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In addition, there has been a rumor in the market. It is said that H company plans to re-enter the low-end product line after some time.

After all, they use the flagship MATE series of carbon nanotube chips, although they are very popular.

But the high price is not something that all ordinary people can afford.

The low-end and medium-end machines of two to three thousand yuan still have a large market share in China.

And according to the news from people inside H company, H company has held many high-level meetings to formulate future market plans.

That is, this time the market pricing of low-end mobile phones will be closer to the public.

In the past, the prices of their mid-to-low-end machines were indeed higher than those of other domestic friends.

And this has also become the reason why many people attack them. Why do they buy low-end and mid-range computers? They are hundreds of dollars cheaper than you.

Your machine costs a few hundred yuan. This is the IQ tax charged to domestic consumers.

Obviously it is our H country brand, but it has to sell foreign products at the price.

It also bundles the patriotic concept of marketing every day. Such a company is completely a black-hearted business.

Not to mention, this kind of hype not only confuses many consumers, but also makes H company quite a headache.

He himself has said it euphemistically on many occasions.

No one has done any patriotic marketing.

Secondly, the reason why people set the price of mobile phones a little higher is to leave room for your friends and businessmen to survive.

Otherwise, if the cost is too low, it will cause a situation where everyone is robbing the market.

As a result, everyone will fall into a vicious circle of price wars.

In the end, in order to ensure profits, everyone can only think of controlling costs, and the final result is to enter a vicious circle.

The materials used are getting worse and worse, leaving consumers with a bad impression in the end.

It also ruined the reputation of domestic mobile phones!

Therefore, in the past, H company chose to be a bit higher than its friends, which left a market space for everyone.

In this way, everyone can better survive in the country.

But the situation is different now. In recent years, H company has been in a state of blood loss.

That is, relying on his own blood bar to be thick enough, he can barely survive to this day.

And this time, they finally had a chance to turn over, and naturally they wanted more blood back.

As for the reactions of friends and businessmen, they just don't care so much.

After all, friends and businessmen can still go to the sea, to South America, India, Southeast Asia and other places.

Even friends and businessmen can go to Africa, where there is a vast world.

And in Europe, and North America, they even have a chance to fight Sansang and Apple.

However, the current H company has no such opportunity at all.

Even if they have their own carbon nanotube chips now, it is not so easy to go abroad.

After all, although the performance of this chip is very advanced, you can still get it if you sell it in China.

But if you go out to smash Apple and Sansang’s jobs, people will fight you hard to keep them safe.

Although you have taken the first blow, it is very likely that the confrontation will escalate next.

At this time, we are still focusing on cultivating internal strength as the main thing!

After all, if we want to compete overseas, we have to practice our internal skills and lay a solid foundation.

Are you satisfied with so many mobile phone users in China?

Our own consumers are all for the consumer demand for high-end devices.

And there are computers too!

Although the performance of mobile phones is indeed good now, if you want to completely replace desktop computers and laptops, I am afraid it will take some time.

And has your H company's flagship machine been expanded?

So now H Company has a lot of problems that need to be solved urgently, so the current task of expanding overseas is left to domestic friends!

In this regard, they are also quite capable of fighting.

And using Google systems and Qualcomm chips will not be sanctioned abroad.

On the other side, Sansang has also quietly contacted them, saying that they are willing to build a brand new chip production line for them that will send eagle sauce technology.

I am willing to help them produce Kirin chips. Although the top 5 nanometers may not be produced, the 7 nanometers and 10 nanometers are completely fine.

Previously, H Company's low-end and mid-end product lines used chips that were all weaker-generation 7-nanometer or 10-nanometer chips.

Two 3,000 yuan, using 7-nanometer chips, and those 1,000 yuan machines, using 10 nanometer chips.

To be honest, the performance of these phones can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

To say that their flagship phones can indeed compete with fruits, but these mid-to-low-end phones will experience lag in the last one or two years.

But this time, thanks to the blessing of Xiao Ai, the engineers of H Company can be sure that even their thousand yuan machine can still use the fruit machine.

And this time because of the blessing of carbon nanotube chips, they no longer have to worry about being banned.

So this time the domestic mid-to-low-end market, people are going to decide...

So starting from the formulation of this plan, the future direction of the domestic mobile phone market has been decided.

The high-end H company's mate series will gradually cannibalize the Apple market and eventually drive them out of the rabbit country market.

In the low-end market, those friends also have several choices. On the one hand, they choose to cooperate with Company H to take chips from them and install systems.

Of course, you can continue your own style of using American chips and systems.

And H company has contacted all domestic suppliers, has held meetings with them, and put forward standards.

Let them produce supporting software for the future mate series and Huayao series.

How many do you think domestic delivery companies don't like?

Originally, company H had a good reputation, with a short payment cycle and punctuality.

That's great, they are back, and everyone doesn't have to move the venue to Southeast Asia.

After all, who knows where to go!

The workers in those places are not as professional as in the country... and it is very troublesome to manage.

Hey, it's hard to say in one word!

Wanting to make money in that place is really too difficult, and even if one doesn't work well, they will buckle oneself in.

That's why this is what happened. Before Apple's CEO organized a meeting, some people dared to prevent him from happening.

After the incident spread out, it caused quite a stir in the circle.

Next, naturally, a few friends and businessmen began to think of ways.

They also know that it's not that they didn't leave them with a method of choice, it mainly depends on whether they want it or not.

After all, they also know that after leaving the domestic market, the competition becomes even more fierce when overseas.

But it is said that some sensible people pointed out a way for them.

That is to quickly adapt their new machine to the HOS system!

After all, the HOS system, Renjia H Company has donated to an open source foundation in the country.

Anyway, everyone can use it for free.

And according to H Company's future plans, in the future, their mobile phones, the low-end Huayao, will all use their HOS system.

As for the high-end flagship mate series, the super artificial intelligence Xiao Ai will be used as the system.

Now this system has become the most popular operating system in China.

The reason why the Japanese came so happily this time, and the direction of the wind changed so soon.

It is because they learned of a series of changes in the H country market from those pro-Japanese public figures in H country.

To say that when H Company released new products more than two months ago, Japan was also quite shocked and shocked.

But in their country, there are many voices of doubt.

Because in their view, the sudden leap-forward development of H Company is simply unrealistic.

What they call carbon nanotube chips ~www.readwn.com~ is likely to be a blinding trick.

As for the artificial intelligence, it may be true, after all, country H itself is quite strong in artificial intelligence.

Later, after the mate50 came out, they arranged for someone to buy the first-hand flagship machine at the high price of the rabbit national flower, and brought it back to Japan for research.

Because it is considered that if the mobile phone is mailed back, it may be seized by the customs or even considered as sabotage.

Their extra-high class even sent a five-person team to sneak into the country of rabbits and escorted the first batch of ten mobile phones back to Japan.

As soon as the mobile phone landed at Tokyo Narita Airport, it was immediately treated as a national treasure.

He was directly escorted into the National Laboratory in Tokyo by a special convoy.

There, a team of experts from Nikon, Sony, Canon, Toshiba and other electronics companies from the Japanese Science and Technology Management Department was waiting.

As soon as the mobile phone arrived, the research started immediately.

First, I got the self-service medical examination machine imported from Rabbit Country at a high price, and performed a perspective.

Although the foot basin people are confident in their own technology, they are very disdainful of the high-tech products of the country.

However, I still appreciate the self-service medical examination center that has recently swept the country, especially the 3D perspective imaging center that comes with this device.

This thing is simply too advanced, so far, the whole world has not been able to figure out what the principle of this thing is.

What rays are being emitted...

If this is equipment developed by other manufacturers, even if other countries like it, they will not agree to import it.

Because this thing has neither applied for a patent nor announced its principle to everyone, no one knows if it is harmful to the human body.

But after thinking about it, this equipment was researched and developed by the Ninth Laboratory, and everyone shut their mouths.

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