My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1741: The six-sided warrior of the fast food world

In recent years, with the popularization of scientific dietary concepts and knowledge, more and more people know that beef has higher nutritional value.

In the past, we were not without cattle, but most places did not have the habit of eating beef.

The reason is also very simple. If in the feudal era in the past, cattle were not used for food, but a very important tool of production.

You can plow the land, you can pull the cart, anyway, this thing is a very important helper for farmers, and it can greatly improve production efficiency.

Therefore, in ancient times, cattle were not only important production tools, but also a very important strategic resource in the agricultural field.

Many ancient courts banned eating beef and killing cattle, which was illegal.

Then this habit continued until after the founding of our country, even 2000 years ago.

In many rural areas of the country, cattle are still an important production tool.

In fact, this has to be said to be related to our conservative and backward small peasant thinking.

It may be said that many people don't like to hear it, and every time someone suggests that modern farming tools should be used in large quantities in rural areas to replace livestock and improve production efficiency.

Someone would jump out and say something, first of all, the cost of farming tools is expensive, and the common people can't afford it.

Otherwise, someone would say that the per capita land area for farmers in our country is small, so it is not appropriate for farmers to use modern farming tools in large quantities.

Otherwise, in the southern region, where there are many waters and mountains, modern farming tools cannot be used in many places, and they cannot be used due to the restrictions of the terrain.

But every time he heard this, the ten thousand sons who knew the essence of modern farming wanted to spit on those people's faces.

Nima's, don't understand the shit, what are you talking about?

Especially here, many people have not even been to the countryside at all, and only hold the keyboard spray.

Do you know what modern agriculture and animal husbandry are?

Open your dog's eyes and go abroad to have a look.

If you don't have the opportunity to go abroad, it's the Internet age now. Pull a root cable to find out how foreign countries are engaged in agriculture. Numerous videos will open your eyes.

You said that the mountainous and watery areas are not suitable for modern farming tools. You are so special, then you have never been to Japan.

Speaking of modern agriculture, is there any place worse than Japan's environment?

Of course it's not that their dry land is barren or anything, but their topography.

Take a look at the area of ​​arable land in Japan?

Most of the more land used by Japanese farmers is developed in an environment with plenty of water and mountains.

But the agricultural productivity of others, look at it, is a few blocks away.


It's because people use a lot of modern farming tools, and wherever machinery can be used, who specializes in using cattle!

Cattle things have long been eliminated in Japan.

If you look at the rural areas of Japan, there are not many young people at all, because they don't want to suffer from farming.

Most of them are old men in their seventies and eighties, and the young laborers are also farmers in their forties.

But it is clear that a few people can give you thousands of acres of farmland to serve you.

From plowing the land to raising seedlings and transplanting seedlings, they have almost completed all automation and mechanization.

And because part of their farmland is mountainous, the problem is severely restricted by terrain, they have also specially developed a lot of miniaturized agricultural machinery and equipment.

Ensure that those agricultural machinery can work in the mountains.

When it comes to autumn harvesting, almost 70 to 80% of the work can be done with machinery.

This is no better than you are still holding the handicap, your head is like an elm bump, and you still insist on using cattle.

Of course, in recent years, our country has also changed in this respect.

For example, in many rural areas, several households are basically united to hire agricultural machinery for use.

For example, farmland, harvesting, etc., but in terms of transplanting rice seedlings, there is still no special agricultural machinery and equipment that is specially adapted to those complex terrains.

So our agricultural modernization still has a long way to go.

However, this does not delay Wan Gongzi's plan to expand his modernized cattle breeding.

Because with the spread of the concept of healthy eating, more and more consumers have also noticed that eating beef is indeed healthier than eating pork.

We used to like pork because of its high body fat, fatter and more delicious taste.

At that time, it was because we were poor and could not afford to eat meat, so we naturally preferred to pay attention to the taste. The high fat content of meat made us more full.

Therefore, pork is more popular with ordinary people.

But with the improvement of our quality of life, more and more consumers have noticed that eating too much pork, although it is delicious enough.

But it also consumes too much fat, which leads to the problem of obesity.

Eating the same amount of beef will reduce the obesity rate a lot.

And beef contains more amino acids needed by the human body. If beef is the main source of meat, not only can the human body be healthier, but also the human body’s immunity and endurance can be greatly enhanced.

Of course, you must also pay attention to the amount of beef you eat. It should be appropriate and not excessive, otherwise it will also lead to obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, in recent years, the number of beef consumption in our country has begun to soar.

In particular, the rise of a batch of new Chinese fast foods led by celebrity chefs has greatly increased beef consumption.

These new Chinese fast foods are different from those traditional catering companies.

The advertisements of traditional enterprises are for reference only.

The name is braised beef noodles, or braised beef rice, which can be used for a year's worth of beef, and it only hurts the cattle slightly.

The new type of Chinese fast food represented by celebrity chefs is different. They believe in promotional pictures and food, which must be restored one by one.

Never deceive consumers!

The reason why famous chef manufacturing was able to go on the market that year quickly became popular. Within two years, it swept the domestic fast food industry and became a national canteen.

It is not only their unique taste, but also the beef that they offer in their signature beef rice and beef noodles.

It is definitely a big piece of beef, which is definitely a one-to-one reduction with the beef on their promotional pictures.

Give a few dollars in the advertisement, then give it a few dollars.

People have achieved the ultimate in the four words of good quality and low price.

So later, their growth experience was repeatedly studied by countless business schools.

Everyone is studying how they did it, such a high customer stickiness, and after so many years, they are still crazily loved by the people.

In the end, there are only a few points. The first is their unique taste. No matter how picky people are, no one dares to say that their home is not good.

Secondly, the products promoted and sold by others are absolutely the same.

The picture is for reference only, it absolutely does not exist in their home.

The third is the dining environment, which is clean and tidy. Although most chain stores have similar decoration styles, this is enough.

The bright and simple style makes people look happy.

Then there is service, a place where you can eat fast food, and you can guarantee warm service. What else can you choose?

The last is the price-performance ratio!

It costs more than 20 yuan, and it only costs more than 30 yuan to eat a set meal with side dishes, drinks and some toppings.

What else do you pick for the kind that can make you eat meat until you are full?

If you can find a store that is more affordable than them in the whole country, it can hardly be said that there is no one.

The meat is more than theirs, and the price is more expensive than theirs.

The price is cheaper than his home, and it is not as clean as his home.

It can be clean and tidy, and it does not taste as good as others...

Can catch up with their taste, and without their services...

So, by comparison, this famous chef made by Te Niang is like a hexagonal warrior!

Almost several major elements in the catering industry, people have ordered them.

Although it is not necessarily full, but they have achieved an absolutely optimal balance.

It is precisely because there is no shortcoming that people can become a national canteen!

After the successful manufacturing of celebrity chefs, there are countless capitals behind, and they plan to follow their path again.

Although many companies have failed, many companies gritted their teeth and insisted on succeeding.

After all, the domestic catering market is too big, and as people's consumption concepts change, more and more consumers like to eat out.

Especially in big cities, under fast-paced living conditions. UU reading www.

In a city full of 996 culture, it's 7 or 8 o'clock after get off work every day, and it's almost 9 o'clock when I get home.

How many people can have the energy to go home to wash vegetables and cook?

At this time, simply eating fast food outside becomes a good choice.

Celebrity chef manufacturing has become the first choice for these people, but there is also a problem.

That is, celebrity chefs are too popular. In any one, almost every meal is overcrowded.

Some people are willing to wait, but some are not equal!

As a result, other Chinese fast foods were wiped out.

The prevalence of the central kitchen method has greatly increased the consumption of beef.

Because almost all Chinese fast foods are studying and learning the successful experience of famous chefs.

You can't learn the tastes made by famous chefs. But in terms of food ingredients, can't you copy homework?

You can't even copy this homework, so you still have to be an egg?

Although this will increase the cost of the merchant, compared with retaining customers and ensuring customer stickiness, the additional cost of each meal package increases by one or two yuan, which is not a problem for the merchant.

After all, these years, the price of imported beef is really not expensive.

If there are channels, if a large amount of beef is imported from high-yielding countries, the CIF price per catty is only fourteen to five yuan.

Even for this, someone has specifically rushed to our neighbor’s ‘Navy Power’ to study a plan to import beef and mutton...

Why, it's very simple, because there is a low price for beef and mutton!

If the price of meat is cheap, where else can it be cheaper than them...

And when the common people talk about beef and mutton, they will first think of Australia, Canada, and the United States.

However, we have overlooked that, in fact, there are two big meat-producing countries around us!

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