My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1766: What kind of medicine did you take?

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers can help collect it, and give me some recommendations!


If you want to talk about building airplanes, Eagle Sauce really hasn't served anyone!

To say that the rise of Yingjiang's science and technology, it really started from the aviation technology.

It was Wright who first invented the world's first airplane that year, and then Eagle sauce began to run wild on the road of airplane research and development.

At that time, not many countries in Europe paid much attention to airplanes, and they didn't even take airplanes too seriously.

At that time, Europe, although it was the leader in many passenger aircraft fields.

But in the area of ​​airplanes, more of them regard airplanes as toys, and only a tool for the nouveau riche to show off.

In aviation, the real value is the airship they value more.

Because the gadget has more cargo and the flight is more stable.

Later, Yingjiang developed more multi-purpose aircraft, and then started the first transatlantic flight, and then the first round-the-world flight.

By the time of World War I, the aircraft invented by Yingjiang was widely used on the battlefield as reconnaissance aircraft.

By the time of World War II, the aircraft invented by Yingjiang had been used for various combat purposes and became the most effective tactical weapon.

At that time, the Eagle Sauce, in fact, did not have many advanced aircraft at the beginning of World War II.

Because for a long period of time before, Yingjiang mainly used its energy in the civilian field.

For example, various types of seaplanes and small transport aircraft have been developed to transport goods, mail, express delivery and so on.

At that time, if you talk about the manufacturing of warships and the field of automobile engines, if you say that the Eagle Sauce is behind Europe, it can be said to be normal.

But in the field of aircraft manufacturing, Eagle Sauce can definitely be said to be a unique show.

You must know that at the beginning of the war, the best fighters were nothing more than the zero type of Japan, the Stuka of Germany, and the hurricane of the Great Yin Empire.

But with the entry of the United States into the war, everything changed.

The best fighter is the p-series of Eagle Sauce.

From the p-51 Mustang, to the p-63 King Cobra, and then to the P-40 Kitty Hawk.

Eagle sauce's fighters are sweeping the battlefields of Asia and Europe.

Combining the Japanese zero style with the German Stuka.

As for the bombers, not to mention.

From the beginning of the war, Yingjiang began to riot, from the b-17 aerial fortress, to the b-29 super aerial fortress, and then to the b-52 stratospheric fortress.

Eagle sauce's bombers have bombed Asia, Europe, Berlin, and Tokyo. It can be said that they have ravaged the entire global battlefield.

Even during the Cold War period after World War II, when Mao Xiong's technological strength surged, he developed many aerial ‘bricks’, the so-called monsters that made miracles vigorously.

Eagle sauce has never been false...

Later, after the fall of Teddy Bear, Yingjiang’s Air Force was the only one in the world!

Even when their f22 was born that year, it can be said that it was an aircraft that made Bunny and Teddy bear unanimously desperate.

You have to know that the high and low collocation of f16 and f18 was basically invincible on the world battlefield.

Even if the bear meets him, he has to walk around.

But later these two most powerful fighters ran into f22, and the result was a 22:0 loss ratio.

Even on the radars of f16 and f18, f22 cannot be found at all.

It is said that no matter how you look at it, the radar cross section of f22 looks like a bird.

Nima, she couldn't see anyone, so she was shot down, and she played an egg!

So from then on, Yingjiang's air force has entered the era of seeking defeat.

In coordination with their navy, which is dominating the world, Eagle Sauce has always come and leave if you want to, in any sea area in the world.

In recent years, they have frequently held various military exercises, not for anything else, but to demonstrate their strength and swear their existence.

But who would have thought that such a major accident happened this time!

When they were exercising, they actually attracted others to watch.

Logically speaking, it's okay to attract people to watch, after all, they usually go back to watch other people's exercises.

But the problem is that when he was watched this time, he was really too close!

Even other planes ‘participated’ exercises on top of their flagships. This is...

You know this guy has never been invited! You come here uninvited, just...

For many years, our Eagle sauce has never suffered such a grievance!

In the past, our planes ran to watch their military exercises.

But who would have thought that this time we were actually onlookers at close range, and it felt like we were quite uncomfortable for a while!

You must know that before this, the various military magazines, think tanks, and various news media related to the military at Eagle Sauce were unattractive to this opponent's new aircraft.

Although a certain series of fighters in their family have been born for many years.

But in Yingjiang's mouth, that has never been an advanced fifth-generation machine.

It even belittled it as a mid-range model of the fourth-generation machine, not even comparable to the bear's fourth-generation machine.


It's very simple!

First of all, the flight failed, and the engine imported from Mao Xiong's side was used. ,

Although it claims to have made breakthroughs in recent years, the production capacity is still limited.

Twenty were built in a year, and problems often occurred.

The main problem is the problem of aviation. Falling airplanes and spraying parts are common.

The second point is the stealth problem of this aircraft.

To know whether a fighter jet can become a fifth-generation fighter, in fact, there is a very key measure, that is, whether the stealth performance is good enough.

Why has f22 been a myth in recent years?

You must know that this fighter has a lot of problems, such as short legs and less ammunition. These two points have been criticized.

But although there are many problems, a super stealth can cover up all these problems.

Some people say, why is stealth so important?

Nonsense, if your fighter can break through the opponent's radar scan without knowing it, break into the enemy's defense circle, launch missiles, and then come back.

The enemy didn't know what was going on, so you bombed him to the sky.

This is not farther than your voyage, and it is fast to break!

Now they are playing beyond the visual range warfare, which is equivalent to people's fist can be invisible.

You can't even see how it came.

You haven't seen the other party's fist yet, and the other party has already covered your eyes with blue eyes, so you still have a fart?

Therefore, this is also an important factor for Eagle Sauce to laugh at a certain 20 that is not a fifth-generation machine.

Because this aircraft uses the aerodynamic design of the canard, and the canard will increase the cross-sectional area of ​​the radar.

There is also the air intake part of this fighter, which is still a traditional aviation aluminum structure.

It is important to know that the aerial launch of modern fighter jets is a big heat source and the most easily spotted part by infrared scanning systems.

Once discovered, there is no need to be invisible at all.

As for the third point, what Yingjiang said the most was the Black Ribbon 20 aircraft, whose specific combat effectiveness has not been verified on the battlefield.

Unlike their f22, it has been tested in the Middle East many times.

It can even be said that it is the fifth-generation aircraft with the most actual combat operations in the world.

The other five-generation machines, regardless of whether they are the Su 57, the T50, or the Black Ribbon 20, have no experience in actual combat.

Even during the exercise, there was no experience of fighting with Yingjiang's fifth-generation machine bayonet.

So don't mention the fifth generation machine.

In the eyes of Yingjiang and his younger brother, the so-called 5th-generation machine 20 series of the rabbit is actually a real fourth-generation machine, and it is still a very backward type.

But who would have thought that the face-slaps came so quickly, and they still crackled when they hit them!

This face is drawn...

The one that claims to be the strongest is equipped with an exercise fleet of two aircraft carriers, plus a fleet of several younger brothers accompanying them.

Just over the surface warships, a total of more than thirty ships have arrived.

All weapons used in the Eagle sauce system, and radar.

But they were actually watched closely by the fighters they didn't like, and even accompanied the dancers.

They also said that we are only training in low-altitude sea skimming.

This can be said to be the most troublesome penetration method for the Navy. With the current level of technology, this penetration is almost insoluble.

Because of the clutter reflections on the water surface, even the best radars cannot distinguish the radar reflections of fighter jets.

But when they broke through to the near point, I said, eh, there are people performing in a line up here, or let's take a look.

At this time, who was surprised to find that their radar still couldn't find the enemy's plane.

It's already visible to the naked eye.

They actually haven't seen other people's planes on the radar, which shows that people's stealth performance is okay!

The funny thing is that the few warships of their little brother thought they came from the plane of the big brother.

There are even many crew members on the deck taking off their hats and shaking their arms to pay tribute to the planes in the sky.

They were dumbfounded until they could clearly see the Bayi mark under the wings of the plane.

The two fighters originally came to ‘train’.

Then, according to the plan, a rotating patrol over a specific sea area was made, and the bomb bay was naturally opened in accordance with the training requirements.

The purpose of this is mainly to fear that if the cabin is not opened for a long time, the cabin door will rust.

But after meeting Ying Jiang, she felt uncomfortable.

You say you just Isn’t it just watching us play together? Do you want to play together? We know it!

Hey, have something to say!

You say you expose the bullet at every turn, you are a gangster!

what does it mean!

Who doesn't know that your thing is called Eagle Strike, right?

Yingjiang sent several planes to take off on the spot, but they went to learn from each other.

The results of it!

Just before their plane arrived, they took a few pictures with their pilots, and then flew away in a hurry.

This Nima, the commander of Yingjiang almost burst his blood vessels

what does it mean! Come uninvited, okay, when we wanted to invite you to play together, but you left?

Feeling that we brought too much oil, deliberately cost us some oil...


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