My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2137: This is also the door technology job

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Because of economic interests, fishery companies in many countries have thought about raising tuna.

But most of them have not been successful because of the difficulty of raising tuna.

As I said before, the tuna we all can see every day is some sliced ​​sashimi.

So I don't think there is anything, but in fact this thing is the top predator in the sea.

Even if it's a shark, you have to take a detour when you see him.

Because this thing is very fast and has very sharp teeth.

I really want to collide with a shark, and it can be hard steel with a shark.

And don't think that this thing is small, in fact, this thing is big, it can rise to seven or eight hundred kilograms at every turn.

The small ones can rise to two or three hundred catties casually.

As for the kind of dozens of catties, it can only be regarded as a small fry that hasn't grown up yet.

In addition, this thing has been swimming in the sea non-stop throughout its life, so it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole body is full of muscles.

The strength is very large, and the speed is surprisingly fast. This thing also has a nickname, that is, the cannonball fish.

It is used to describe his speed.

Therefore, fishery companies in many countries have thought about raising large quantities of this kind of fish, but they have not succeeded.

It wasn't until a fishery company in Kangaroo Country began to intervene in this field.

This has to be said, the fate of this company is good.

Because it is an enterprise of Kangaroo Country, and Kangaroo Country is located in the southern hemisphere, the lower part of their country is closer to Antarctica.

Therefore, the sea fishes in that area are very cold and very clean.

The waters controlled by their company are relatively small in wind and waves, and there are usually no strong winds and waves, so they began to try to raise tuna in captivity.

But at the beginning, they also took a lot of detours.

The last one tried for more than 30 years, and finally got control of the method of captive breeding of tuna.

They keep large amounts of bluefin tuna, which is more expensive among tuna.

So these years, they have also relied on this method to make a lot of money.

As for the celebrity chef group, naturally they have long been eyeing this piece of cake.

It's just that in the past, because there was not much demand, there was no doing it yourself.

And now, I happen to have a fleet in my company, working in the South Indian Ocean all year round. ,

The security conditions were very sufficient, so the company simply sent a breeding team over here, and specifically selected a suitable sea area to raise tuna.

And their big gossip-shaped net is no joke. The net ropes are all made of new materials made of collapsible powder and devalued.

It is very strong and tough, and all the fishing nets used are actually a little too small.

They also calculated that their eight floating fish towers control tens of thousands of square meters of sea area.

Hundreds of thousands of tuna can be farmed at a time, if no one is deliberately making trouble.

In a season, they can earn about 300 million U.S. dollars from these tuna alone, and they can produce high-quality tuna, at least about 100,000 tons.

This is the charm of deep-sea fishing grounds, as long as it is done well, one vote can pay back.

Of course, the cultivation of tuna is not so simple, the first is the cultivation of fry.

To get enough tuna eggs, and then hatch into small fry in the culture tank.

Then put these fry into this large ‘fish pond’.

But in this fish pond, you can't just put the fry, you also have enough bait.

And these bait comes from the sea.

Gu wants to know these tuna, but they don't eat anything else, they just like to eat all kinds of small fish.

So when you are nearby, there will be a lot of small fishing wheels.

The role of these fishing vessels is to catch a large number of small fish and shrimps.

And where did the small fish and shrimp come from?

Naturally, it is their two agricultural planting boats.

You know that these two agricultural planting boats regularly discharge some used agricultural wastewater.

These nutrient solutions are useless for corn, but in fact they still contain very rich nutrients.

It can be used to grow other crops, but it is a pity that the celebrity chef group has a lot of money.

I didn't even bother to recycle the nutrient solution with weakened effect, and just hand it over to the fishing boats after a simple treatment.

Those fishing boats will put these nutrient solutions into the sea water, which will naturally attract a large number of plankton.

With plankton, naturally there will be fish and shrimp.

And they don't catch fish, they will continue to throw bait into the sea.

Because of chemical ships, corn is continuously used to extract ethanol, which is then synthesized into solid fuel.

But in this process, a large amount of corn residues, commonly known as distiller's grains, will be produced.

If it is on land, these lees can also be used to feed chickens to ducks, or to feed pigs to cattle.

But on the sea, these distiller's grains are useless, and piled up on the ship can only be a waste.

It might as well be thrown into the sea as fish feed.

And those boats constantly throwing these fish feeds will naturally attract a lot of fish and shrimps.

Of course, they will not use, as long as they hit enough weight every day, they will stop.

And these small fish and shrimps will be taken to feed the tuna.

And tuna, in this sea area, will not stand still.

They will put in some bait, lead the way in front, circle this sea area, let these tuna swim constantly.

This is to ensure their wildness, and by the way, to ensure that these fish eat as much game as possible.

In this breeding process, there are a few things that make the managers most disheartened.

The first one is the bad natural weather. You must know that they are not like the Stern Company of Kangaroo Country.

They have specially contracted a piece of sea area, and there are some large-scale storms in that area for several months each year.

Once that season has passed, it will be sunny all year round.

So it is very suitable for fish farming activities. UU reading

And they don’t have that condition, so they have to pay close attention to the weather.

Moreover, they must have super-strong mobility. Once they find a storm is coming, they must move quickly to avoid these storms.

Secondly, it is necessary to avoid some passing cargo ships as far as possible during the dodge process.

Although there are very few ships passing by in this generation of seas, it does not mean that there are none at all.

There is still a lot of wear every day, driving from the Cape of Good Hope to the Kangaroo Country.

So avoid those busy sea areas as much as possible.

The other thing is to avoid shark attacks and a large amount of tuna is cultivated, which will naturally arouse the attention of those marine hunters.

Although tuna is not necessarily afraid of sharks, it is after all adult large tuna.

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