I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Although everyone agrees with Starlight's technology, they are also very optimistic about your prospects.

But you want to treat us as sheep withered, this is your fault.

Who are you stupid?

Just say a few words, let us place an order and pay the advance payment. What do you mean by this?

We are all photovoltaic companies, not venture capital!

Just when all the manufacturers were staring at them, and no one was willing to express their views, suddenly someone stood up and spoke.

"We Guiye Fund, we are willing to give you an order of 30 million yuan, and the advance payment will be 30%!"

A middle-aged man stood up and said, the CEO on the stage smiled immediately when he heard someone breaking the deadlock.

He quickly invited the middle-aged man to the stage to express his gratitude, and even signed the contract in front of everyone.

If this is what other people say and do, the big guys here will definitely think, isn't this really a double song!

Do you really treat everyone as three-year-olds?

But after repeatedly confirming that the middle-aged man on the stage was indeed a manager of the Quanye Fund, the project department, immediately all these guys became active.

What does the Quanye Fund do?

This is currently the hottest venture capital fund in China.

It is even more popular than those old-fashioned venture capital companies in China.

At present, the domestic owner of Gan Industry, there is absolutely no one who does not know about this fund.

Because this fund is very different from other capital parties.

Most of the other domestic funds and venture capitalists are rentiers.

In other words, they don't care about the quality of your company's business. They only care about their own interests and whether they can make money.

For example, if they invest in your company for some reason, if your company is not doing well, then they will find ways to kick you out, and then find someone else to manage the company.

Or simply split the company and merge with other companies, anyway, as long as the report is made beautiful, and then go public, then they will cash out and leave.

They don’t pay much attention to the management of the company or the ideals of the founders.

They are just parasites attached to and overriding entities.

But at this point, Quanye Fund is the biggest difference from them.

They are truly willing to pay attention to and help the growth and development of the enterprise.

They will be very cautious in investing, and they will definitely conduct a rigorous review of the company before making a decision.

Never invest in a company just for certain benefits.

They pay more attention to the future growth of a company.

Even through its own channels, it helps the investing company to solve technical problems.

It has been accompanying this company to grow up. The nature of this investment fund is more like a German investment company.

And they never ask for control over the enterprise, let alone dare to manage the operation of the enterprise.

Such a fund is simply the noble person that any company dreams of.

Of course, people's investment standards are very strict, and they will conduct strict assessments on investment objects inside and out.

It is precisely because of this that they have gained fame in the domestic industry within less than a year after their establishment.

Because as long as they invest in projects, no one fails.

Almost every project has achieved 100% success, such as Risheng Elevator, Hanhua Printing, Miaoshou Robot, etc., which are now emerging industries with a reputation in the domestic industry.

And almost every one is domineering in their respective fields.

Now they are all the sweet pastries crazily sought after by various capitals.

At this time, the company suddenly appeared in the venue and even placed an order for the Starlight Energy.

This is very telling.

First of all, one thing is certain, that is, the Quanye Fund is definitely not a fool, and their headquarters is in Ben Thanh.

So I must be very familiar with the background of this Starlight Energy, and I have even done due diligence on this company countless times.

That's why they dared to place an order for them, and even ordered an advance payment of 9 million.

Another point that everyone is concerned about is that the Quanye Fund is clearly investing, but why should it order so many solar cell films with this company?

Is it possible that they intend to enter the solar energy industry?

Or maybe they recently invested in a certain solar company?

Several industry leaders who were working at this time began to scan around.

The big guys here basically know each other, after all, it has been more than ten years to grab food in a circle, and everyone knows all the characteristics very well.

But after seeing the expressions of your competitors, they all understood that it was definitely not their cooperation with Quanye Fund.

That illustrates a problem. The Quanye Fund has recently invested in a solar energy company.

When I think of this, all of you here can't help but feel back numb.

Nima, what kind of company must this be in order to gain access to their law?

You know, Quanye Fund's inspection is notoriously strict.

And that solar energy company can win their favor, it shows that they must have some unique housekeeping skills.

If they have this kind of solar film in the future, wouldn't their products be even more powerful in the future?

How can our ordinary products compete with them?

When I thought of this, these big guys were not calm at once.

Originally, everyone was planning to watch the excitement, anyway, just look at it. As for the real investment, whoever invests and who is silly x.

After all, no matter how good the technology is, but if you don't even have a factory, you just ask us all to pay in advance, which is a bit too much!

And it doesn't let everyone buy shares, what if you run away!

So the big guys had made up their minds and would not place an order for this company and pay in advance.

Unexpectedly, the sudden appearance of the Quanye Fund as a spoiler made everyone's heart moved at once.

"We place an order of 100 million yuan, and the advance payment will also be given at 30%!"

While everyone was still hesitating, no one thought that the representative of Bincheng City Investment would suddenly come out to express their opinions.

It turns out that Bincheng Urban Investment is currently vigorously promoting the reconstruction and expansion of charging pile facilities in the city.

Of course, they are mainly responsible for charging equipment at bus stops.

And the emergence of this kind of solar film, they feel that this is simply for them.

Some time ago, Chengtou has just launched a cooperation with the bus company to transform the current charging station.

There are now dozens of such charging stations in Bincheng, large and small, but in recent years, with the influx of a large number of migrants, and the development and construction of many new communities.

The bus company has also added many new lines.

But as we all know, bus companies have always been non-profitable companies, and they have been able to operate mainly relying on government financial subsidies.

Although public transportation has been able to convert oil to electricity, the cost is still not low.

For example, bus charging is much more expensive than private cars.

If such a solar energy conversion film can be installed at the charging points of buses, it will not meet the power supply needs of all buses.

But at least it can be done in terms of cost reduction.

So there was such an investment, in fact, this project, Renjia Bus Company United Urban Investment, and Starlight Energy have been talking for a long time.

It's almost time to sign the contract, and expressing your position in a public occasion like today is actually to pull Starlight Energy.

After all, this is a subsidiary of Spark Technology, and because people are really capable, the city is naturally willing to pull it.

There was the Quanye Fund platform before, and then Bincheng City Investment made a statement. Suddenly the bigwigs of other solar energy companies couldn't sit still anymore.

You 80 million, he started shouting at 100 million.

Soon the atmosphere in the conference room became as lively as participating in an auction.

After one person stood up and expressed his opinion, the other bosses immediately followed.

In particular, the CEO of other people said on the stage that the production capacity of the first phase of the project is after an average of 30,000 films per day.

Although they didn't say it clearly, they meant it was very clear that the initial production capacity is limited, and it must be supplied by the person who placed the order first.

If someone is late at this time, it means you may not get the goods.

If you can't get the goods, your products will be squeezed on the market.

Think about it again when they came before, the fathers of the gold masters, they all told them.

The solar power plant projects they will put into production in the future will use the latest models of solar cells.

I’ve already named it. In the future, if someone’s solar cells don’t use Starlight’s latest conversion film, then we don’t need their batteries...

Thinking of such consequences, these bigwigs suddenly couldn't hold back anymore.

Immediately they started shouting, and the orders given as soon as they opened their mouths were not low.

The reason for shouting loudly is that the purpose is very simple, that is, to get more quota for myself.

As a result, their competitors will get less credit, and naturally they will be less competitive.

The reason is that simple, so an alliance that was very tacit in the beginning was shattered in an instant.

Everyone yelled for orders, hoping to get more quotas for their company.

Seeing such a scene where everyone is fighting for the first place, the CEO of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com standing on the stage also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really fortunate to live this time!

Think about the plan that the boss told him before. To be honest, he still feels that the feasibility is not too high.

After all, none of these big guys are stupid, so they just tell a few stories and let these old foxes pay. How can it be that simple?

But who would have thought, but after two more companies took the lead in expressing their views, the mentality of these big brothers collapsed.

One by one clamored to place an order, and the advance payment was higher than one by one.

It seems that the boss's expectation is really correct, this time Starlight Energy will definitely be a big success!

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