My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1953: The birth of a domestically produced car

   Brothers, I have opened a new book again: Restarting life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


   Previously, Chery's Kunpeng series engines were already the top brands in China.

  2.0TGDI engine, it can accelerate from 100 kilometers into 8 seconds, and the comprehensive fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is controlled within 10L.

   This is a level that can be compared with the world's first-class automobile manufacturers.

   And many automotive anchors have tested this engine with real horsepower.

   The final conclusion is that Mad, Chery, this guy is seriously imagining the parameters!

   Didn’t you say that the maximum horsepower of your engine is 254 horsepower?

   It's a special mother, why did we finally test it and it was 280 horsepower?

   Are you such a false standard?

   Good guys, there are definitely not a few people who falsify fake data in the automotive industry.

   For example, in the early days of Hyundai Kia, there was a scandal of false standard fuel consumption, and the fuel consumption was 6 per 100 kilometers.

   special code, after the final consumer use, there is basically no less than ten hundred kilometers.

  In our country, they can rely on a strong public relations system to make this impossible.

   But in the United States, they almost didn't get their **** off because of this incident.

   There is also the German Volkswagen with the same past experience.

   was fined more than 8 billion yuan in the United States, and finally Quan Te Niang recovered from domestic consumers.

   Anyway, like Chery, it is obviously very motivated, but it is falsely labeled as low data. This is definitely the first one.

   In fact, you want to say that the 2.0T engine can produce 280 horsepower, is it strange?

   No, it's not unusual at all.

   Some people might even say, what is this?

   Those Japanese car companies, any engine that can make such data.

   This is true, but it was all over thirty years ago.

  In the 1980s, Japanese car companies tried to get rid of their previous image of cheap cars.

   began to work **** technology, that is, the situation of that decade, the engine technology of Japanese car companies is advancing by leaps and bounds.

  Moreover, it is still a scene of a hundred flowers contending, almost every family has its own unique skills.

   Such as Toyota's GR-SUPRA series of sports cars.

   Honda's red-head engine Civic, Mitsubishi EVO, and the famous Nissan Ares GT-R.

  Any one that comes out is a well-known car model, and the engines of many models have been hit by European and American car companies in international competitions.

   For example, the Honda team won the F1 championship for three consecutive years that year. In the end, F1 even had to change the rules and not allow turbo-equipped cars to enter the race.

   Later, Nissan’s GT-R also slammed BMW in the Olympia Rally. It won the championship for several consecutive years, and the organizer had to change the rules.

   Even this GT-R used to hang the Porsche 911 of the same period on the New North Circuit. You must know that the 911 at that time used a lot of new body materials.

   The weight of the whole car is more than a hundred kilograms lighter than the GT-R, but it was dumped for two seconds after a lap...

   And the top models produced by these Japanese car companies back then had an unwritten rule.

   That is, although everyone can achieve greater horsepower, three hundred, four white, five hundred are not a problem, but the maximum power is uniformly limited to 280 horsepower.

   Because in everyone's opinion, this is enough.

   However, the data that Japanese car companies were able to achieve 30 years ago is still a ceiling that domestic car companies can hardly reach.

   It's not impossible to achieve such data, but even if you can achieve such a large horsepower, you may need 6 cylinders.

   Or it can be done, but it won’t last long.

   Or it can be done theoretically, but in fact, the hips are pulled on the track.

  Kunpeng of Chery actually did it!

   And not only did it do it, but it also performed well, which means that the company has actually limited the horsepower data in the ECU area.

   If they want to tap the potential in depth, in fact, this engine has more potential to tap.

   This gives many consumers more room for far-reaching imagination.

   Some people might say, isn’t it 280 horsepower? What’s so great? ,

   The engines of several major Japanese brands have been able to do this thirty years ago.

   I don’t need to prove myself anymore.

   This is also true, but the problem is that they can do it, but what is their fuel consumption per 100 kilometers?

   Whether it is Honda's red head engine, Mitsubishi EVO, or Nissan GT-R, although the speed is indeed OK.

   But if you want to talk about fuel consumption, there are no more than 12 in those 100 kilometers.

   But Chery’s Kunpeng is different. Its combined fuel consumption per 100 kilometers can actually be less than 10 liters.

   You know, this is installed on an SUV model like Tiggo 8!

   The weight of this SUV is much heavier than those small cars in Japan!

   So this engine, from its birth, it can be said that it is definitely the leader of domestic engines.

   But what does Chery say?

   is the top iron, the typical science and engineering man thinking of car companies, just don't do marketing, or they disdain to do marketing.

  Obviously, the engine has been done so well, but in the marketing area, it has done a mess.

   As a result, the domestic sales of the star model Tiggo 8 they built just failed to rise.

   is not as good as that popular car company sells well every day.

   But their cars have another characteristic, that is, the fragrance blooms in the wall.

   Although it is not good to buy at home, it is very popular abroad.

   Because foreign consumers can ignore your fancy marketing.

   What people value more is the benefits, the performance of your car's engine, the power is fierce, and the fuel consumption is not high.

   Just buy it and test it.

   It is with this kind of hard-core strength that people have opened up the market in South America and North Africa.

   Don't look at the poorly sold in China, but it is very popular overseas.

   A total of more than 700,000 cars were bought last year, but as many as 120,000 were sold overseas.

   occupies about one-seventh of the total sales, which is the only one among all the autonomous car companies in the country.

   has become the most competitive car company in China!

   In fact, in Xiao Feng's view, a car company, no matter how much you sell in China, it doesn't count.

   is really **** enough, it depends on whether you can go out.

  Because of the overseas market, that is the main battlefield to compete with those international big-name real swords and guns.

   Do you have the skills, will you be recognized by foreigners, and whether you can earn foreign exchange? It depends on your true ability.

   At present, there are only three domestic car companies that can do this, one is BYD, one is Chery, and the other is Great Wall.

   This is also the main reason why Xiao Feng is not optimistic about the other two car companies.

   At this Chengdu Auto Show, with the help of Spark Technology and Koyo Machine Tool, Chery's engine technology has obviously improved a bit.

  Especially they introduced a whole new generation of Kunpeng engine.

  Although it is still the main gasoline engine, this engine adopts many new bold designs.

   For example, after redesigning the previous Mazda Chuang Chi Lantian's scheduling manifold, it was added to their engine.

   gives this engine a super-high combustion ratio, and a lot of new designs are also carried out in the intake manifold.

   A wider intake manifold, a more tortuous pipeline design, and a turbocharger system.

   gives this engine a more powerful air intake capacity.

  The brand-new pressure oil pump system processed by Xinghuo technology machine tools allows their fuel injectors to achieve fine gasoline atomization.

  , coupled with a lot of fresh air, makes the fuel burn more separated, and at the same time gives the engine more powerful power.

   It also makes the engine more fuel-efficient...

   You have to know that in the past, the engine was fuel-efficient, and the power was stronger, that was a paradox.

   If you want the engine to be more powerful, then you have to increase the fuel supply.

   Chery has solved this problem from another angle, which is to achieve the ultimate atomization or even gasification of the fuel supply.

  Ultra-high pressure fuel pump, which only supplies one drop of oil at a time, can compress the drop of oil into gas and inject it directly into the cylinder.

   Then it fully burns with a large amount of air to provide more abundant power.

   They are even more exaggerated this time, the 1.6TGDI engine, but the power can reach 280 horses...

  As soon as this data came out, many people were shocked!

  280 horsepower, this is already the ceiling of the power of many civilian vehicles.

   can generally be achieved by 2.0L engines, but this car company actually only relies on 1.6L displacement engines to achieve such data.

   This Nima, apart from the word horror, everyone really can't think of any other words to describe it.

   While bursting out this terrifying power, the overall fuel consumption of this car is not high.

   The comprehensive 100-kilometer test was only a few liters at 6 points. When this data came out, it immediately shocked the entire auto show.

   This kind of engine is not the kind that everyone dreams of, the small body, the big energy kind!

   And this data is actually tested in front of many people.

   The car speeds up to 100 kilometers, the same as before, and can work to seven seconds. This is the result of many tests.

  The problem is that it used to be a 2.0 engine, this time it is a 1.6 engine.

   Then there is the comprehensive fuel consumption, which is not the kind of false standard data that other car companies ran out under the most ideal conditions.

   This, but I have invited a lot of netizens and car critics to testify, and then it is fully loaded.

   Measured after running 80 kilometers on the congested section of the city, and then running 20 kilometers on the express road.

   This kind of road condition is closer to people's usual real driving scene, after all, almost 90% of consumers are not high-speed in the sky.

   The main reason for buying a car is to commute to and from get off work every day. Most of the people who walk in this way are stop-and-go traffic jams.

   And the average speed calculated this time is only more than 20, which is less than 30 kilometers per hour.

   Under the condition of full load, the fuel consumption of 6.3 liters per 100 kilometers was actually ran. As soon as this data came out, it was immediately blown up at the Chengdu Auto Show...

   A domestic sacred car was officially born!


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