My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 2204: I didn't even think of wow!

The latest website: For example, some plastic surgery women, plastic surgery in other hospitals, the nose part, but the operation failed.

The prosthesis inside the nose is exposed, puncturing the skin at the tip of the nose, causing inflammation and skin necrosis.

Generally, when it reaches such a point, it is an irreversible medical malpractice.

No matter how much money the hospital pays you, there is no way to save it. This girl will be ruined for the rest of her life.

Because the skin at the tip of the nose is necrotic, that is, at the tip of the nose, a big hole is rotted out, and it doesn't grow well at all.

After a long time, the whole nose will rot away, and there is no way to save it.

And there are so few girls who have already been sentenced to death, and finally come back to life here at Sunshine Yimei.

The artificial skin they produce is really world-class, top-notch.

Contact with the human skin is not exclusive, and the function is exactly the same as the original.

The most important thing is the inside of the nose. The prosthesis they use for you is an unheard of new material.

It is exactly the same as the human body's own cartilage, and it will not have various metabolic sequelae like the human body's own cartilage.

And their fixation method is also super awesome. They use a fixation method of bone nails and special bone glue, so that you never have to worry about the nasal bone shifting and falling off.

Therefore, the artificial nose they recreated has really achieved the level of 100% similarity with the original nose.

It is because they saved more than a dozen such girls who failed plastic surgery that they became hot news searches.

It has also become the favorite of countless girls who need plastic surgery.

Even if their prices are twice as expensive as ordinary medical and beauty institutions.

Even though they also do wholesale face-lifting on the assembly line, everyone is still fascinated by them.

Because everyone thinks doing it in their home is regular and secure.

And this is something Xiao Feng and the others didn't expect. They originally thought that after raising the price, some customers would come to them for medical aesthetics.

And the reason for this is also out of the consideration of being responsible for the society

Moreover, the price has been increased, although the source of customers has been reduced, it will not affect their profit.

But what made him think is that although the price has more than doubled, there are not many customers who come to them for plastic surgery.

This also makes him and the hospital's management very helpless. It seems that raising the price will not stop these women's determination to pursue beauty!

If that's the case, then let them go!

And their high profile can only attract countless peers to scold their mothers.

Special grandma, do you think these women are cheap?

My price is only half of Sunshine Medical Beauty, but you still have to choose them.

What are they good for? They make the wholesale face of the assembly line. Can't we do it?

Can we do the same? And many of the materials we use are purchased from their hospitals.

You say, what is the difference between us, but why do you have to stare at them?

But what if you are in a hurry?

I can only watch others make money, but I can't do anything about it!

Some were even forced to have no choice but to move to Southeast Asia.

Fortunately, the girls over there also have a lot of needs for beauty...

Of course, Sunshine Hospital not only provides low-end assembly line production, but also increases the price of this part.

For mid-to-high-end products and services, they also upgrade prices.

However, in this part, they have to choose the target customer group.

The middle-level ones are aimed at those rich girls and celebrities.

These people are basically good, all they have to do is to fine-tune certain parts of their faces.

However, these fine-tuning are basically very difficult fine-tuning.

Generally, it is concentrated on the nose and the angle of the mandible.

No way, who made these two the shortcoming of our Northeast Asian ethnic group!

Northern beauties are better. Because of the living environment, they are born with a high nose bridge.

The bridge of the nose evolved mainly for the purpose of heating the air.

But girls from other regions don't have such an environment.

Therefore, the bridge of the nose is the most important point for many women in cosmetic surgery, and the other is the mandibular angle.

There's no way this can be done, and it's also the inherent characteristic of our ethnic group.

In ancient times, the round face and the square face are all blessings.

But in modern times, it won't work, no matter if the face is round or square, it will all be classified as a big face!

And in order not to make people look down on their faces, all the girls are willing to spend money on this.

And this kind of operation is not a minor operation.

Although many medical and aesthetic institutions can do it, the problem is that after they do it, they will have various sequelae.

For example, nose pads are made by other medical and aesthetic institutions, no matter what technology you use.

After basically three years, there must be a problem, and it must be returned to the factory for repair, which will cost a lot of money.

And the basic maintenance needs to be done once every six months...

As for cutting bones, let alone.

It was fine when I was young, but when I got older, my face would droop.

In her thirties, she looks like an old witch in her fifties. Which of those women would you say would be acceptable?

Therefore, Sunshine Medical Beauty has to receive many customers who have this part of the demand every year. UU reading

And before they did the surgery, they must have also researched and learned about it.

The country that has done the best in this regard is naturally Sunshine Medical Beauty.

Other medical and aesthetic institutions will more or less have various sequelae.

As for Sunshine Medical Beauty, the first thing is to be able to make the best appearance and achieve the shape you want the most.

Then there is the sequelae. Their technology can ensure that the sequelae are much smaller.

Other people's homes will have problems after three years, but theirs will take at least five years, and if they are well maintained, there will be no problems in ten years.

Of course, it is also necessary to return to the factory for maintenance on a regular basis, but although their maintenance is not cheap, the effect is good!

And Sunshine Medical Beauty is now like this, with branches in major cities across the country.

Although these branches cannot perform major surgeries, major surgeries still have to be done at the headquarters.

But these branches all over the country can provide you with maintenance, just like the 4S shops of major car brands.

Although they don't make cars, they can maintain and repair cars.

This also provides convenience for these ladies from rich families.

Of course, the main body of this customer group, in addition to these rich ladies, are those trainees who want to enter the circle.

In recent years, with the rise of various traffic stars, many entertainment companies have also signed various trainees in large quantities.

Basically, the method of casting a wide net is adopted. Although it is very immoral, Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteers are hooked!

Every year, I can still sign a lot of trainees...

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