My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1834: There is no difficulty, and the difficulty of creation must be increased!

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


At present, these cities have only progressed to the first phase of the promotion of hydrogen energy vehicles.

It is mainly limited to the use of buses.

Moreover, the scale of hydrogen production and refueling stations is quite limited, with only one or two built in each city.

In the second phase of the project, at least ten such hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated sites will be built in various places, and the maximum number will reach about fifty.

In addition, hydrogenated vehicles will also be promoted to government vehicles and special-purpose vehicles.

For example, light trucks used in urban transportation, or dump trucks, concrete mixer trucks, and concrete pouring pump trucks used in urban engineering projects, and other engineering vehicles.

All heavily polluted vehicles will be remodeled.

Once the promotion is smooth, after calculating the cost, if it feels cost-effective, it will continue to expand the scale of the pilot.

But whether it will be promoted nationwide immediately is another matter.

After all, our upper management must also consider the pace of domestic economic development.

Rapid economic development is naturally a good thing, but if it develops too fast, it may also face the risk of losing control.

For example, if your hydrogen energy technology is mature and the cost is indeed controllable, you can't do it all at once.

Order the use of hydrogen energy vehicles throughout the country!

In this way, what will the traditional car companies do?

After all, they may have just entered the field of electric vehicles. The lithium battery hasn't been fully understood yet. You are promoting hydrogen energy vehicles. Didn't it kill them all?

What's more, our dividends in the field of lithium batteries have not been fully eaten, and we have undergone a sudden transformation if we have not eaten enough.

That will make many scientific research companies that have already invested in the field of lithium batteries may directly fall into the pit.

In the end, it will only be cheap for nothing, foreign companies that have long established a layout in this area.

Therefore, the promotion of this hydrogen energy vehicle is destined to be a long-term process.

Maybe in the next ten to twenty years, under a certain economic downturn, it will be broken.

After all, this is a technology that can go against the sky.

However, this kind of technology is not decentralized and is not widely promoted, which does not mean that we are just intensifying the high-level research and development in this area.

For example, this time, the technology of solid hydrogen purification and storage provided by Spark Technology for the pilot cities, and the slow release of solid hydrogen, was noticed by the above.

And this time our aerospace project team, the reason why we found Spark Technology to seek cooperation, is naturally because of this technology.

You know, the usefulness of this hydrogen fuel cell is really great.

On the large side, you talk about aerospace, and on the small side, you talk about national defense. If you can make good use of this technology, it can really push our national defense capabilities to a higher level.

And this time the aviation project team came here because they hoped to seek cooperation in such several aspects.

The first is the hope that the experts of Spark Technology can help develop a better solid rocket fuel.

Second, I hope that I can help build a space energy supply system!

The raw materials used are naturally hydrogen raw materials!

And this time the project team, the level of the team leader is still very high.

I found Xiao Feng directly through the above, but as a last resort, Xiao Feng had to enter the capital again.

The reason why the other party did not go to Bencheng is because Bencheng is also a more sensitive area.

In recent years, with the economic development of Bincheng, it has been getting better and better.

There are more and more companies and enterprises, and more and more foreigners are entering Bencheng.

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 400,000 foreigners living in Ben Thanh.

This is an influx of craziness in recent years.

The Bincheng Medical University alone now has more than 40,000 foreign students.

Among the more than 400,000 people, Russians, Southern Koreans, and Japanese have the most.

Followed by people from some Southeast Asian countries, and then from European and American countries.

Moreover, the number of permanent foreigners has been rising rapidly recently.

Even many countries have already applied with us to open consulates in Bincheng.

And these foreigners came to Bencheng, some were doing business, some were studying, and some came with that purpose.

So even though it seems that Bincheng is safe on the surface, it is actually very dangerous.

For example, in the past six months or so, the ninth laboratory has been ‘accidentally’ visited dozens of times.

The same goes for Sunshine Hospital, and He Fangzhou's laboratory.

They are all focused attention by those people.

Recently, because Ben Thanh Technological University and H Company have jointly made a major breakthrough in carbon nanotube chips.

This university has also become the focus of attention of foreigners.

In the past few months alone, school security and public security personnel have arrested dozens of suspicious foreigners on campus.

The participants in our aviation project are all very valuable scientific researchers.

Their safety cannot tolerate the slightest difference, so Xiao Feng can only go to Beijing to interview them.

After understanding the other party's needs, Xiao Feng communicated with Spark Technology's engineers on the spot.

Then we made a decision on the spot, and we must meet the cooperation requirements of the national aerospace project team.

Even if this project is very difficult!

But that can't be escaped. This kind of national project is rare in a century.

It is difficult to go!

No difficulty, it is even more difficult to create!

Anyway, we must do our best to make our due contribution to the country.

The opponent is naturally very satisfied with Xiao Feng's attitude.

Then a joint project team was directly established, and then a research and development base was directly established in Mengjiang Province.

No way, such a project is extraordinary.

Naturally, it is impossible to do research and development in such a lively place as Bencheng.


This is not only related to the problem of preventing leaks, but the main reason is that this stuff is very dangerous.

If there is an explosion, it is not weaker than a nuclear bomb.

If scientific experiments are conducted in densely populated urban areas, the risks are too high.

Therefore, the project team must be placed in an area where the human eye is sparse.

Mengjiang Province, which is vast and sparsely populated, is just right.

Speaking of the fuel used by rockets, in fact, there are currently two main types, one is liquid fuel and the other is solid fuel.

The advantages and disadvantages of the two fuels are also different.

The advantage of liquid fuel is that the process is controllable and the thrust is great!

The disadvantages are also obvious. Many liquid fuels are highly toxic.

The filling process and procedures are very complicated, which leads to high costs!

Moreover, there are many kinds of liquid fuels, and when used, a variety of different fuels must be mixed together.

Therefore, when the rocket launches, it has to carry many different bottles and cans, which takes up a lot of space and is very troublesome.

And in order to adapt to the liquid fuel, there must be a dedicated liquid fuel engine.

Rhenium alloy is used in many pipelines and core parts of the engine.

However, we are already very short of rhenium metal, so this cost can go high.

As for the solid fuel, the principle of this thing is equivalent to mixing a variety of different fuels, and then using a special process to process them into a cylindrical fuel rod.

Then use a special ignition method to ignite the fuel rod.

The fuel rod began to burn, and then ejected gas, propelling the rocket soaring.

This principle is actually the same as the Sky Monkey we played.

The advantages of this solid rocket are its low cost, simple structure, and easy fuel storage and transportation.

The most important thing is its small size.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the thrust, which is inferior to liquid fuel.

In the past, my country’s space rockets used liquid fuel propulsion as the main method of propulsion.

And in this regard, we have a world-leading ability.

That is, once the rocket is ignited, if there is a problem during the lift-off process, then we can force the flame to be turned off to avoid disaster. UU reading

This is something that other countries simply cannot do.

Even the beautiful country cannot do this.

So we can often see Musk’s rockets. Once it is ignited, even if something is wrong, we can only watch the rocket explode in the sky and set off a large firework.

The entire takeoff process cannot be terminated at all.

You have to know that Musk is actually just NASA at the top, a facade figure who harvests global resources to recharge them.

This shows that Falcon’s technology must be NASA’s SA, so their technology can be said to be absolutely world-class.

But even they can't do it, but we can do it. Our aviation experts are so amazing!

Even the Japanese who have always been arrogant and look down on this and that, in front of our aerospace science and technology, they can only bow their heads and pretend to be grandchildren.

But, in recent years, with the development of aviation technology, especially the rapid development of the Falcon in Musk's hands, we have also felt a lot of pressure here.

Rockets have to be launched, but also cost considerations.

We didn't use solid fuels in the past, but now we can't.

In order to control costs, we considered mixing solid fuels and liquid fuels a few years ago.

Although the weight of solid fuel is low, its cost is also low.

The most important thing is that it is small in size and easy to carry. Unlike liquid fuel, it is quite troublesome to use.

And in outer space, the advantages of solid fuels are even more obvious.

So with regard to solid fuel, we have established a project early on and we have been studying it all the time.

Unfortunately, the pace of progress has been slow.

Because in this regard, we really started a bit late.

As far as the world is concerned, the best one to play with solid fuel is Europe and the United States.

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