My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2000: Squeeze before and press

Brothers, I’ve opened a new book again: Restarting Life: I can call myself ten years ago. Brothers help to collect and recommend a few!


The videos of the first batch of domestic car buyers' personal user experience were soon transferred to overseas video websites.

As a result, these videos immediately caused an uproar as soon as they came out.

In fact, when it comes to automobile culture, foreign countries are definitely more mature than us.

Because they have a history of privately owned cars longer than us.

And the car environment we face is more diverse than ours.

So for cars, they all have their own needs and experiences.

But the final conclusion is that most people like the kind of scooter that can basically meet their needs.

After all, although luxury cars are good, their fuel is also very good.

Everyone knows hard-core off-road that this thing is good, it has high hardness, and it is safer in the event of a collision.

And it can walk badly, and it has stronger passability.

But the problem is that this thing has a high center of gravity, high quality, and fuel consumption.

When oil prices were low in the past, everyone could afford to drive, but now oil prices are so high.

And you can hit new highs at every turn, which everyone really can't afford.

However, the hybrid model of the Great Wall Tank 300 can be said to have just solved this pain point.

In the city, you can choose the hybrid, when off-road, the fuel direct drive.

One model, two enjoyments, a true multi-purpose vehicle.

I don't want many SUVs. Although they are literally multi-purpose vehicles, in fact, apart from a little more space, the others are really not that magical.

And this car really did it.

Even many people have tested it. The hybrid version of the tank 300 costs more than 500 yuan per tank. After all, the off-road vehicle has a large fuel tank.

If you fill it up, in the case of running in the city, if you can go home every night to recharge.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if you don't run high speeds or go cross-country, this tank of fuel will be enough for you to run for three months.

This was tested by many car owners themselves, and they even reminded everyone on the forum.

If you have not recently gone off-road or plan to run long distances, don't fill up the fuel tank when refueling.

If you are not careful, you may have spoiled the gasoline before the oil is finished.

This is really not an exaggeration, because the gasoline used in many areas of the country is ethanol gasoline.

These gasolines have a shelf life. If you don't run out within a certain period of time, the gasoline will really deteriorate under certain circumstances.

That would ruin the car.

This also makes a lot of tank 300 hybrid owners, another sweet annoyance.

How much fuel is appropriate at one time?

But their troubles have made foreign consumers look greedy!

Especially consumers in Australia and New Zealand?

With a talent of more than 30,000 Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars, you can buy a brand-new hybrid tank 300.

They can also buy Tesla at this price.

But after all, not everyone likes Tesla, because Tesla is a pure electric car, and Tesla has not been able to solve the mileage anxiety of consumers.

If you just commute to and from get off work in the city every day, that's okay.

But if there is a need to run long distances, it will be troublesome.

With the air conditioner turned on on the road and running for more than two hundred kilometers, you are about to start thinking about finding a charging pile.

In foreign countries, the construction of charging piles is not as convenient as ours in China.

In addition, there are only a few charging piles in many areas, so you might have to line up.

There is also the charging price abroad, which is not so cheap as in China.

For many consumers, they are still more willing to buy hybrid cars that can run on gas.

Although electric vehicles have super fast charging, it takes more than an hour to recharge.

This makes everyone anxious about the journey...

It is with this consideration that the hybrid model of the Tank 300 has quickly become popular in Australia and New Zealand.

The order volume soon exceeded 10,000, and even went straight to 20,000.

You know this is monthly sales!

This has set a record for monthly sales in Australia and New Zealand.

You must know that the most popular model in Australia and New Zealand was Toyota.

Toyota can sell more than 10,000 units a month, and its annual sales can reach more than 200,000 units. This is already the performance of the ceiling machine.

Of course this mainly refers to new cars!

As for the second and third place, many people certainly can't think of it.

It will be Mazda and Mitsubishi that are not common in China.

The reason why these two cars are so good in Australia and New Zealand is because these two cars are not fooled locally, and the mechanical qualities of the cars are fair.

For example, Mazda, this car is known as the BMW of Japanese cars.

The chassis tuning is absolutely leveraged, and the engine performance is also very good.

But it just doesn't sell well in China, why?

Because he will not cater to domestic consumers and will not lift the skin of the car!

Domestic consumers all like big cars, but this car's 200,000 models have almost the same amount of space as an A-class car.

The same is true for Mitsubishi. The chassis and engine performance are good, but they are as extinct in China.

The main reason is that there are too few models on the market to attract consumers' attention.

But in the Australia and New Zealand market, these domestic niche models are more popular.

Outside of Toyota, the most popular Japanese model.

Because they are not like Nissan and Honda, they will be crazy and simple.

Foreign consumers are not stupid. Nissan and Honda are in overseas regions, although they dare not do too much as in our country.

However, they often do things in the safety configuration, and foreign consumers are not used to you.

If you make a mistake once, people will write you down in a small book, and you won't buy your car next time.

There is a group of kneeling lickers in the roots that are different from amnesia.

Therefore, Nissan and Honda are not particularly good to buy in the Australia and New Zealand market.

Especially in the well-known domestic Honda, in the Australia and New Zealand market, more than 3,000 new cars are bought a month.

It is not even as good as Nissan, which is a huge contrast with our domestic market.

As for the fourth and fifth, Hyundai and Ford.

Needless to say Hyundai, there are no shortcomings, and a long warranty, which is the main reason for his popularity.

As for Ford, pickup trucks are mainly popular. Although they are high in fuel consumption, they are very popular with local farmers.

The appearance of the Great Wall Tank 300 this time can be said to be a super spoiler.

The monthly order has already exceeded 15,000, which is a straight to the position of Toyota's boss in the region.

This is also a challenge Toyota has never encountered in the past two decades.

But what if you are panicked?

After all, they really can't come up with a model that can be compared with this car for a while.

Although they also have Prado and other off-road vehicles, you said that the hybrid system installed on Prado vehicles, they really don't have it.

It is also possible to modify the hybrid system previously installed on the Prius.

But the problem is that their battery capacity and management system are both problematic.

To say that the Prius was still a very capable hybrid car ten years ago.

It can even be said that in the field of new energy at the time, this car had no rivals.

But now, facing the rise of Chinese cars, they have no chance.

Don't say anything else, just say the power battery.

None of our Chinese cars use Ni-MH batteries anymore, but they are still using them.

This is very telling.

The main feature of this Ni-MH battery is that it is cheap.

But the energy density is low, and it can run 70 kilometers on pure electric energy when mounted on a Prius.

But they were also transplanted to the Highlander, so that it would be good to run 40 kilometers on pure electricity.

If it is installed on a Prado car, it is estimated that running 20 kilometers on pure electric energy is not bad.

This is very tasteless.

And their nickel-metal hydride batteries must be replaced within ten years.

And the replacement price is not cheap, basically starting at 10,000 yuan.

As for the lithium batteries used in our hybrid cars, they are basically all-electric 70-kilometer versions starting with a higher level, which are all capable of running 110 kilometers.

Some are even exaggerated, running 140 kilometers on pure electricity.

And speaking of safety and stability, it is stronger than Toyota's Ni-MH battery.

The most important thing is that we have a warranty for this thing in China.

In how many years, within how many kilometers, as long as the decline reaches 75%, or the power battery fails, the manufacturer will guarantee the quality.

And this course and time limit are longer than Toyota's!

In this way, it can be said that Toyota's hybrid vehicle does not have the slightest advantage.

What do you say he compares with ours?

So Toyota people are very anxious!

This Nima has already been attacked by Chery and the Great Wall in Rabbit Country, and has lost a lot of markets.

This guy, these two things, rushed overseas so quickly to challenge my market position?

In the Middle East and South America, Toyota's market leader position has felt the impact and influence of Chery.

Chery's surge in orders in the above-mentioned regions has already explained the problem.

And now there are many distributors in Southeast Asia who are also rushing to introduce Chery into their countries.

If this is done by them, then Toyota's sales in Southeast Asia will inevitably be affected.

Because now in Australia and New Zealand, they have already received an impact.

For example, this month, Toyota's orders were directly reduced by more than 2,000 units from the previous month.

As for other brands, even more orders are lost, especially Mazda and Mitsubishi, which are very sad.

Instead, Great Wall quickly relied on the tank 300, a new hybrid model, to quickly rank among the top three in local car sales.

It can even be said that UU reading www.uukanshu. com is now closely behind Toyota.

This posture is exactly the same as when New Malaysia Six was born!

It is said that at that time in 2003 and 2004, Mazda had a hot model.

It was the new Mali 6 on the bad street later on!

It can be said that this car completely redefines a new generation of mid-level cars.

When this car was launched in our country that year, there was a scene of queuing up and waiting for the car to be picked up for a fare increase.

The original price was more than 260,000, but the craziest thing was that it even increased to more than 300,000.

In foreign countries, the name of this car was called Atez at that time, and the European version of the car was sold overseas.

The styling is better than the domestic ones and can't be more than doubled!

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