I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


"Minister Xia, your honing machine is really good!"

Xia Hongtao of Spark Technology is responsible for receiving those state-owned enterprises and the inspectors of central enterprises.

"Yeah! Minister Qin looks at what you said, isn't this what we should do!"

"Furthermore, when we signed the contract, we made a military order, and the purpose of our company is to do it."

"Hey, it's a good one to do what you say, hahaha, if we have more companies like yours, it would be great!"

The bald head on the opposite side was full of red light, and was coaxed by Xia Hongtao's few words.

Of course, the reason why he is more happy is that the performance of the honing machine produced by Spark Technology is too superior.

The team he brought just now has tested several honing machines, and the performance is really no worse than the German ones.

But the price is only 20% off the German product, although it is about 30% more expensive than the Japanese product.

But in the eyes of people at their level, money is nothing at all!

We are not short of money, but of equipment!

With this honing machine, many projects that were not well done in the past can be easily solved!

Besides, if you look at the golden signs of the central enterprises behind us, do you think we are short of money?

Money, that's nothing, the key is to have equipment!

And this Xia Hongtao is also very satisfied with the order completed today.

The boss of the other party also pays attention to people, the equipment passed the acceptance, and immediately placed an order for 30 units.

The down payment was actually made directly by 50%, and the money was made, but it was not a bit better than the companies he used to stay in Pengcheng!

This guy can be regarded as an old man with Xiao Feng now.

And because of his sleek personality, knowledge of the law, and understanding of planning, he has always been regarded as a panacea.

It will be transferred wherever it is needed.

And he is quite satisfied with the current working environment.

He has positions in the Celebrity Chef Group and the Ninth Laboratory, and the boss pays him a salary for each position.

Although he is in two companies, it is impossible for him to work, but he can get a salary if he has a title.

Moreover, Xiao Feng, the boss, can really be said to be extremely generous if he is in China.

Although the celebrity chef group and the ninth laboratory are not listed, many people feel a little disappointed.

However, compared with the high wages they can get, many people still think this is good.

After all, although the company has the benefits of going public, if the company does not go public, everyone will not lose money.

Because the boss is really willing to give money!

In fact, like ministers who reach their level, they all know how to operate the company is the best.

Systems such as share incentives have actually been badly played in China in recent years because there are too many storytellers.

But in fact, in Europe and the United States, not many companies like to give their employees equity.

That is, those technology companies in Silicon Valley like to issue original shares to their employees, but most of them are of the kind that does not hurt.

But this system changed its flavor as soon as it arrived in China.

It may also be related to the cultural characteristics of Chinese people preferring to be chicken heads rather than phoenix tails.

Fortunately, the Celebrity Chef Group and the Ninth Laboratory never bow to this ethos.

And these veteran officials have followed Xiao Feng step by step to today.

It also witnessed the growth of the two companies, and in recent years, after seeing the rise and fall of many domestic companies.

They are also becoming more aware of the benefits of not being listed.

As long as it is not listed, the company does not need to disclose its accounts, nor does it need to bear too much social pressure.

And how to allocate the company's funds, as long as you follow the plan made by the boss.

In this way, everyone can not forget their original intentions and continuously invest funds in the field of research and development.

This is also the main reason why the Ninth Laboratory has been getting better and better and more stable on the road of research and development in recent years.

And now, although the annual profits are heavily invested in the R&D field, the returns that can be produced are also amazing.

Now the ninth laboratory in the field of biopharmaceuticals can be said to be the top in the world.

Recently, several new drugs are going to be launched on the market, and once these specific drugs are on the market, it will definitely change the pattern of the global pharmaceutical industry.

Their finances have estimated that if these new drugs are listed, they will harvest tens of billions of dollars in profits that year, they will all be pediatrics.

And other colleagues, let alone want to chase them, even climbing up their moat, it is very difficult.

It can be said that they will not only be able to make money standing up, but also making money lying down.

On the other side is the celebrity chef group, although in the past year or so, the company has slowed down due to its branch expansion.

Therefore, revenue growth has slowed down, but the company is constantly introducing new businesses.

The annual total income is not a small number, and the research and development is also being carried out recently.

Recently, it has even begun to enter the seed market.

Plan to develop some super seeds out and enter agriculture.

This is the rhythm of opening a film with the four major grain merchants!

Because of their technical strength, Xia Hongtao believes that in his lifetime, the celebrity chef group will definitely be able to make a name for himself in that field.

After all, in the field of seeds, the gap between our domestic and international ones is too great.

As far as Xia Hongtao is concerned, the annual work tasks are nothing else.

It is to act as a good coordinator and lubricant between the two companies. In addition, he is also responsible for contacting external parties.

By the way, it is also responsible for training new people.

The company also attaches great importance to the training mechanism for the new leadership.

These two companies are different from other companies and generally don't like to hire outside.

And I prefer to train and promote talents from within my own company.

So they established a set of their own training system.

Under the supervision of the artificial intelligence Xiao Ai, this system can be said to be playing this important role all the time.

And a master like him doesn't have to worry about training new people, and he will lose his position.

Because the company will not do that, and the company will give him more and more generous rewards for every new person he cultivates.

Now his annual income from Xia Hongtao from the company is more than one billion yuan.

This is still in the case of his strong request.

In fact, the company will set up a special salary payment system for several senior executives of the company.

After all, the domestic tax is not low, although Xiao Feng doesn't care about the tax he pays.

But these executives under him care very much.

With a salary of 100 million a year, more than half of the tax will be paid. How can these people not feel sad.

Although they make a lot of money, they certainly have ideas in their hearts.

What's more, with Xiao Feng's generosity, it is impossible for these people to only earn so much.

Company veterans like Guan Zhenhai, He Xiaojun, He Fangzhou, Zhou Jing, or important heroes.

The income that can be obtained from the company every year, the salary, plus the bonus, is definitely some of the hundreds of millions of dollars per person each year.

The money seems to be a lot, but compared to the benefits they can bring to the company, it is a drop in the bucket.

Xiao Feng did not hesitate to pay for this.

After all, people can change, and it is not easy for him to cultivate these people.

You say that the company earns tens of billions and hundreds of billions of dollars each year, but you only pay these executives a few million dollars. That is definitely not justified.

A salary plus bonus of more than 100 million is necessary, and even a few hundred million is enough in Xiao Feng's opinion.

After all, if your company is not listed, you still need senior management to give you peace of mind to work, which must provide sufficient benefits.

And a few hundred million is naturally a very good salary for these executives.

After all, they have achieved the high position they are today, and they can be regarded as exhausted.

They have seen a lot of bosses and Dongs on the market.

Don't look at those big bosses one by one, but in reality?

Tens of millions of money may have to go to the bank for loans.

I also asked grandpa to tell grandma...

Don't look at them one by one. They are the chairman and general manager of XX company.

The scale of the company's assets is tens of billions to hundreds of billions.

But actually? It's all paper wealth.

Maybe a policy will come down tomorrow, or a bad news will come, and his wealth will be cut in half.

And if you look at how many companies there are on the market, they seem to be fascinating, with assets of hundreds of billions at every turn.

But all the year round, I have been busy, and when the financial report for the fourth quarter at the end of the year comes out~www.readwn.com~, you will know who is the hero and who is the bear.

Excluding all kinds of food, drink and Lazard, all kinds of expenses, in the end, it will earn hundreds of millions in a year.

Even if it can make more than one billion yuan, it is already a white horse enterprise.

And you are looking at these company bosses, the sins, the tiredness, and the worry that these company bosses have suffered over the course of a year?

It can be said that most domestic enterprises are in an enterprise circle without a moat.

Faced with competition all the time, most companies can survive by increasing their scale and controlling costs to fight the enemy.

But in fact, this kind of enterprise seems to be successful, but it is the fastest to die.

Therefore, like He Xiaojun, Zhou Jing, Guan Zhenhai, these celebrity chef groups, and the leaders of the Ninth Laboratory, can be said to be incapable of understanding domestic business circles.

The more they understand, the more comfortable they are in their current position.

It doesn't matter whether it is a celebrity chef group, the Ninth Laboratory, or Sunshine Hospital or something.

As long as you go out under the name of the boss of this company, who can't let you look at you?

Even in some places, they will receive a grand reception from local leaders.

And in the business district, wherever you go, there are a group of people behind you.

This is the convenience the platform provides them!

As for wages, let alone.

Among the generals currently under Xiao Feng, He Xiaojun and He Fangzhou are of the same rank and earn the highest salary.

Both of them can get more than one billion wages plus bonuses from Xiao Feng every year.

Then there are Guan Zhenhai, Zhou Jing, Xiaolin, and Xia Hongtao from the second echelon.

It can also get a comprehensive income of 7.8 billion yuan every year.


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