My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2190: Back to Karapag Island

Three days later, the Sky Whale fleet had already appeared on the southernmost edge of the South American continent.

Once here, he has been far away from the pursuit of those ‘pirates’.

However, there are more ships in this area, so they are not working.

It looks like a normal freighter, sailing according to the route.

However, they still took the more adventurous route, that is, hiding under the cumulonimbus as much as possible.

However, the environment at this time is much better than in the Indian Ocean.

Although it often rains on the ocean, the intensity of the storm is much smaller than that on the Indian Ocean.

Soon they followed the annual East Pacific Warm Current, all the way north directly to the Karapag Islands area.

As the fleet headed north, the weather gradually warmed up.

Chen Cheng and the others also took off their thick winter clothes, and even more often, he and some crew members would stay on the deck.

Although they haven't done much work these days, their nerves have been tight.

But when they arrived at this sea area, they could see that the expressions of the leaders on board and on board the ship were obviously relaxed a lot.

Although they had seen a lot of fishing boats along the way, they were surprised that many of them were Chinese faces.

Even many people greeted them with a fluent northern accent.

This surprised them very much, and in the area near the Antarctic, they also encountered many large offshore fishing grounds.

And these fisheries are actually the projects of celebrity chef groups, which surprised everyone.

It turns out that the group has become so strong that it actually has a layout on the South American side.

And the further they went north, they saw more and more small islands, and there were scattered figures on these small islands.

It can be seen that there are still many cattle and sheep on the island.

Sometimes in order to avoid big storms, they will stay near those small islands.

They even sent people to see the islands in small boats, and the cowboys on those islands also warmly entertained them.

These cowboys, even though they are all from Tongguo, it can be seen that most of them have obvious dragon descent.

There are even some people who can speak Mandarin. Although they are a little awkward, they can still have a simple exchange.

Through communication with them, everyone learned that these people turned out to be cowboys in the Ithaca region of Copper Country.

And they were actually employees of the famous chef group, when these cowboys knew that they were the fleet of the famous chef group of Laizhilongguo.

The attitude towards them is even more enthusiastic, almost always entertain them with good wine and meat.

They had come across hundreds of such islands along the way.

And for these islands, the large ones can have ten square kilometers, and the small ones are about one square kilometers.

On these islands, there are now more or less cattle and sheep.

The cowboys on the island also confirmed with them that these are the property of the celebrity chef group!

As for the fishing grounds nearby, not to mention the fishing boats, they all belong to the celebrity chef group.

They walked north for two more days, and finally they came to the core island of the Karapag archipelago, Meihua Island.

But Meihua Island at this time is completely different from before.

The area of ​​the island is dozens of times larger than before.

The island is now more than 300 square kilometers. The reason why it is so large is of course related to the continuous development of the people on the island.

This is also mainly related to the natural environment around the island.

There are many small islands around this island, and the continental shelf near this island is also very shallow.

So after several trade-offs, Xiao Feng decided to blow up the surrounding small islands, and then fill up the sea between the small island and the main island.

In this way, more land can be obtained, under such continuous development.

Meihua Island, which used to have only tens of square meters of companies, has now become a large island covering more than 300 square kilometers.

And now the area of ​​this island is still expanding.

The reason why the area of ​​the island has to continue to expand is also due to the continuous surge in population on the island in recent years.

In recent years, they have immigrated from the Dragon Kingdom in large numbers.

Almost one million people have been immigrated one after another, and among these one million people.

There are almost 200,000 high-tech talents related to the famous chef group or the ninth laboratory.

In addition, there are two to three million people, who are talents related to various technologies, and the other 500,000, which are ordinary workers.

In addition, because the Karapag Islands have become more and more famous recently, Chinese in South America and many other countries have also begun to emigrate like here.

Especially after it has become a ‘special zone’, its status has become even more prominent.

This is the same language and the same kind, and the banking industry and financial industry here, as well as universities, and various scientific research institutions are very developed.

This place naturally attracted many Chinese immigrants from Brazil and Argentina. UU Reading once again immigrated here again.

After all, in Brazil and Argentina, the past two years have not been very peaceful, and criminal acts against Chinese have also occurred from time to time.

In order to ensure that everyone can have a safe escape route, the majority of Chinese immigrants will also choose to press a home here.

After all, this place is based on the South American continent, and it is also a place where we Chinese have a high degree of autonomy. It is naturally safer here.

Usually, these Chinese people don't necessarily live in the Karapag area because they still have to live in those countries.

But once those countries, which situation has turmoil, here is always their first choice for retreat.

This has also contributed to the rapid development of the real estate industry here, not an exaggeration.

The houses on this island two years ago were absolutely worthless. At that time, there were more than 20,000 people on the island.

They are all old, weak, sick, and disabled. Most young people choose to go to the South American continent to develop.

Either go to the copper country to be a soldier, or go to Brazil or Argentina to fight.

Those who are rich and capable choose to go to the United States.

But now, most young people have returned to their hometowns.

Either you work in Ithaca, or you work on Plum Island in Karapag. These two places are very easy to find a job anyway.

If you have the ability, you can find a job as a clerk or learn a craft.

If you don't have much ability, you just go to the construction site to move bricks, and you won't die from starvation.

In the past two years, houses on the island have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

However, the buildings here are not too high, but they are all very reasonable.

Chen Cheng and their boat had arrived at the port a long time ago, but they could only wait outside.

Because at this time the ports on the island are already full...

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