My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1927: No one is as good as our own!

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Speaking of memory and flash memory, as well as the hard disk, that is really a bitter tear!

Before now, most of our domestic computers and mobile phones were assembled factories.

You want to say that our chips can't be produced, but this memory, flash memory and hard disk, can't you still produce it?

That's right, we just can't produce it, and we have been stuck with Sansang, Hynix, Micron, and Kioxia.

This is just the memory and flash memory. As for the hard disk, it is Sansang, and Western Digital's world...

Many people know that my country has to import a large number of chips every year, which costs 300 billion US dollars, which has exceeded the cost of importing oil in my country.

But what many people don't know is that we have to spend a lot of money on importing chips every year.

And the scale of this market has exceeded US$90 billion, and even with the increase in the number of users of electronic products in my country, this data is still in a stage of continuous growth.

A few years ago, my country’s storage market was basically Sansang, Hynix and Micron.

As for the remaining 10%, it is the world of Japanese manufacturers' vests such as Kioxia.

In the past, we were naive to think that as long as our market share is large enough and there are enough players participating, then we can use the contradiction between them to play a game of two peaches and three men.

But the reality has taught us a lesson!

It is also from the time that a certain mobile phone of Sansang became an explosive machine that year. The Sansang mobile phone of that year was still the number one mobile phone sold in China.

But one of their flagship phones exploded due to the battery, and even injured people.

After that, Sansang recalled and replaced the mobile phones all over the world, but they excluded my country from the scope of the recall.

What happened that time can be said to have caused an uproar.

You have to know how many excuses they make, but their mobile phones have exploded naturally in our place, and even hurt people are already in the news.

But they are blatantly discriminating...

In addition, because of the outbreak of something, Korean products have been left out in our country.

From mobile phones to cars, everything is cold.

Sansang, which originally occupied the largest share of the mobile phone market in my country, shrank rapidly, and even gradually disappeared from our market after only a year.

Then there is their Hyundai Kia car, which could have sold more than one million a year in our country, but now it has quickly disappeared from the public's sight.

Although hundreds of thousands of vehicles can be bought each year, they have long been out of mainstream vision.

With the rise of domestic cars, they will be eliminated sooner or later!

It's just that the Southern Dynasties in those few years did not let our market go.

During that time, their Sansang memory factory and hard disk factory either caught fire today, exploded tomorrow, or suffered a massive power outage.

Does it mean that workers strike and so on.

Anyway, in those few years, the prices of memory sticks, hard drives and other products on the market have increased by 30% or even more.

Their losses in mobile phones and automobiles before, abruptly made money back in these areas.

And the price increase event was equivalent to giving us a slap in the face, allowing us to realize clearly.

It turns out that we think that as long as we have a market, we can deal with them. This idea is really naive.

Because these big factories are too shameless.

Sansang and Hynix are basically one family, and the two wear a pair of trousers.

They are all companies from the Southern Dynasties. If you say that one company has increased its prices, the other company cannot be unaware of it.

What's more coincidental is that if there is a fire in their family, then the other family will have a power outage. It's just such a coincidence.

Hey, a price increase means an increase together.

The most hateful thing is the big eyebrows and big eyes of Magnese. We originally thought this American company could be reliable.

But who would have thought that they would follow the price increase silently.

Then we got angry and prepared to find Kioxia.

After all, we are thinking, this is Toshiba's vest, and in the memory area, Toshiba and Panasonic are almost wiped out by Sansang and Hynix.

At this time, if you are smart enough to stand on our side, then we don't mind giving you a hand.

Even relying on our market alone, we can bring you back to life.

But who would have thought that this group of Japanese really has no overall view of the situation at all.

Seeing that the three alliances have increased their prices, they have also quietly increased their prices.

That year, we just imported memory and hard drives, we spent at least 30 billion US dollars.

Since then, we will put this incident on a small book.

In the following year, we established Yangtze River Storage in the Han River.

Then began to work **** the memory and the hard disk.

In other words, when this company was first established, it encountered countless cynicism, and countless people thought they couldn't do it at all.

This company is just doing what it looks like.

Want to break through in memory? Haha, stop dreaming, how many years has Sansang been working in this field?

What's more, they were killed by the corpse of Toshiba Matsushita, Japan, relying on the support of Americans and technology transfer.

In the memory field, especially in the area of ​​3D-NAND technology, almost all technical patents are in the hands of Sansang, Hynix and Micron.

You want to break a blood path from this, it is basically impossible.

So these three companies, as well as Japan’s Toshiba and Panasonic, are basically watching jokes from a height.

Because they simply don't believe that we can bypass their technical blockade.

What's more, we couldn't even make decent memory particles at that time.

But no one thought that this company is just this guy!

Moreover, we also have a Changxin company. The two companies cooperate with each other to start their efforts in the memory field.

Finally, after a few years, we not only have our own memory, but also our own memory particles, and even made our own solid-state hard drives...

For this, I'm afraid Sansang Toshiba never thought of it anyway.

Especially Toshiba, after seeing this scene, it is estimated that he would have the thought of wishing to slap himself hard.

You must know that when they were about to go bankrupt, the most valuable thing in their hands was probably the technology patent for memory production.

But it's just such a thing, they mean they don't sell us anything.

In other words, a certain company of ours has reached an acquisition agreement with them, and the price has been negotiated.

But some **** within Toshiba were unwilling to sell this technology to us, and then they stabbed the deal to the Ministry of Finance of Japan.

Finally, when the transaction was about to be concluded, the Ministry of Commerce of Japan called for a halt to the transaction.

In the end, these Toshiba technologies were taken over by Bain Capital of the United States.

But in fact, this company is just a consortium formed by Micron and Sansang. The reason why it spent 18 billion to acquire the technology in the hands of the Japanese.

It is to prevent this technology from spreading to our hands, and then they rely on technology monopoly to continue to make money from us.

And in those years, they did rely on the monopoly of memory and hard drives, and they often sucked blood from us.

This is because since they obtained Toshiba's technology patents, these companies have been separated from each other. Either the factory exploded, the factory went out of power, or the factory caught fire.

What followed was a price increase...

Even in 15 years, because of the skyrocketing prices, we were under too much pressure, and even the Ministry of Commerce had to come forward and interview Sansang.

How embarrassing is this?

But if there is a company in our country who is striving, we still use our Ministry of Commerce to make an appointment with a company?

The most important thing is that you make an appointment with someone's company. Whether they give you face or not depends on your mood.

In those two years, the combination of Sansang and Hynix made at least tens of billions of dollars from us.

In the next few years, the Communist Party made almost 100 billion dollars more from us...

Until we established Yangtze River Storage and Changxin Storage!

They are still looking at us with contempt, because they think they should master all 3D-NAND technology patents.

It is impossible for us to bypass them at all!

But what they didn't expect was that the Yangtze River Storage was in a situation where no one was optimistic about it.

Just use Xtacking technology to bypass the 3D-NAND packaging technology that is in the hands of the Big Three and Toshiba.

Produced our own memory stick...

When the Yangtze River's memory sticks were only launched, they abruptly broke the price alliance of the Big Three.

To be more specific, you can look at last year's Double 11 record.

As far as the solid-state drive is used, the original three-sang 500G solid-state drive of about 800 pieces directly dived to 550 yuan at a time.

The solid state drive of the same level of the Yangtze River directly broke the bone, starting at 400...

Let's touch our conscience and say, without the Yangtze River's solid state drive, do you think Sansang's solid state drive may be reduced in price?

In terms of inner purity, not to mention it, it is to dismiss Sansang and Hynix, who were originally superior in attitude.

Originally, the three companies jointly fixed the price of pure strips within 16G at a price of more than 700 yuan. UU reading

But now, the drop has dropped by two hundred. This is still the case that the memory of Changjiang and Changxin has not been listed on a large scale.

Once they wait for them to actually distribute the goods on a large scale, I believe the prices of these companies will have to drop even lower.

This fully proves that no one has as good as our own.

But the problem now is that although domestic companies such as Changjiang, Changxin, and Guangwei have made breakthroughs in memory and hard drives.

But the number of our domestic users is still not enough!

Because after all, these brands are also new brands. In terms of quality, they still need to accumulate reputation.

And many domestic users are in the wait-and-see stage, and there are not many who start directly.

This created a situation, that is, we have made a breakthrough, and the product is also available, but the number of customers is not up...

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