My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1809: Really come right

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


This thin film technology is enough to lift the domestic photovoltaic industry to an equivalent level!

In the past, in the field of solar panels, we and the United States, Japan and Germany were mutually restricted and interdependent.

After all, although we are catching up from behind, we also have a certain amount of patented technology.

But after all, people are the first to develop old-brand technology powerhouses, and they still have some unique skills in these fields.

For example, Japan and Germany still control the chip technology of photoelectric transmission and distribution, while the United States holds the upper reaches of the industrial chain.

For example, the crystallization furnace for the growth of silicon ingots and the slicer are inseparable from the companies in the United States or the technology from the United States.

Therefore, although we are acting as a dominant player in the market, in fact, for every solar panel sold, we still have to pay someone a certain amount of royalties.

And now with this copper indium gallium selenide film, our position in the entire industry chain is directly improved.

In the past, the entire industry was divided into three parts, but from today onwards, our H country enterprises accounted for half, and the United States, Japan and Germany together accounted for half.

This is the judgment given by experts in Spark Technology.

As for this solar panel field, Xiao Feng's plan is to intervene lightly.

That is to say, Spark Technology only produces what it is interested in. As for solar power plants and the production of solar panels, they will not do it.

After all, in this industry, so many domestic companies are competing and surviving.

These companies can feed thousands of families, if Spark Technology rashly intervenes.

That means that these companies will all be finished, and thousands of families will lose their source of income by then.

As for how to let these optoelectronics companies, follow their own benefits.

Xiao Feng's approach is very simple, which is to do the upstream supply chain.

They can provide supporting facilities for other domestic manufacturers.

It's not that I don't want to grant patent authorization to these manufacturers, but Xiao Feng can't believe in the confidentiality of these guys.

Let's just say that the current situation, although it is Guotai Min'an, but the domestic security situation is still not optimistic.

I won't talk about national defense, and we can't control it either.

However, there are also many problems in the civilian economy, especially with such a powerful technology, if the news leaks out.

You say that other countries will not be tempted?

This is a technology that can cause an energy revolution!

Let’s not talk about the beautiful country or anything, just say that the neighbor next to us who has a very eager energy for energy, they will definitely not be able to sit still.

Moreover, for such technology patents, the department will definitely use various methods.

Xiao Feng was very worried that the friendly forces in China could not be trusted.

Therefore, he did not dare to allow Spark Technology to transfer technology to other domestic radio and television counterparts.

But he still established a subsidiary through Spark Technology, and then let this subsidiary specialize in the production of this film.

At the same time, I also contacted several major domestic solar manufacturers, such as H Energy, Longji, etc., and the famous big names in the industry have received invitations.

In the beginning, when these manufacturers received this invitation, they all sneered at it.

What the hell? Starlight Energy’s invitation?

Who is this? Never heard of it!

Said they have conquered an important solar thin film technology?

The photoelectric conversion rate in the laboratory can be 30%, in reality can it be 25%, and can it be 10 to 15% comprehensively?

Hold the grass! I didn't dream it!

Is this company crazy? What are you bragging about?

We must know that we, the big players in the industry, invest in research and development every year, starting with several hundred million.

But even with so much money, we have not been able to develop a film with such a high photoelectric conversion rate?

Now in the industry, it is recognized that the comprehensive photoelectric conversion rate can reach 10% in the real world, and that is already a big win in the industry!

If anyone has this kind of technology, then other companies in our industry are absolutely willing to lower his head and recognize him as the boss.

But your small company with no name has just been established less than 30 days ago, so you say you have conquered this technology.

And the comprehensive photoelectric conversion rate can be more than 10%. What are you not a liar?

Anyway, several big names in the industry, no one takes this Starlight Energy seriously.

They even threw their invitations directly into the trash can, not to mention participating in the invitation to visit the factory.

It was just a phone call with the person in charge on the invitation, and they all thought it was a waste of time.

Because there is no need to think about it, this company must be a liar.

What everyone didn't expect was that they didn't plan to cooperate with them.

But no one expected that they suddenly received many calls from their downstream customers.

To say that the optoelectronics industry is stranger than other industries, it is this place.

If in other industries, whoever is the upper reaches of the industry chain has the right to speak.

Because he has the technology and pricing power of supply.

But in the optoelectronics industry, it is precisely these downstream consumers who are the dominant players in the industry.

Because these downstream, it is precisely the power plant...

Although it is a photovoltaic power plant, but those who dare to play optoelectronics and can afford to play optoelectronics, which one is the ordinary background?

Doesn’t it mean that these enterprises are all state-owned enterprises, because in addition to state-owned enterprises, there are also central enterprises...

Of course, there are also some individual players, but each of these individual players has a simple background.

Because you have to understand that if you want to play optoelectronics, first you need to be able to get land to build a power plant.

And this land, whatever it is, is in units of ten thousand acres, and the average rich man simply can't play it.

And you have to make sure that the electricity from your photovoltaic power plant can be connected to the grid. At this time... can ordinary people afford it?

So this is also the main reason why state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises are the main players in this field.

Because the grid and them are brothers...

So in this industry, downstream players are the real kings.

When these photovoltaic companies received a call from the downstream financial owners, everyone was stunned.

No one thought that the main purpose of these gold masters calling them was to tell them that they should go to Starlight Energy!

Ok! Now it's interesting!

At this time, everyone began to recollect, it turns out that this new starlight energy is not simple!

Otherwise, which small, unknown company can find so many state-owned enterprises and central enterprises to give him a platform?

As for Starlight Energy's ability to let so many state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises speak for him, it is naturally because most of these state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises have cooperation with the Spark Technology behind him.

The current Spark Technology, in the circle of state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises, it is a real sweet pastry.

Is a guest of any state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises.

You must know that it has been calling for industrial upgrading for decades.

Before these large state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises, they would rather secretly set up branch companies to engage in real estate, and there are not a few companies that really focus on the technology in the industry.

Why, because many fields they involve are blocked by Europe, America and Japan in terms of technology.

Others, Europe, America and Japan occupy the top of the industrial chain, leading in technology and materials.

If they want to catch up, it would be impossible to achieve results without two or thirty years of hard work.

But for 20 to 30 years of persistent investment in research and development, which company can do it?

The tenure of the main leader of a state-owned enterprise is a few years, and everyone wants to achieve results within their tenure.

It is absolutely non-existent that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took the shade.

So what everyone thinks is that either there is no error, UU Reading or it is to make achievements in other fields, and then merge it into the parent company report.

In this way, when we report every year, we can see that the company's performance has indeed increased.

But they are all brought by sideline real estate. As for the main business, hehe...

But with the emergence of Spark Technology, the situation was immediately different.

The flexible machine tool of this company can be said to be an absolutely disruptive product, coupled with their super artificial intelligence control system.

It can be said that hundreds of state-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises, large and small, broke through the shackles of technology in their own field.

Both the production efficiency and the technological level of the products have risen more than before.

In the past, the company had to import machine tools from abroad and also paid a patent fee, but now this cost is saved.

Because the leaders have made breakthroughs in this field, this result is really good.

Everyone naturally inherited the favor of Spark Technology. Now Spark Technology asks them for a favor. How can there be any reason for everyone not to agree?

So the representatives of several domestic photovoltaic companies who were not willing to come to Starlight Energy to participate in the conference, almost immediately after a few phone calls, gathered in Bincheng...

But after the results came, everyone discovered that this time it really came right.

Especially after visiting the exhibition of Starlight Energy.

To be honest, Starlight Energy's company is very simple, at first glance it is a company that has just been established.

The location is in an inconspicuous corner of the Bincheng Development Zone.

And they are surrounded by a circle of giants, such as China Railway, Coastal Boats and the like.

Some people even said that after a while, COMAC would set up a branch here, and it is said that it is already in talks with the city to buy land.

Compared with these Big Macs, Starlight Energy looks particularly shabby.

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