I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!

Because when it comes to large-scale machine tools, you cannot do without the mother machine tool, which is the legendary industrial mother machine.

Many people may not understand what the concept of this industrial base machine is.

In fact, it is a machine tool that can control the processing accuracy of small parts to the limit.

Because large machine tools are actually assembled with such small parts.

For example, if you want to control the machining accuracy of a small machine tool to 2 to 3 filaments, it is not difficult.

But it is rare that you control the parts of a large machine tool to 2 to 3 wires.

This is the most difficult part, so how strong a country's comprehensive industrial strength is, in fact, is often reflected in these large-scale machine tools.

Because large-scale machine tools are often used in the manufacture of large-scale equipment and equipment such as military industry, large aircraft, gas turbines, aerospace and so on.

The structure of a large machine tool is much more complicated than that of a small machine tool.

Because large workpieces are to be processed, the power that can be exerted and the torque that the machine tool can withstand must be taken into consideration.

In the case of bearing a large torque and a large torque, ensuring the accuracy of the processed parts is the essence of a large-scale machine tool.

Moreover, a large machine tool requires much more parts and components than a small machine tool.

In this way, the accuracy of the industrial host machine will be even more tested.

Because only the higher the precision of the industrial master machine, the smaller the tolerance of the processed small parts.

For example, a small machine tool can be assembled with only three thousand parts.

But if you want to make a large vertical milling machine, you need almost 10,000 parts to install one.

For the two machine tools, you have to ensure the processing accuracy of 23 threads. Which one do you say is more difficult?

Small machine tools, 3000 parts, the tolerances of all parts must be within a certain range, and then the assembled machine tool has a processing accuracy of 23 threads.

For large-scale machine tools, there are 10,000 parts, which can only be assembled after they are assembled, and the tolerances must be controlled to be smaller to ensure that accuracy.

This means that the parts used on a large machine tool are more accurate than those used on a small machine tool.

Even much higher

This is also the main reason why many of our large-scale projects have been under way for so many years but have not made breakthroughs.

For example, Hangfa, as well as gas turbines.

To be honest, don’t look at our gas turbine level, which is far from the world’s first-class level.

The main thing is its own power, which means how fast your boat can run.

There is also a power liter, which means that in a short period of time, a boat of this size can increase its speed to the fastest speed.

And multiple indicators such as fuel consumption, maintenance, use economy and so on.

If you take these many factors into account, you will know that we are far behind the world's first-class gas turbines.

Although many Ermao experts have been hired, it has indeed made us a lot higher in gas turbine manufacturing.

But the key is that Ermao, the shipbuilding experts, are not world-class at first!

And now the industry knows that you want to process turbine blades for aircraft aviation, as well as blades for gas turbines.

Then we must consider importing machine tools from three countries, one is Switzerland, one is Germany, and the other is Italy!

Yes, these three countries have their own unique skills in the manufacture of aviation turbine blades and gas turbine blades.

To put it bluntly, it is the processing of such high-speed, high-precision and complex curved blades. The Swiss Mikron can be said to be the king in this field.

Germany Siemens has to step aside

Their machine tools are also a key supplier of well-known companies such as the United States and Luoma.

Our domestic recent breakthroughs in the field of aviation development are also due to the acquisition of a few of their second-hand machine tools.

Although not the top, the most advanced, but it did solve some of our pain points.

It's a pity that there are not many, and it's not the best machine.

Speaking of the price of this machine tool, it is really outrageous, and it can even be said to be outrageous.

Someone has made an analogy. If they sell their machine tools by the catty, the price per catty is 28 times that of similar products of Dawei Heavy Industries!

That's right, it's so expensive!

And their machine tools are open to the supply of Western countries.

Even Teddy Bear can get a few units back through special channels.

But for us, the card is too deadly.

Even if we are willing to spend twice the price of others, they are not willing to sell it to us.

But to make a plane, there are too many machine tools needed to use.

It is definitely not to say that you can solve all the parts needed on the aircraft by providing a flexible machining center.

That's nonsense!

For example, the skeleton of an airplane and the supporting structure of the wings require large milling machines and drilling machines.

We didn't have these things before, but in recent years, we have developed a 3-turn-mill integrated machine tool in the field of integrated turn-milling.

This can help us solve the problem of the boss, and it can even be said that we can directly go to a higher level in the field of finishing.

It was originally a hundred years behind Europe and the United States, but it was brought closer by fifty years.

Moreover, this machine tool is also listed as our country's strategic equipment and is not allowed to be exported.

Unfortunately, we only have breakthroughs in this field.

In large vertical machining centers, there are also composite tape laying machines, silk laying machines, or honing machines.

As well as the high-speed cutting field of complex curved parts, we are still far behind.

It is the gap between these machine tools that has separated us from the powers of Europe and the United States for another fifty years.

Recently, Spark Technology has stepped up its efforts, hoping to make breakthroughs in these equipments currently in short supply in our country.

Because of the high-precision flexible processing machine tool, with this thing, it is possible to make breakthroughs in the processing of many small parts.

We can process many parts that were not precisely processed in the past.

After these parts are processed, it is much easier to assemble the large-scale machine tools.

Even if the accuracy of the large-scale machine tools produced is slightly worse than that of the top European and American products, it can be able to bring the gap down within ten years, we can accept it!

Because as long as the gap can be brought within this range, some countries will definitely be in a hurry.

It was better when the technology was much ahead of us, but now we are about to catch up.

They won't be fortified anymore, it's really right.

You take this chip for example. We were able to produce 90 nanometers before, and the self-produced lithography machine is of this level.

So you see, they don’t even sell us the 28-nanometer chip technology and equipment used in cars.

But some time ago, we heard that we are about to make a breakthrough in the field of lithography machines, and we will be able to produce 28-nanometer lithography machines by ourselves.

You see, some companies immediately let go. They want to build a 28-nanometer chip production plant in China and increase investment.

Anyway, if you can't produce it yourself, then I won't sell you the equipment, only the finished product.

But once you can produce your own equipment, then I will use my equipment at a cheaper price, or even pack it and sell it to you at a discount.

The purpose is to squeeze your own R&D department, so that he can't make money, and he has no money to do R&D.

Those European and American companies did not know how many times they did this routine, and most of the time they were tried again and again.

Indeed, many domestic R&D institutions have been pitted. It's a pity that someone happens to be fooled every time.

And Japan is the same, they can be said to be the goalkeeper in the field of intermediate finishing products.

Once we make a breakthrough in the field of precision machining, they will be the first to be unlucky.

Because of their technical background, after all, they are not as profound as Western countries.

Even in the field of electronic industry chain, they do have advantages in certain items.

But in reality, they are still younger brothers in the machinery sector.

In the field of small and medium-sized general-purpose commercial machine tools, they can sweep the world by cost performance.

But if they really enter the field of high-end machine tools, they will be a younger brother.

You can go to the equipment production line of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which machine tool is used?

Qing Yishui, Cincinnati in the United States, and Mtores machine tools in Spain ~www.readwn.com~ Maybe these machine tool manufacturers have not been heard by many people.

For the general public, it is more likely that they are familiar Japanese machine tool companies such as Yamazaki Mazak, Fanuc, Jetco, and Dawei Heavy Industries.

That's because these companies can indeed sweep competitors by relying on cost performance in the production of small and medium-sized general-purpose machine tools for civilian use.

But if you enter the real high-end machine tool field, such as aircraft manufacturing, military industry, gas turbine, or large optical lens grinding and other fields.

Machine tools that sell well in these areas are basically European and American products.

And these European and American machine tool companies, because their products are directly supplied to upstream manufacturers, so ordinary people rarely know these machine tools.

Even their names are rarely heard.

Are you like Cincinnati in the United States?

Many people may know that this is a place name in the United States, but who knows that this is still a very famous machine tool manufacturer in the United States?

Speaking of this machine tool factory, many people may not know their status in the arena.

Because this company is the originator of the world's first five-axis CNC machining center, they made the world's first five-axis CNC machine tool.

Later, they also transferred the technology of the CNC system to Japan, and only then did they become FANUC in Japan.

The machine tools of this company are currently mainly supplied to aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing, Lok Ma, and Dassault of France.

Therefore, it is naturally difficult for ordinary people to know the existence of such enterprises, because they have been hidden at the top of the technology crown!

And what we have to do now is after we have a real high-precision mother machine.

Then bring out those large-scale high-precision machine tools that we have been lacking before, like the real technological peak is very close!

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