My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2156: major discovery

The seawater of this generation is not too deep, only more than 300 meters.

Moreover, the ocean currents are relatively stable, and there is no too rapid turbulence.

After the robot was put down, it took only ten minutes to get down to the bottom of the sea.

As soon as the robot landed, it stirred up a large swath of dust on the bottom of the sea.

This scene shocked everyone, to know that the robot went to work under the sea.

The most feared situation is that the sea sand on the seabed is too soft.

Because one is not careful, the robot may be trapped.

If that happens, it will be a big trouble.

Without sufficient focus, the robot will only sink deeper and deeper, and the loss will be greater then.

Fortunately, after the sea sand was stirred up this time, it fell down after a while.

Prior to this, the miners did not dare to operate the robot to perform any operations according to the instructions.

After a while, when the underwater sight condition improved, the first job of the miner's operation was to bow his head.

I looked at where Haisha hadn't been. Fortunately, it just missed the robot's feet.

Then the miner took two steps to operate the robot, and then he gradually felt relieved.

It turns out that the quality of sea sand here is very light, so there is more floating sand on the seabed.

And the places that are not deep under these floating sands are solid seabeds.

But this also aroused everyone's curiosity. What is the situation? Why is the sea sand here so light?

Then, after operating the submarine sonar and performing some surveys, it was considered that the situation was clarified.

It turned out that an active volcano on the seabed was erupting dozens of nautical miles away.

The lava erupted by that volcano directly vaporizes and cools on the seabed, which brings up countless volcanic ash.

These volcanic ash floated here along the ocean currents.

After receiving this news, everyone was ecstatic.

Because these volcanic ash are good things!

Everyone knows that the Pacific Ocean has the most active volcanoes, while Indonesia has the most volcanoes on land.

And many islands in Indonesia, as long as there are volcanic islands, they are all densely wooded, and the water, grass, and wind are not big islands.

For example, the four main islands in Indonesia, of which Kalimantan and Sulasiwi have the most fertile land and are most suitable for agriculture.

On the other two large islands, such as Java Island and Medan Island, the situation is more general.

Although there are dense tropical rain forests, the land on the two islands is relatively barren. If crops are grown, even if they can be grown, the quality and yield are very average.

The reason for this is that there are many active volcanoes on Kalimantan Island and Sulasiwi Island.

It often erupts, and while erupting, although a large amount of volcanic rock will be ejected, a large amount of volcanic ash will also be ejected.

After the volcanic ash falls on the island, it will become fertile soil, adding fertility to the land.

Make the land here more suitable for the growth of crops.

In Medan and Java, although there are some volcanoes, eruptions are not as frequent as on the other two islands.

The most important thing is that the ejected volcanic ash, not long after it has fallen, will be washed away by the thick rain and washed into the sea.

Therefore, the land here is red soil with similar soil structure to several provinces such as Guangdong and Guangxi in southern my country.

The acidity is relatively high, but the fertility in the soil is insufficient. When crops are grown, the yield and quality are not good.

This is only the volcanic ash on land, and the volcanic ash ejected from the volcano on the seabed is even more remarkable.

Because it will spray out with a lot of minerals, and once it comes out, it will be quickly cooled by the sea water.

Some minerals in the valley also react with various substances in the sea water, so other substances are formed.

Among them are rare earths, and especially high-grade rare earths that contain very expensive metal elements.

Only then did everyone understand the purpose of the exploration ship for everyone to come here.

Obviously this should be the only way for ocean currents after the volcanic eruption, and those ocean currents will sweep the volcanic ash here.

Everyone here does not need to mine too much, just pick up the ready-made ones here.

After a while, the robot was hoisted up.

Moreover, the robot also carried a sample bag with various sea sand collected from under the water surface.

Chen Cheng and the others were called out immediately to clean and maintain the robot.

The samples in the sample bag were quickly sent to the laboratory on the ship.

After waiting for almost an hour, it was time for dinner.

Finally the good news came out, but today they bumped into Bao.

The rare earths here are indeed very high-grade rare earths.

Because it contains a lot of rare metals such as scandium, indium and palladium.

Now everyone has developed...

As soon as the news came out, Teacher Zhou of Harbin Institute of Technology became excited. Even Teacher Wang, who took Harbin Engineering, was also very happy.

The two teachers even drank a lot of wine during dinner.

Muttering even more in his mouth, this is finally finding a large amount of valuable mineral deposits for the country.

As for Chen Cheng, although he was also happy, he didn't know what these mines could be used for.

Fortunately, he has a cell phone here, so he can save his mother.

This investigation is incredible. It turns out that these metals are so useful.

For example, the metal indium is a special alloy material that can be used to make aircraft engine blades.

In this regard, we have only made major breakthroughs in recent years.

But we are going the old way, using titanium alloy materials, which is what we learned from the bear.

On the other hand, people from the U.S. have long used ultra-high nanomolecules to meet materials.

Therefore, other people's aviation can achieve 30,000 hours of life, and super stable characteristics.

On our side, three thousand hours is a big hurdle.

Although the emergence of Spark Technology is to help our aircraft manufacturers to solve the problem of finishing. UU reading

But for the material, Spark Technology didn't dare to make a move.

In this regard, we have to test the efforts of our country’s scientists themselves.

And we have just conquered rhenium alloy technology. As for this indium alloy, we have only heard of it, but we haven't tried it.

Why, because indium is really too little, and the price is very expensive.

Usually the main producing areas are concentrated in North and South America, and the Lao American side has very strict controls on this rare metal.

Even if we want to buy some back, we can't buy it.

But now, we don’t need to buy anymore. With these rare earths, we can finally manage to use them.

Chen Cheng and the others may not know the value of this humble metal.

But the two teachers at Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Engineering knew the magical effects of this kind of metal.

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