has opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers can help collect it, and recommend a few!


   Fortunately, this university doesn't take care of that much. It's not like some big cities where you can get a good university with a score of four or five hundred.

   Even if this university takes care of local students, it only takes care of about forty minutes.

   Of course, just these forty points have already made many parents of students greedy.

   But there is another advantage of this university, that is, it also does not take any care of foreign students.

   For example, the situation of immigrating abroad, and then relying on foreign status, wanting to opportunistic, is absolutely not allowed here.

   What makes everyone most happy is that the ace major of this university is not open to foreign students.

   It’s not even an audit, and even for lecture notes and teaching materials, strict circulation control is implemented.

   When there is no permission from the above, these teaching materials are absolutely not allowed to circulate to the outside world, especially in the hands of foreigners.

   Even many students who enter majors have to sign non-disclosure agreements.

   And many students, even after entering the school, have already been booked by many central enterprises and state-owned enterprises.

   Once the contract is signed, you are a member of the country.

   And they are all formal workers on long contracts, and they are even agreed in the contract. As long as the tasks are completed within the time limit, they can get housing in the big city.

   Moreover, it also solves the household registration, housing, salary and treatment, and there is no need to worry about the salary. Anyway, the central enterprises and state-owned enterprises are not bad.

   The reason for locking talents in this way is to avoid brain drain.

  Many students are required to sign contracts even when they enter the school, and they will not go abroad to work in the future.

  In the future, it will be marked on the passport, and everything going abroad will be restricted.

   There is no way, who makes this one of the few specialties in our country that leads the world!

   And this kind of profession can still influence the future trend of international science and technology!

   It’s just a beautiful country’s scientific strength, if they really get some excellent first-hand information.

   Then in a few years, they will be able to catch up in this field.

   In this way, our advantages in this industry no longer exist.

  Moreover, people can rely on the capital and prestige they have accumulated in the world over the years to compete with us globally.

   This is not what we want to see.

   So our requirement is to have technological advantages in this new field, at least to ensure that it leads the world for thirty years.

   So the graduates of the first few years must stay in China and are not allowed to go abroad.

   Even any teaching material knowledge is not allowed to spread out.

   As for publishing SCI and the like, then there is no need to look like it, no need!

  In this field, we are the real leaders. We don’t need to publish scientific research results in foreign journals, it is cheaper for them.

   Let them explore in the dark.

   Anyway, they did the same back then.

   And why did they come up with those journals?

   To put it bluntly, isn't it to squeeze scientific research workers from underdeveloped countries?

   If you have any genius and creativity, and you want to prove yourself, then you must publish the results and let them demonstrate.

   Once they have been proved by them, then you have no secrets and advantages at all.

   In a few years, their large companies, or various laboratories, can use your theory as a platform to obtain scientific research results.

   Finally the peaches were picked, but what can you get?

   Except for a little fame, there is no fart left, and the benefits are all others.

   So this kind of scientific research trap, Xiao Feng has long seen through.

   So his ninth laboratory is here, regardless of whether you are a United Nations scientific research institution, or a foreign XXX university, or whether it is a brickman called a beast.

   Don't care what media you are in and how you call it.

   Every day, they use what the general trend of the world to say, let them publish papers and publicize scientific research results.

  Or even if it is for other researchers, to show me the way, publish two papers or something.

   Somehow, the big guy has a clue, how did you get started.

   But they just don’t post, neither do they post a paper, and they don’t even like to practice any Nobel.

   You love to give it or not, anyway we just don’t publish papers.

   do not apply for patents, you just go to the cottage and research.

   This stuff is like what you said when you were mad and boundless when you scorned us in the field of aviation development.

   Didn’t you say it back then: It’s okay, even if you give the drawings to the Rabbit people, they won’t be able to send it out.

   Now we are like this too!

   Even if you take our finished product back and study it, even if you use an X-ray machine to irradiate it countless times, you still can’t copy it.

   As for the theory, ha ha, stop dreaming.

  We don’t care about your Nobel Prizes or anything, love or not, anyway, we just don’t publish papers.

   As for the field of carbon nanotube chips, Xiao Feng suggested to adopt the same routine.

   I will not post any papers. Anyway, I will not tell you the principles.

   Just study it and see if you can copy it out.

   This kind of black technology that has been leading the world for fifty years, but Xiao Feng asked cloning experts to choose from thousands of times.

   uses a lot of world-leading top craftsmanship, and there are a lot of raw materials used in processing, and that is because of Spark Technology, which can't be produced by other companies.

   So rely on the foreign experts, if they don't have the correct theoretical guidance, let them toss around blindly.

   It is estimated that it will take ten years, fifteen years, to figure out the principle of carbon nanotube chips.

   As for the real mass production, it is estimated that it will be thirty years later. It will take a huge amount of investment and the persistence of countless scientific researchers to make it.

   But when they do it, we can follow the old path they have taken in the past, reduce prices and dump them, and hit their industries.

   After all, they used this trick on us countless times.

   Let's just learn and use.

   So the current Ben Thanh Polytechnic University is very popular. Despite the surprisingly high enrollment scores, it is still sought after by the majority of candidates.

   Because everyone knows that being able to enter this university will be equivalent to entering a safe in the future.

   One is that life is worry-free, which is not an exaggeration at all.

   With the bonus of these two universities, this naturally greatly increases the gold content of the city of Bencheng.

   You said that everyone seems to be crowded into first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Why is that?

   Isn't it just for the resources of these big cities!

  For example, there are the most foreign companies in the world, so there are many good jobs.

   And there are many good primary and secondary schools, and many good universities. Educational resources are good enough, not to mention medical resources.

   This is the hilltop of the domestic southern school medical system, which is different from the Beijing medical system.

   Most of the doctors here come back from Europe and the United States, and what they bring back is naturally the most advanced medical concept in the world.

   So many incurable diseases that cannot be treated traditionally can be treated here.

   So most people want to settle here because of the educational and medical resources here.

   As for the capital, that is another matter.

  The rich historical heritage, the cultural capital of the country, the most prestigious universities, and many ordinary universities.

   There are also a lot of foreign companies and the best entrepreneurial atmosphere in the Internet field.

   As for medical resources, let alone, they are even higher than Magic City.

   This is the mountain top of the northern school of medicine in China, and here is divided into two factions, one is the medical concept learned from the former Soviet Union.

   There is another faction that is a great medical expert in China, which is a self-contained faction, and the medical techniques of these two factions are also not low.

   Because of this, there are arguably the top medical resources in the country.

  The famous Concord, needless to say.

  There are also countless people who hope to be able to take root in this city, not for anything else, so that the children can enjoy the top education and medical resources here in the future.

  Yangcheng is the southern region where educational and medical resources are most concentrated.

   As for Pengcheng, it’s a bit miserable. Education and medical care are average, but there is the area with the most opportunities for young people. Of course, it’s a bit lax now.

   I can't say more, everyone knows the reason.

   And now the resources, education and medical care that the real first-tier cities have, are available in Ben Thanh.

   How would you choose?

   In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, if you want to make a home, especially if you want to make a home in a decent place, then you don’t have 20 million, it’s impossible.

   Of course, except for those who live in the land, they don’t have to buy a house.

   But for most young people who are struggling, even if they are good enough, it is not easy to grab such resources in such a big city!

   But now it’s different. Bincheng has become a place where everyone can go after they have really escaped from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

   I don’t want other new first-tier cities because there are more entrepreneurial opportunities here and the housing prices are not high.

  You are like a community like Sunshine Coast, with everything you need for geographic location, commercial facilities, educational facilities, and medical facilities.

   The housing price here only starts at 50,000 yuan. A small difference like UU Reading www.uukanshu.com says that in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, it is in those so-called new first-tier cities, which can't be more than one hundred and eighty thousand square meters.

   But here, the starting point is only 50,000, the upper limit is not high, and the death is only 61,000.

   So why are you still hesitating?

   This is also the main reason why a student like Zhou Dazhi who came to school from Pengcheng chose to stay in Bencheng instead of returning to Pengcheng after graduation.

   Because in his opinion, Pengcheng's education and medical resources are not even as good as Pengcheng!

   And what are the housing prices in Pengcheng?

   North, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen!

   A college graduate like him, even after he goes back, even if he joins the penguin, he can buy a house without eating or drinking for 20 years!

   and have to carry a lifetime loan.

   Their family is in Pengcheng, which is an ordinary family, not the kind of local arbor who has a few buildings to collect rent.

   So, instead of going back to Pengcheng, it's better to stay in Bencheng and fight hard.

   Although the salary may be slightly lower than Pengcheng, at least the pressure of life is not as great as Pengcheng!

   That’s why he only got his graduation certificate this year, so he signed his hukou to the local area, and then he came to buy a house...


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