Brothers, I’ve opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


I have always insisted on playing with more than 30 broken second-hand cars without bargaining, and the direct price has dropped by half.

Almost all second-hand car dealers who stock up on Prado are crazy, and everyone is scrambling to cut prices and dump goods.

Because they all know that if the price is not lowered, then this car will really fall in hand...

People can sell a brand-new hybrid tank 300 for 30 Ws. Who is going to spend more than 30 to sell you a few second-hand cars?

Unless the brain is near shit...

But even if the price cuts are so crazy, consumers still rarely care.

Why, everyone is not stupid, even if you are superstitious about the mechanical qualities of your Toyota.

But the problem is that the configuration of the Great Wall is so fragrant!

What do you say you compare with others?

Compared with the interior, you are the same for thousands of years, and even a 10-inch screen is reluctant to install it for consumers.

There is also a radar, all of which have to be optional, let's talk about your reversing image.

The imaging quality, do you think it is worth your price of more than 600,000 yuan?

It's not as good as the 100,000 domestically produced cars in China.

In the past, everyone had no choice but to choose you, but now, I'm sorry, we have the Great Wall.

Also, you said that your mechanical quality is stable, but the parent city is not bad!

People’s tank 300 has already uploaded so many videos before.

Up the mountain and down the river, the road where you can walk, people have gone, and the road you can't walk, people have also gone.

Why do you want to spend five to six hundred thousand to sell you such an uncle?

Moreover, a few second-hand cars have run 100,000 kilometers, and they have bought more than 300,000 yuan.

Are you crazy, or am I crazy?

It is precisely because they want to understand this, so consumers are starting to hold money on the sidelines.

Even the faithful believers of Niutoubiao were shaken at this time.

After all, no matter how fragrant Niutou Biao is, he does not have a soft sister coin fragrance!

Although I have soft knees, he is not stupid. After all, I don't have money from the wind.

Because of many complicated reasons, the myth of Prado's second-hand financial products began to collapse.

The price jumps a few steps a day, from the first 30-odd, to the 20-odd, to the tens of thousands, no one buys it.

In the end, it fell to about 100,000, which stopped the downward trend.

Because it really can't fall anymore, and if it falls again, the price system of the entire Japanese used car will have to collapse.

Japanese manufacturers contacted many domestic second-hand car dealers overnight and gave them orders not to fall.

Loss, they will make up the difference...

Then there are those who do import car business at the port. Prado used to be their trump card.

There is no need to worry about selling at all. The starting price is more than 400,000 yuan, but it can wait for consumers to come over.

There will be more than that, add this, add that, and finally you have to add a little price.

Then I'm buying insurance or something, anyway, there is no 60 W, basically you don't even want to drive the car.

But in fact, this pricing system also has sales tactics.

In fact, these dealers worked together with the Japanese to concoct it.

But now the second-hand Prado can't stand it anymore, and the price is directly dwindling.

Can you stay strong with one hand?

The second day after the price of Prado used cars collapsed, the largest domestic automobile import and export port, the first-hand source of Prado in the Jinmen market, also collapsed.

The original starting price of forty-five Ws, this is a trapped price.

Yes, other people are traps, and their home is definitely a trap.

Because of other imported cars, you can buy them at a price of 70,000 or 80,000 yuan or less, and then you can drive away.

But when it comes to the Prado, you can't add fifteen Ws, so you really don't want to drive away.

Many elder brothers who have bought cars here hate them.

Because everyone was contacted by phone before, and their sales on the phone were pretty good.

But after you have paid the deposit and come to the port, then you will have to rub each other.

How others want to increase your fare, you have to bear it, otherwise you don't even think about driving.

Even if you are the eldest brother in Niu breaking your hometown, you have to endure it when you get here.

But this time, the car dealers here are completely stupid.

Because the price drop this time is completely different from any scene they have seen in the past.

This time it was directly an avalanche!

The original price was more than forty. At first they thought that they would not add anything this time. They really bought it at this price.

But even so, they are still in the cold, and no one wants to pay.

Even before, many big brothers who have been selling with them online and keeping in touch are not showing up.

The sales people sent WeChat and called again, but they wouldn't answer you at all.

This situation is already obvious, and all previous potential consumers have changed their minds. ,

Nima, are you still playing an egg?

And as more and more information about the tank 300 hybrid version was exposed on the Internet, they became more frightened.

How does this Nima stand?

People want power, power, fuel-saving and fuel-saving, and good looks.

It is exactly the new generation of sacred cars of Neng Wen Neng Wu, you are the old eight cars who have changed the soup without changing the medicine for thousands of years, what can you compare with others?

Yes, since your Toyota does not agree to lower the price, then we will do it ourselves!

Not to mention the price increase, the previous price of forty-five, dropped directly to forty, but still no one cares about it.

Then drop directly to thirty-five, and then let the salesman shout twice in the group.

The price of jumping off the building has already been cut to the fracture, and the price will never be reduced again. This time it is really a big sale, everyone, hurry up and buy it!

After this village, there is no such shop.

Anyway, it's just shouting happily, but what about it, no one will buy it!

Do you think everyone doesn't know your routine?

Special mother, fool everyone to buy your car. Once you pay the deposit, it won't be you right away.

Let everyone install this and the other, and also buy your insurance.

I can go to your grandma...

The dealers at the port are all stupid, how come they have cut the price so much, and still no one bites the hook?

What's the matter, why is it so difficult to bring leeks this year?

Lao Tzu’s sickle is already hungry and thirsty, but why don’t you show up, what are you asking us to cut?

What a way, I shouted for a long time, but no one was fooled.

what is it now?

I can only continue to cut prices, what else can I do.

Then let the sales continue to call for price cuts, and we directly reduced the price to 30, which is the same price as the tank 300 hybrid version.

I don’t believe you, why don’t you buy it?

It's a pity that the dealers thought very well, but the majority of leeks have really learned their skills this time, no matter how you drop them.

Anyway, we just don’t show up...

Why, because everyone is really good at learning!

Just say that you Prado, you can buy the top match in Japan for only two hundred and twenty thousand Nima.

But to our side, the beggar version still needs thirty Ws.

If there were no other options before, then everyone would be crazy to see this price.

Even if you add 30,000 to 50,000 to this price, everyone can accept it.

But now!

Haha, go to your grandma!

The 300 hybrid version of the other tank is only 300,000.

But what do you think about the configuration of others, what is your configuration?

And how much fuel does people consume? What is your fuel consumption?

People can do 4 oil per hundred kilometers, how about you? Eighteen per hundred kilometers...

Indeed, in the past, **** off-road vehicles were indeed sold, so don’t think about fuel consumption.

But after all, everyone does not go off-road every day, after all, it is better to take the pavement in the city.

Then why can't I choose a car that takes both into consideration? Why should I spend more than 30 years to buy you?

Consumers vote directly with their feet, and the big brothers at the port are completely dumbfounded.

I thought it had already fallen to the floor price, but their floor price is not competitive in the eyes of others!

No way, I can only ask for help from the factory behind.

Because of this price, it is really the limit within their ability.

Don't think that those domestic manufacturers who specialize in imported cars are very independent and have nothing to do with foreign car dealers.

In fact, manufacturers like Toyota can completely control these domestic imported car dealers through supply rationing.

For example, when you bought the Prado before, people can control the supply to you and control the price.

You have to sell at what price people suggest you sell.

If you say you want to set your own price, then you will be ignorant.

Then you can't get the goods in the hands of overseas dealers.

You said that there is a port, and other houses have cars for sale, but you don't have a car for sale, you say you are still doing a shit?

So it seems that these dealers have nothing to do with Toyota, but in fact they all wear a pair of pants.

And the price dropped to thirty is already the limit that these dealers can afford.

So they have to ask for instructions like Toyota.

And Toyota is overwhelmed at this time, how can they care about them.

This is because they are negotiating with the two domestic partners, the North and the South.

Prado, which had always insisted on overseas production, now they plan to produce in China.

What's the solution, since the advent of the tank 300 hybrid version, their smart people soon knew that their Prado was finished.

Jiang Lang is exhausted!

It is impossible to lie down and make money like before.

And with the introduction of more new models of Great Wall to the market in the future, they will have a full-scale rout in the hard-core off-road vehicle market.

This is really not an exaggeration. It can be seen from the madness of Great Wall orders at the Chengdu Auto Show in the past two days.

The most important thing is that these years, they are too comfortable lying down to make money, and this model of Prado is not only the only one in China.

On a global scale, it can be said that it is a model that can only be defeated.

It is because it is too easy to make money and whether there are strong competitors, so they have no interest in deep expansion and research and development of new cars.

This is all right, the tank 300 turned out, and they took off their **** in one fell swoop.

Because they rummaged through their arsenal, they discovered that there is no model that can compete head-on with the Tank 300.

Moreover, even if we increase our research and development efforts now, it is impossible to produce a model that can compete with the Tank 300 without three to five years.

In this case, what should I do?

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