My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1980: not to be trifled

   Brothers, I’ve opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


   So most manufacturers are not stupid, so naturally they will choose Koyo machine tools.

   Although the price is indeed a bit more expensive, the problem is that the performance is even better!

   Things that Japanese machine tools could not do before, this machine can do.

   What makes these manufacturers most happy is to open molds.

  In the past, those small and medium-sized enterprises in the south of the Yangtze River had the most headache to open molds.

  Because our machine tools are not accurate enough, we can only go to Japan to open it.

   At least one hundred thousand, and more than one million.

   And most of their important things are in the fast-moving consumer goods industry, so they finally came up with an innovative idea.

   I want to develop some new products, but this is only the beginning, and the cost has been raised so much.

   If it is an ordinary gadget, then the cost of developing a model of hundreds of thousands means that the manufacturer has to sell tens of thousands of pieces to make a profit.

   Once the product was launched, it was not as popular as expected.

   That was a disaster for the manufacturer, and it might be destroyed in one fell swoop.

   So many SMEs dare not innovate because the risk is too high.

   But now it is different. With our own machine tool, we can open the mold ourselves.

   The starting cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars, evenly spread down to you directly to a dozen dollars.

  You can make any mold you want.

   And even if it is a million or so molds, as long as you have a Koyo machine tool, you can reduce the cost by a hundred times.

  You said that such a machine tool, even if it is hundreds of thousands more expensive than a Japanese machine tool, are they willing to buy it?

   is not only willing, but also willing to pay more.

  Because they are not fools, they know that the Japanese rely on the monopoly of high-precision machine tools, forcing everyone to send them to **** blood. .

   Now that there is Koyo, everyone can get rid of these leeches, who would like to cooperate with the Japanese?

   After getting the results of this investigation, the Japanese are completely stupid.

  What can I do with this special lady?

   In the past, they tried their best to suppress the rise of Rabbit Country's technology, but now it seems that this can't be suppressed at all?

   Speaking of suppressing our rise, don’t think that the boss has the most means...

   In fact, if you want to say that the movement is the most, that is naturally the other one.

   Some time ago, the major media have exposed that this guy likes to give some people cheer money the most.

   Then let these people write articles in various media to help them play soft and publicity.

   Actually this is in Southeast Asia, and their propaganda is ubiquitous.

   What they did in Southeast Asia back then was very small.

   But after they developed, they bought these countries, a large number of media people, and asked them to help publicize and write Japanese soft articles.

   As a result, their image in these countries is so good that it can’t be better.

   Even many local young people have long forgotten that unbearable history.

   On our side, they are not only advertising, but also publicity.

   In terms of technology, they have always been alert to the technological development of our domestic enterprises.

   For example, the previous Mazak machine tools will sell us some second-rate goods.

  Moreover, the price is still extremely low. Not to mention occupying our domestic market like this, it also squeezed several domestic machine tool factories.

   And don’t think that they just used legitimate competitive means to squeeze our business down.

   Moreover, they not only use low-price competition methods, but also do a lot of tricks on soft broadcasting.

   For example, find someone to exaggerate the experience of using our own machine tools and so on.

  So that there was a lot of negative news about our own machine tools on the Internet for a while.

   There was even a period of time when many people would say two things when they mentioned domestic machine tools, that was a synonym for unreliable.

   In fact, in many state-owned enterprises and factories of central enterprises, it is the domestically-made machine tools that really support the backbone of our national defense technology.

  Moreover, their despicable methods are not urgently used in the field of machine tools.

   is more used in the automotive field. Among them, the three giants in Japan have their own gunmen, and Toyota has the most people.

   In the early years, our domestic auto brands would be attacked by them as long as they produced a competitive product.

   For example, the company that was attacked the earliest and most ruthlessly was Chery.

   In the early years, Chery was a man of science and engineering who devoted himself to researching engines. This is seriously inconsistent with the style of domestic automobile factories that mainly rely on buying parts and assemble them.

   But it is precisely this kind of enterprise that Japanese people are most afraid of.

  Because they walked this way step by step back then, they knew that if Chery would go this way once.

   That will definitely become a role model in the rabbit country auto circle, and there are bound to be countless rabbit country auto companies to follow suit.

   Once a virtuous circle is formed, then the technology of the rabbit state car company will advance by leaps and bounds.

   I won’t say that I can catch up with Japan soon, but if I can reach the level of manufacturing cars in the Southern Dynasties.

   That Japanese car is basically nothing in the rabbit country.

   So at that time, the Japanese, especially Toyota, directly put out 30 million yuan, and asked a dedicated team to attack Chery.

  The most famous one was when Chery's new car a3 was launched.

   This car was a sensation back then.

   The 1.6-liter engine built by Chery itself, although there is no automatic transmission, the chassis and other aspects of the overall performance of the car are very good.

   It was also the era when the auto industry in Tuguo began to accelerate gradually.

   And the core competitiveness of this car is definitely not covered.

   Once it is successfully listed, it will definitely reshape the image of Tuguo Auto, and even become the benchmark of Tuguo Auto.

   To tell the truth, this car was only priced at 60,000 to 70,000 yuan at the time. In fact, it was a low-end A-class car.

   At that time, Toyota's Corolla, a-class car, had already been bought in Rabbit Country, and the price was hundreds of thousands.

   In fact, the two are not in line with each other, but even so, Toyota still attaches great importance to this car.

   specially spent thousands of dollars to invite the Shuijunhei this car.

   So there is a spectacle that a3 has not been officially listed, and all kinds of negative news have been flying all over the sky.

   What Chery Chery’s car repair line was made up at that time.

   Then it was bombarded by various negative news, but at the time, this did not disrupt domestic consumers' interest in this car.

   After all, other domestic car companies have to rely on copycat Mitsubishi 4g series engines to live their lives.

   Chery has built our first 1.6l engine, and the chassis has also been specially tuned by the German team.

   even took the car to the North New York circuit to withstand the test.

   So many domestic consumers have high hopes for this car.

   At this time, Toyota's people saw that no matter what negative bombardment they used, they could not erase consumers' interest in this car.

   So they used another trick to push the boat along the way.

   They invited many navy teams to register to become fans of Chery.

   Then there was a traditional project on a certain car website at that time, that is, when the car was not on the market, everyone together estimated the listing price of the car.

   Then these guys brag about how good this car is, but wait until the estimated price.

   These guys worked hard together and estimated the price extremely low.

   In this way, many consumers who don't know the truth regard this estimated price as their psychological expectation of the price of this car under the circumstances of this group of people.

   When the final a3 price was announced, it was significantly higher than this price.

  Many consumers don’t buy it, thinking that Chery’s pricing is random...

   In the end, the a3 car was left empty.

   It can be seen how powerful the Japanese are playing with consumers in Rabbit Country.

   Originally, they were very confident about their own methods.

   Even recently, it has increased its investment. On the one hand, it has increased the promotion and marketing of Japanese products.

   On the other hand, a large number of naval forces were invited to attack their competitors.

   But this time, they found that this technique was not working.

   It’s okay to promote their own products. After all, Japanese products are well-known, and indeed some consumers trust their quality.

   But when they attacked and discredited the rivals in the country of Rabbit, they found that it was not working well.

   Those naval forces are often caught out as soon as they appear, and then they are directly regarded as walking 500,000, and they are reported.

   There were even many people who were invited to have tea within two days.

   This is what makes the navy team who like to promote to the Japanese people are mentally drumming.

   What's the situation with Nima, nobody cares about it before?

   But how come you got caught this time?

   Actually, they are not to be blamed. If you are to blame, you can only blame them for making the wrong person.

   provoke Guangyang, it's just looking for death...

   Not to mention that Koyo was a major partner of defense companies before, but that he is now the younger brother supported by Spark Technology.

  You still dare to provoke, then you really don’t open your eyes...

   Spark Technology, let alone, now this is an enterprise under the national three-level secrecy regulations.

  'S reputation is limited to a specific circle, and there are only some high-end private manufacturing companies that can connect with them.

   Ordinary private enterprises don’t even know where their doors are.

   If you dare to be scornful on the Internet and say bad things about this company, then you are really lighting a lantern in the toilet.

   Although most of the domestic network navy forces have no morals, most of them are more intelligent.

   There were some navy soldiers before, and they collected money to go to the Black Famous Chef Group and the Ninth Laboratory or something.

   In the end, didn’t all the dogs’ heads be hammered?

   So they also have a lot of thoughts, as long as the headquarters is a company in Bencheng, they can not provoke them.

   It's just that in this Koyo, the Japanese gave too much money, so they couldn't decide.

   But it also fell to the end of a bird’s death...

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