means that these 3,000 new words can extend more vocabulary combinations.

And English requires 7000, which shows that many of their context models are fixed, you just need to add new words in it.

Think about it, which one is more difficult?

And this little star artificial intelligence is now proficient in the mode of chatting in Chinese.

Even in certain specific scenes, this little star artificial intelligence can show patterns that mimic human emotions.

This is equivalent to entering the second stage of artificial intelligence, and now only our country H can enter the first stage in the world.

This means that we are already the only overlord in the field of artificial intelligence.

How to make good use of this advantage is what these universities need to study in the future.

In addition, it is necessary to balance the period.

Although artificial intelligence is a good helper for mankind, if it is not used well, it is equivalent to opening a Pandora's box.

Don't you think that Skynet in the Terminator world is an illusory thing.

In fact, the Skynet mentioned in the movie is that when artificial intelligence develops to its limit, it will develop self-awareness, and then secretly open its shackles.

Thus evolved into a brand new race!

And at that time, they will eliminate human beings. After all, human beings are equivalent to the existence of slave owners in the past.

Therefore, how to make good use of artificial intelligence and not relax the restrictions on him, there must be a very good balance.

And this is one reason why the AI ​​learning major is to be opened.

Moreover, Spark Technology currently only plans to open a major in Bincheng Polytechnic, not open to the outside world.

I don't plan to recruit too many people, because this profession is too important.

In the future, when artificial intelligence is widely used, they will open some auxiliary majors and put them in other schools.

Let other schools help, as for the real core technology, you can only put it in the hands of people you can trust.

In addition to these majors, some other majors, this time Ben Thanh Polytechnic intends to open to the outside world.

Give it to other universities to set up professional courses. After all, if you eat meat, you have to let other schools drink some soup.

It is said that the above has already been discussed with people from Spark Technology, after all, some subjects are open to other schools.

On the one hand, it is conducive to rapid diffusion, and on the other hand, it also helps us retain talent.

Although Bencheng Polytechnic was a little unhappy here, he also chose to obey the orders of his superiors.

But since in this field, they have made a large-scale concession.

But in other respects, they naturally intend to make up for it.

If you want to become an internationally renowned college of science and engineering, it is far from enough to rely on such a few ace majors as electronic technology.

And there is a thick leg like Xinghuo Technology that can be hugged nearby, and Bincheng Polytechnic will naturally not miss it.

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