My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2181: After all, what should come is here...

Chen Cheng operated the robot to carry out this operation on the seabed.

Now seabed mining has formed a set of standardized procedures.

First, the prospecting ship, combined with the results of satellite detection, went to sea areas suspected of having minerals for exploration.

And their exploration technology is also very advanced.

Directly sonar the bottom, then shoot the robot into the water, take samples up for analysis.

Finally came to the conclusion, look at these mines, there is no mining value.

If so, let the mining ship come directly.

And now that they have the upper hand, they are specially selected mines, and expensive mines are being mined.

Once discovered, dozens of boats came over immediately and went crazy for mining.

Often hundreds of thousands of tons of various mineral resources can be mined in just one month.

You must know that these are rare metals and rare earth minerals.

If this kind of mine is a land mine, at the very least, you need to dig a very deep pit, and it takes a lot of effort to mine and extract it.

Even the cost is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, that of their ocean mining.

And they don't have so many rules and regulations here, anyway they find it and it's done.

For example, cobalt, the mining company of Kangaroo Country, can mine thousands of tons in just six years.

This is still the case of maximum production capacity, but for them, they can collect tens of thousands of tons at will.

This is the gap between ocean rich ore and land rich ore.

Moreover, they do not have to worry about land acquisition and other aspects of mining in the sea.

So Chen Cheng and the others are doing it very happily every day.

And once the mineral reserves are ascertained, the teachers on the mining ship will immediately make a mining plan based on the situation of each mine.

Then the ship is in place, and the robot is sent down to the bottom of the sea to find out what is the situation of the seabed veins.

Then, according to the conditions of the seabed, they fine-tuned their mining plan.

After the plan is mature, it is necessary to assign tasks to each miner, and then assign work areas.

Then the robot was sent to the sea to start mining. Of course, the first task after the robot went down was to arrange the searchlight.

Solve the problem of undersea lighting.

Because of the light, there will not be too many fish to bother.

Otherwise, there will always be some unknown creatures to disturb their work.

Especially some fish in the deep sea, this thing has a very fierce temperament.

Everyone dared to come up and bite when they saw their robots, such as the King Physalis Squid.

This thing is a big guy who dares to fight alone with the sperm whale.

And this thing and the sperm whale are on each other's recipes.

The monster that can actually hunt the sperm whale, one can imagine how powerful this is.

This thing is a stunner, they have met before.

There are also whales, which sometimes come to make trouble.

When the lights are on, you can drive away all the fishes. After all, those things are not stupid, and some fish tend to light.

But most deep-sea fish are afraid of light, because they live in the dark sea.

For light, they don't like it.

So with a searchlight, not only can it illuminate, but the most important thing is that it can also drive away some annoying little creatures.

Robot mining is also very simple. The iron hand of titanium alloy is just an iron shovel.

Just one shot of those veins is a lot.

If it is working in shallow waters, then a hose will be sent down directly from the cargo ship.

The ore crushed by the robots was pumped directly onto the ship with a hose. Valley

If it is a deep sea area, the robot will bring a sand pump to the depth of the water.

On the bottom of the sea, the ore crushed by them was pumped into the bag.

When the bag is full, they will turn on the gas generator next to the bag.

The substance inside will react with the sea water to produce gas.

The gas fills the airbags next to the sandbags to generate buoyancy, and then quickly float these sandbags to the surface of the sea.

A cargo ship on the sea will use a hook to drag the sandbags full of ore onto the ship.

Just like that, they can collect tens of thousands of tons of ore every day.

And the rarer the ore, the higher the subsidy for miners.

So although Chen Cheng and his friends are very tired, they are all very motivated.

Because it has been uploaded for almost a year, at least everyone has saved millions of net worth.

Chen Cheng thought that even if he could save money, a few miners would fart and chat together every day until a few days ago.

He only knew that there was a fellow from the southern province of Henan who actually saved more.

It turned out that this buddy came to the provincial capital to do business with his family.

His family was in business, he went to school, and later went to the provincial and municipal comprehensive technical college opened last year.

They were lucky enough to recruit the first batch of students, and then they caught up with the lack of talent in the celebrity chef group.

So they were admitted, and after a brief training, they were sent over.

Let them learn by doing here, this little brother is also able to endure hardships, and quickly mastered the technique.

Then every time, he mines the most ore. UU reading

Naturally, the bonus is the most.

And he is also very hard, and has talked to a few of them many times.

The money he saved is enough for his parents to buy a house in the provincial capital.

But he was not reconciled, because this one million is only enough to buy a small house.

And he is like letting his parents live in a big house, so this guy is desperate every time he works.

It may be precisely because of the presence of such a person that it affected the atmosphere of the entire team.

Everyone works hard and earnestly.

Because everyone knows that this job is not easy to come by.

And every day when meeting on board, I would talk to them about the outside world.

For example, some large companies in the West regard them as thorns in the flesh and nails in the bones. Everyone knows them.

Because they moved, those guys' cakes.

And those guys, maybe they will send someone over to make trouble.

Once those messy fakes come, their good days will come to an end.

Money is not so easy to make.

So everyone has to make more money before those guys have reacted.

So everyone worked hard...

Chen Cheng finally completed today's tenth pack of ore, and was planning to mine the eleventh pack.

Suddenly there were shrill sirens in his ears.

"Alarms, alarms, all crew members, miners, please pay attention."

"A hundred nautical miles to the northwest of our ship, an unknown ship is approaching us quickly."

"Expect contact to occur in two hours."

"All crew members, please return to their jobs, and all miners, please recycle the robots immediately..."

Upon hearing this announcement, Chen Cheng sighed. After all, what should have come is here...

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